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  1. dichotomy

    Underage in '06

    don't count me among them! haha i'd prefer to spend saturday nights at my grandmas. she's throw a better party.
  2. dichotomy

    Underage in '06

  3. dichotomy

    Underage in '06

    can I just ask, are you allowed into all the college/uni bar functions if you've signed the agreeance not to drink??? Or can you not go at all. O week is sounding like I should stay in Sydney till Uni actually starts!
  4. dichotomy

    Underage in '06

    Sorry, I just realised I had some function disabled so I couldn't receive PMs! I've fixed it now so I can receive them. Do you think Canberra will be tighter than Sydney? Oh- just realised I don't know if you're from Sydney.
  5. dichotomy

    casual sex or not?

    Yeah definately. There's always two sides to this kind of thing- no right thing to do. I guess you just have to decide for yourself whether you can divorce sex from emotion, which I think for females is pretty much impossible *ducks for cover*
  6. dichotomy

    casual sex or not?

    I don't mean to suggest you should sleep with someone who treats you "rough". By pain, I was referring to the almost inevitable physical pain females have with first time sex. I mean that perhaps it's an OK idea if you're in a comfortable, friendship relationship, like that person suggested...
  7. dichotomy

    casual sex or not?

    I've started to think maybe it's a good idea to lose your virginity to someone who you don't have a great deal of emotion tied to. That way, when you sleep with someone in the future who you really like, you don't risk having the shock/disapointment/pain of your first time with someone you...
  8. dichotomy

    coleridge - kubla khan

    I only discussed KK in my IJ essay (ie no other Coleridge poem). I think what you're referring to comes under a number of different points; 1. Firstly, Coleridge/Kubla is attempting to construct a manifestation of perfection. By definition, this is a concept which does not exist (at least...
  9. dichotomy

    The Future- Where'll the jobs be?

    Where will the jobs be? In a word- India.
  10. dichotomy

    Underage in '06

    I'd like to know this too
  11. dichotomy

    Wolf Whistling...

    Use your imagination, confined to the female body!
  12. dichotomy

    Wolf Whistling...

    haha- Yeh that's what I meant. I was going to be a little more crude and say anything with a ****
  13. dichotomy

    Wolf Whistling...

    Well I have to admit, I do get it all the time! Although that isn't actually me in the av. But I don't think it's because I'm exceptionally hot- I think guys whistle at anything on legs.
  14. dichotomy

    Wolf Whistling...

    Sorry, I don't know if you're meant to be offending me or not!!! but the xx's are definately yours
  15. dichotomy

    Wolf Whistling...

    I really have to say that I don't find the wolf whistling offensive *ducks for cover* ... Of course, there may be more discrete ways of expressing appreciation for the female form, but it's almost always a compliment. For the most part, the whistler doesn't want to go out with you, or even...
  16. dichotomy

    when I went to college/uni, I wish I knew/brought/did...

    haha- even the romance advice is useful! I definately have to get myself one of those plug in hard drives, esp taking files from laptop to the print room. Good advice- keep them coming!
  17. dichotomy

    when I went to college/uni, I wish I knew/brought/did...

    When I went to college, I wish I knew/brought/did... ... finish the sentence for all the freshers in the forum.
  18. dichotomy

    Underage in '06

    I was just wondering what the deal is for 17 year olds at ANU, particularly at college. It seems the o-week itinery is pretty crap for anyone underage. What have people done in the past? Are the uni bars and city clubs tight with ID? Say, compared to places on the north shore in Sydney? I do...
  19. dichotomy

    John's College Interviews

    Im just curious as to what sort of questions they ask at the interview? Like "why do you want to come to this college?" "Um... because it's too cold to live on the streets???" What kind of questions were people asked? I just think its a bizare thing that they conduct interviews.
  20. dichotomy

    John's College Interviews

    yeh I'd like to know too... I had no idea they were on so it looks like im sleeping on the streets joking.. but i'd be really disappointed if I did't get into johns