
  1. docmcstuffins

    Is it worth going to Dr Du?

    Literally most of the state rankers went there and everyone and their mothers recommend it but is it worth it? The fee for year 12, especially if you wanna do both mx1 and mx2 seems a bit much but year 11 seems fine. I also read on one of the forums that the questions are really similar to the...
  2. A

    Different Chapters in Extension 2 Cambridge Textbook

    I was doing chapter 6: mechanics, and for me chapter 6 went up to H with H being the chapter review, but for my friend it went up to I with I being the chapter review and H being a new exercise on resisted projectile motion. But it says they are both published in 2020. Did they make a change to...
  3. Lith_30

    Vertical resisted motion question help

    How do I do part iv?
  4. Lith_30

    Auxillary method question

    How would I solve part a and b.
  5. N

    Cambridge exercises: are they unnecessarily challenging?

    I have a general question. My school currently uses the Maths in Focus textbooks - they're clear, easy to understand, and the homework questions aren't too difficult. I, temporarily, wanted to give the Cambridge Year 11 2U questions a go, and I found that they are quite challenging and vary in...
  6. N

    Difficult question which involves a geometric series

    I'm finishing off holiday work assigned to me before school starts back and I find myself stuck on this question all the time: "In any GP, let Rn = T(n + 1) + T(n + 2) + ... + T(2n). Show that Rn:Sn = r^n:1, and hence find r if R8:S8 = 1:81" This is how the question is printed in my textbook...