Anyone could recommend me where to get good computer workstations/desk?
tried office works, most of the ones i was interested in, is only delivery only, since most of the time no one is at home, there's no point i just want one that could just pick up and put it in my car since my car has...
AUSTRALIA is the third-most desirable country in which to live according to an annual United Nations report that looks at wealth, life expectancy and educational levels.
Australia came in behind top ranking Iceland, and Norway in second spot.
The top three nations have not changed...
i have a sharp pain now, like someone stabbed me, couldnt stand up properly and have to crutch abit because if i stand up straight the pain would hurt more. If i am slumped or sitting sideways on my left it doesn't hurt as much. The pain is on the bottom right side of my stomach and its killing...
and to add more questions they'll ask you:
* would you have sex with a plush bear
* take photographs with barbie in the girls section when you're on your shift
* masturbate behind the counter during christmas break;_ylt=AtpMJyweVsY_rm7X8Wg6HNazvtEF
Scientists always wanna ruin the fun of humans wanting to be supernatural. And why does everything supernatural have to be scientific??
eldery migrants should be accepted, i have no problem with migrants, as long as they don't cheat on their tax system, treat everyone else with respect.. equally and don't poison my food
Re: Breaking News: Paris Hilton released from Jail
because she's white rich bitch that's why. America is soft to it's celebrities. Imagine if it was a black/asian/arab/latino doing the same thing. She would of served the full sentence!!!