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Search results

  1. W

    Ever feel like you're the only gay person at school?

    I know just how you feel. But we'll make. That's what i keep telling myself. Nice to see your post and realise there are more out there.
  2. W

    standing up for the drama students

    no i agree with what u said. id just had a rotten day where i suppose i was wishin i could just apply a formula to my I.P for drama and get an answer but that's not the case and when it comes down to it thats y i love the subjects i do. we do similar subjects by the sound of it. i did 4 unit...
  3. W

    lets open our minds people

    Does anyone else feel like our country or even our world is simply closing off their minds to the beauty of diversity. I recently watched footage of everyday citizens from the north shore (not that this is directed at them specifically) discuss how a mosque would "not fit in this area" one man...
  4. W

    standing up for the drama students

    i love history and especially extension history. studying post modernism at the moment which i find fascinating but it's made me question why thousands of us teenagers go through this cruel form of what can only be considered some sought of a cruel initiation rite of passage. the most...