*Enter cynicism that the board is lowering standards.hasterz said:but i mean the difference is quite significant.....
...so much so that the number of Premier's awards given out has increased by about four-fold since 2001 (maybe more - not sure of exact figures)...withoutaface said:a) its become easier to attain a band 6
Although they did have speicmen papers to work with - not much, but at least it was something.natstar said:Becuase it was the first year of the new HSC. They had no past papers or anything to know what to expect. So it was harder to get a band 6. Now that everyone has gotten to know the new HSC, its easier to get higher marks, and then a lower UAI.
In short, yes, except maybe slightly lower.hasterz said:hmmm so 2005 uais would be a bit more consistent in comparison to other years right? i mean its like the 5th year now.. the HSC is not exactly 'new' anymore
Technically it shouldn't be more difficult to get a high UAI despite more people knowing how to get a Band 6. All students will be able to keep up with the standards - as the state improves, individual students will improve with it...so in reality, a high UAI should be just as easy to attain in 2005 as it was in 2001.lesmiester_dj said:i think since, people know how to get a band 6 now, and people are getting more intelligent, then that would mean that it would be harder to get a high uai. in short, people are becoming mroe like the mass production of a conveyer belt as is described in BNW.
markers too know what to expect as well, therefore students as well would knwo waht to expect since the markers are teachers.