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31270 Networking Essentials? (1 Viewer)


Jan 5, 2010
why would u wanna know?
Hey! Just wanted to ask a few questions regarding Networking Essentials:
1) Is this subject hard?
2) Would you suggest buying the textbooks or are they
3) How did you study for this subject? Was lecture slides
enough or did you make your own notes? Any good
resources you know?
4) Was attending the lectures and tutorials useful?
5) Any tips on how to do well in this subject?
Thank you!
Last edited:


Feb 26, 2008
Are you asking for Accounting for Business Decisions A or Networking Essentials? Or both?


Feb 26, 2008
Ok, I haven't done Networking Essentials but I have done Network Fundamentals which is the ICT Engineering equivalent. They are identical, same subject coordinator. There are no tutes or lectures, just one 3 hour lab which combined a mini lecture and then computer lab/tute into one - they are compulsory to go to. The subject itself isn't too hard but you will need to put in last minute effort if you cruise along for most the semester. Subnetting is examined a heap in the subject, you learn it in week 5 and I suggest you make sure you know how to do it very well as soon as you learn it.

The textbook is actually available in digital form for free, they provide you with an account for Cisco NetAcad so buying the book isn't neccsary. The lecture notes are pretty rubbish and the only good resources online are youtube videos and the digital textbook itself. My tutor was no good - he marked our quizes very harshly, was no good at presenting the lectures and marked our group assignment like a dick. From talking to other people i'm fairly sure I would have gotten another 10 or so marks overall if I had a different tutor.

I suggest you make notes and do the readings each week. I didn't bother and had to cram and make notes in the week leading up to the exam, the final was a must pass exam.

As for ABDA... It's rumored to be the hardest first sem/first year business subject, but i liked it and while I haven't got my mark back yet i'm expecting at least a distinction. You need the textbook as the tute questions are from them, i'd suggest going to the tutes because you can sign up for having homework checked and it's essentially a free 10 marks. The lecture slides were great and the lecturers were amazing - particularly Jon Tyler who you will likely have for the whole semester next sem/whenever i'm guessing. If you can't make it to the lectures they even record the audio and put it on UTS online. There is an optional screencast assesment and i'd highly suggest you do that - it's a bonus 10 marks (you could get 110 in ABDA). If you put in a decent effort you should be able to get a 7 or something like that for the screencast.

They usually prerelease a mid sem, but they add slight tricks and changes to the questions. If you do the pre released paper and know what you are doing passing the mid sem is not a problem, but around half of the students fail the mid sem regardless of that. They don't pre release the final but in the revision lecture they essentially told us what half the exam was on - pay attention to that. The final was long and some parts were challenging - a lot of people didn't finish and many people didn't like the exam. If you do the work throughout the semester and go to the lectures (you don't even neccesarily have to be "studying" often) you will be fine.

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