Aboriginal Stuff! (1 Viewer)

*fAiRy BrEaD*

New Member
Nov 11, 2002
Hey people, I need some help on a few areas(and sorry if its already been asked a million times)

- I need a clear definition (simple terms please hehehe) of kinship in Aboriginal Spirituality???
- Timeline of major land rights decisions in Australia (Native title act, Mabo, Wik, etc)??? I really need to check my dates are all correct!

Thanks heaps for your time and good luck everyonenot long to go!!!

xxoo ;)


Oct 10, 2002
Castle Hill
kinship just means relationship

If its by itself, it means with each other i.e. elders, to children, etc. (generally)
but it can also mean the Aboriginals relationship with the land, the ancestral spirits (the dreaming) as well.

urgh, timeline...someone else can answer that.
Mabo Decision 1992
Native Title Act 1993

Native Title Amendment Act 1998 (which included the Wik Decision)
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New Member
Aug 8, 2002
this should help

The history of the land rights movement
 The beginnings of the land rights movement is usually attributed to the Wave Hill Mob who went on strike for better conditions on a Northern Territory cattle station at wave hill.
 The cattle station was leased by Lord Vesty from England. The Wave Hill Mob were led by Vincent Lingiari
 Eventually after a protracted dispute the Whitlam Federal Government passed the first land rights legislation in 1975.
 Subsequently in the 1980's land rights legislation was passed in every state in Australia
 land rights legislation benefits a very small percentage of Aboriginal people

The Mabo High Court judgement
 In June 1992 the High Court of Australia ruled in favour of an action brought by Eddie Mabo on behalf of the Murray Island people
 The court ruled that Australia was indeed an occupied land at the time of British settlement and that the notion of terra nullius - land belonging to no one, was false in regard to the situation in Australia
 It further ruled that under certain circumstances a form of title known as Native Title existed under Australian law.
 In order to claim Native Title it had to be proved that continuous links with the land had been maintained since before 1788 and that the Native Title had not been extinguished as with free hold title
 Native Title could only be claimed on a very small percentage of Australian land

The Wik Case and the Native Title Amendment Act
 In 1996 the High court ruled in favour of the Wik people who claimed that Leasehold Title may not automatically extinguish Native Title
 The High Court ruled that in certain circumstances Native Title and Leasehold Title could co-exist and that in areas of dispute the interests of the Leasehold Title holder would prevail
 In response to pressure from investors in rural Australia the Howard Federal Government prepared legislation to amend the Native Title Act and prevent any uncertainty
 The legislation was called the Native Title Amendment Act and was commonly referred to as the 10 Point Plan
 The main feature of the legislation was to transfer from the Federal Government to the various State Governments the power to upgrade the title from leasehold title to freehold title thus extinguishing native title

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