Question 21 a)
Identify reasons for the differences in health care expenditure and health
promotion expenditure in Australia.
Basically this will be covered in your text book. Essentially the government wont
allocate a decent proportion of the budget for health to health promotion because the positive result of health promotion wont be seen for about 15 to 20 years. Think about it, why would the Government want to take money away from the funding for things like public hospitals (which are in crisis with funding as it is - think about the lack of beds etc that have been in the media in the past 6 months) to fund a promotion initiative that a future government will reap the benefits from? This is why there needs to be an
additional source of funds for health promotion - but of course that would require a higher tax rate, cuts in other areas etc - which again, would make people unhappy with the government. Currently (off the top of my head) i think its about 95% of funds got to expenditure for health care and 5% to health promotion. The problem is that the major causes of mortatlity and morbidity in Australia are lifestyle related, and hence preventable. In the long run, preventing lifestyle diseases would be a lot more cost efficient that treating them, but you cant very well turn your back on people who are sick just for the sake of disease prevention.
21 (b)
Explain how the application of the Ottawa Charter addresses social justice
principles in relation to cardiovascular disease in Australia.
The information to answer this question is in your text book, however, you need to combine a few different areas in order to completely cover what it is asking. There are three distict areas of this question:
- Ottawa Charter
- Social Justice Principles
- Cardiovascular Disease
You are asked to
Explain, i.e. Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how. This is quite a simple key word - so that aids in answering the question.
The principles of social justice in regard to health care are that:
- everybody regardless of S.E.S should have access to health care (1)
- Major contributers to ill health should be identified and prioritised (2)
- Groups experiencing inequities in health status should be prioritised (3)
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Australia. Under social justice principle (2) it should be prioritised.
Aboriginal and torres straight islanders, Those with low S.E.S and men (among others) experience higher levels of CVD. Under social justice principle (3) this disease should hence be prioritised.
The ottawa charter areas can also be applied to address (simultaneously) both social justice and CVD.
e.g. Creating supportive environments and Building Healthy Public Policy - No smoking on manly beaches. This not only prevents CVD though passive smoking but it also creates and environment for people with low SES to exercise - and thus addresses the principles of social justice.
You should be able to under stand the question now, and to completely answer it, you should cover all the areas of the ottawa charter and provide examples of how strategies under each one both address CVD and the Social justice principles at the same time.