Originally posted by *Pooja*
'industrial oigins' - is that like smelting of ores and so there's more pollution and its an environmental concern?
well yes, because sulfur dioxide can form acid rain (which is another dot point later on) and acid rain changes pH in environment and destroy marine life.
Sulfur dioxide can affect the upper respiratory tract, acting as an irritant and producing symptoms of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and reduced lung function. If there are particulates in the gas, then the effects of sulfur dioxide are amplified.
Nitrogen dioxide is harmful to vegetation, can fade and discolour fabrics, reduce visibility, and react with surfaces and furnishings. Vegetation exposure to high levels of nitrogen dioxide can be identified by damage to foliage, decreased growth or reduced crop yield. It too causes breathing discomfort and irritates the respiratory tract. The main problem associated with nitrogen dioxide is that it leads to the formation of photochemical smog, which is the formation of ozone.