A survey on the use of social networking sites =P plz help me out (1 Viewer)

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Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
1. What is your gender?Female ( )
2. How old are you?
3. Do you use social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook?
Yes ( )
4. What do you use social networking sites for?

Keeping in touch with friends ( )
5. How often do you use it?
Daily ( )
6. If you use it, how long do you spend on it every time you log in?
2-3 hours ( )

7. Are you aware of the potential dangers of social networking sites?
Yes ( )
8. Can you list some of the potential dangers?
revelation of personal details, talking to people who aren't who they say, etc
9. Have you taken any precautions to protect yourself from these dangers? And what are they?
Yes ( )
myspace is on friends only, i dont talk to those i dont know in person on msn
10. What sort of information do you post on your profile?

Personal interests ( )
Sexual Orientation ( )
Pictures and Videos ( )
school, workplace
11. Who is your intended audience? (Who do you want your profile to be viewed by?)
Friends( )
12. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being inappropriate), how appropriate do you think the information on your profile is?
Your answer [8]
Optional questions
13. Have you been contacted by someone who you think is a sexual predator?
Yes ( )
No ( )
14. If yes, what makes you think that they are?
Your answer [ ]
15. Have you ever felt upset or distressed after chatting with a random stranger? And why?
Yes ( )
Your answer [ random told me that my bf (at teh time) was cheating on me, although he probably was, but it still upset me]

16. Have you ever been cyber bullied?
Yes ( )
No ( )
17. Have you ever bullied anyone in the cyberspace?
Yes ( )
No ( )


Aug 23, 2004
1. What is your gender?
Male ( )
Female ( x)

2. How old are you?
Age ( 19)

3. Do you use social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook?
Yes ( x)--Facebook only, I shut my Hi5 account down ages ago
No ( )

4. What do you use social networking sites for?
Making new friends ( )
Looking for relationship ( )
Keeping in touch with friends (x )
Your answer [ ]

5. How often do you use it?
Hourly ( )
Daily ( )
Weekly (x )
Monthly ( )
Your answer [ ]

6. If you use it, how long do you spend on it every time you log in?
1 hour ( )
2-3 hours (x )
4-5 hours ( )
Your answer [ ]

7. Are you aware of the potential dangers of social networking sites?
Yes (x )
No ( )

8. Can you list some of the potential dangers?
Your answer [ cyber harassment, people finding out things about you you'd rather they didn't know, people may not be who they say they are]

9. Have you taken any precautions to protect yourself from these dangers? And what are they?
Yes ( x)
Your answer [ I put profile on friends only and hide display pic from searchers, so I appear as a question mark in searches, I don't give out my mob number or my address (list hometown as Sydney instead), only add people I've met before, block people if necessary, and generally don't post up anything I don't want people to know--too exhausting having limited profile options especially now that it's been replaced with this stupid new system of friend lists]
No ( )

10. What sort of information do you post on your profile? (For this question you can select multiple answers)
Personal Contact Info – e.g. Phone numbers or address ( )
Intimate Info – e.g. Online Diary ( )
Personal interests (x )
Sexual Orientation ( )
Personal info about others ( )
Pictures and Videos (x )
Your answer [ ]

11. Who is your intended audience? (Who do you want your profile to be viewed by?)
Friends( x)
Parents ( )
Strangers in the cyberspace ( )
Your answer [ ]

12. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being inappropriate), how appropriate do you think the information on your profile is?
Your answer [ 8]

Optional questions

13. Have you been contacted by someone who you think is a sexual predator?
Yes ( )
No (x )--and I hope never to be either

14. If yes, what makes you think that they are?
Your answer [ ]

15. Have you ever felt upset or distressed after chatting with a random stranger? And why?
Yes ( )
Your answer [ ]
No ( )

I don't chat with random strangers, see above as to how I do it

16. Have you ever been cyber bullied?
Yes ( x)--someone from school whom I didn't want to contact again repeatedly friended me, I blocked her and she sent emails demanding why and that I was a loser. Does that count? Otherwise, via FB or any other means, not that I can think of...
No ( )

17. Have you ever bullied anyone in the cyberspace?
Yes ( )
No (x )


New Member
May 2, 2007
1. What is your gender?
Male ( )
Female (x )
2. How old are you?
Age ( 17)
3. Do you use social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook?
Yes (x )
No ( )
4. What do you use social networking sites for?
Making new friends (x )
Looking for relationship ( )
Keeping in touch with friends (x )
Your answer [ when im bored, making profile, practicing html]
5. How often do you use it?
Hourly (x )
Daily ( )
Weekly ( )
Monthly ( )
Your answer [ ]
6. If you use it, how long do you spend on it every time you log in?
1 hour (x )
2-3 hours ( )
4-5 hours ( )
Your answer [ ]
7. Are you aware of the potential dangers of social networking sites?
Yes ( x)
No ( )
8. Can you list some of the potential dangers?
Your answer [peadophiles/stalkers/sexual predators people finding out personal info, hackers, viruses, bullying, innapropriate content/links/pictures (though most are blocked) ]
9. Have you taken any precautions to protect yourself from these dangers? And what are they?
Yes (x )
Your answer [ dont talk to dodgy people, click dodgy links, dont post info such as address, phone number]
No ( )
10. What sort of information do you post on your profile? (For this question you can select multiple answers)
Personal Contact Info – e.g. Phone numbers or address ( )
Intimate Info – e.g. Online Diary (x )
Personal interests ( x)
Sexual Orientation ( x)
Personal info about others ( uuuh, depends how personal you mean, i might write things theyve said or were wearing but nothing really identifyable)
Pictures and Videos (x )
Your answer [ ]
11. Who is your intended audience? (Who do you want your profile to be viewed by?)
Friends( x)
Parents ( )
Strangers in the cyberspace ( x)
Your answer [ ]
12. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being inappropriate), how appropriate do you think the information on your profile is?
Your answer [8 ]
Optional questions
13. Have you been contacted by someone who you think is a sexual predator?
Yes ( )
No ( x)
14. If yes, what makes you think that they are?
Your answer [ ]
15. Have you ever felt upset or distressed after chatting with a random stranger? And why?
Yes ( )
Your answer [ ]
No ( x)
16. Have you ever been cyber bullied?
Yes ( )
No ( x) i cant remember, if i was i obviously wasnt scarred by it!
17. Have you ever bullied anyone in the cyberspace?
Yes (x ) when i was like 11! and it was rather petty stuff. still i guess it was bullying
No ( )
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