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  1. M

    how much study are you doing a day?

    At the moment I'm aiming for 6 hours a day as I don't think its good to stress out about not getting 10+ hours of study in a day if its not possible for you. Hopefully by the beginning of the HSC week I will be studying for at least 8 hours if not then I'll keep my 6 and do my best. Good Luck...
  2. M

    Speculation in mariner or kubla khan

    Hi I've already done Frost at Midnight and I was wondering if someone could point out where speculation is used in either The Rime of the Ancient Mariner or Kubla Khan. Thanks
  3. M

    Chemistry Battery Cell Research Task

    I was asked to find out about the chemistry, cost and practicality, impact on society and environmental impact of dry cells, lead- acid cells, a specific fuel cell and a lithium cell. I have to reference all the sources and I was just wondering what sort of keywords and phrases to type in to...
  4. M

    Advanced English help please Keats vs Moulin Rouge

    Hi I was just wondering if someone could tell me about the contexts of romanticism and postmodernism as I don't understand what they are any how they emphasise truth and beauty if anyone knows your help will be greatly appreciated. These contexts relate to Keats' poetry La Belle, Grecian urn...
  5. M

    Year 11 Advanced English - Area of Study

    I'm doing Conformity and the Individual
  6. M

    Chemistry Valencies

    Thanks and the easy answer to why oxygen is expressed as O2 is because it is a diatomic molecule =) Now I made my own which includes sthe more common elements and groups and the reactivity dseries of metals, I wrote it because you never know when you might need to study it, especially for...
  7. M

    What are you currently Reading?

    Go MedNez! I love the movie Battle Royale but I'm still finding a shop with the book. I'm reading The Da Vinci Code-Dan Brown, Eragon- Christopher Paolini For school,-The Crucible-Arthur Miller, The Wave-Morton Rhue for exams normally- Macbeth-Shakespeare
  8. M

    Chemistry Valencies

    Hi, Does anybody have a list of all the valencies of all the elements on the periodic table? Thanks
  9. M

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Hills Grammar
  10. M

    Help plz biophysical ineractions

    Thanks heaps it was very helpful
  11. M

    Help plz biophysical ineractions

    I'm in yr 11. doing geography by correspondance and I'm totally lost in biophysical interactions. If possible can you please tell me about the processes and interactions between the four spheres at work in the inter-tidal environment at sydney olympic park- Bicenntenial park? As i have to do a...
  12. M

    Biophysical Interaction

    I'm in yr.11 doing geo by correspondance so I can't help you with the activities but my textbook is A geography of global interactions 1 by grant kleeman.