Achievable? (1 Viewer)


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
Koray said:
AI hit the nail on the head.

And some people are to stupid to answer a simple question.

I didn't ask if I am smart enough to get that mark I asked if the marks get more consistent is it achievable.
it is acheivable but unlikely. Remembering that this is just the beginning of your assessments should mean the poor results[well not really poor but less than ideal] could be seen as justs tuff ups and only effect your final mark slightly. The HSC tends to favour consistency so if u get around 80-85 for everything from now on, including hald yearlies, trial and then ofcourse the HSC[or even higher if u go to a good school] you should be allright

if u want to go to your local uni

86=83, and 83 is very obtainable with marks averaging just below 80[which is what one could expect if you score 80 from now on]


Oct 31, 2005
aaaman said:
stfu 06er how dare u question us intelligent and far much superior 05ers u don't know shit about the system as the fucking system hopes u cave into pressure and u fill yourself so that all ur skool friends get 5 uai points

5UAI points>timbr0(what kind of shit name is that)

EDIT: also as this stupid fat wog doesn't know that the uai cut offs are actually a lie. this tool would say that "omg bs the cutoffs are real." they are only real in law and shit that everyone wants to get into. Like i know someone who got a uai of 67 that got into software engineering with a uai of 77. its us 05ers that are much wiser than this fat cunt.


5UAI points>timbr0(what kind of shit name is that)
timobr0 said:
this post clearly indicates your superior intelligence - im sure everyone agrees
Agree, he can't even spell your name...


Feb 16, 2005
Serius said:
it is acheivable but unlikely. Remembering that this is just the beginning of your assessments should mean the poor results[well not really poor but less than ideal] could be seen as justs tuff ups and only effect your final mark slightly. The HSC tends to favour consistency so if u get around 80-85 for everything from now on, including hald yearlies, trial and then ofcourse the HSC[or even higher if u go to a good school] you should be allright

if u want to go to your local uni

86=83, and 83 is very obtainable with marks averaging just below 80[which is what one could expect if you score 80 from now on]
Dude, I go to Sefton (which you claim to be good school :))and the difficulty in marking is very different in between each course.
For example the English faculty marks everything ridiculously hard. Only like the top 10% actually pass (pass means getting over 50%!!!). In the end the marks get scaled up and heaps of people get around or close to band 5.
On the other hand, the Maths staff mark a little bit tougher than the HSC level and most people get 70s or 80s in their assessment, yet almost ALL score 90+ in the end. (Approx 50% of the grade gets 90+)
Getting high marks is one thing, but more importantly the rank in your school matters because all the scaling crap is based on the external exams where everyone in every school does the same paper.


Jan 8, 2006
at my school.. we had this UAI talk and the careers advisor put up this "fake Person" who for example got 80 in all their subjects (which were the subjects that most people do eg maths eng bus studies bio chem and some others) and like that person in 2005 got a UAI of 80.25..

then she went on to another person who got 70s in all their subjects (same as person b4) and that person got a UAI of 55!!!

the main thing that our careers advisor said was that the only reason why person B got such a lower UAI was the fact that they were ranked in the bottom 50% or less than other students in the subjects...

you cant really estimate your UAI now, unless you know for a fact where you are as a rank with everyone doing the same subjects as you in the HSC


Jan 9, 2006
aaaman said:
stfu 06er how dare u question us intelligent and far much superior 05ers u don't know shit about the system as the fucking system hopes u cave into pressure and u fill yourself so that all ur skool friends get 5 uai points

5UAI points>timbr0(what kind of shit name is that)

EDIT: also as this stupid fat wog doesn't know that the uai cut offs are actually a lie. this tool would say that "omg bs the cutoffs are real." they are only real in law and shit that everyone wants to get into. Like i know someone who got a uai of 67 that got into software engineering with a uai of 77. its us 05ers that are much wiser than this fat cunt.


5UAI points>timbr0(what kind of shit name is that)
You must be the most arrogant person I have meet on Bos. You claim to be more intelligent and superior to us 06’s however by ur post I got the impression that ur a loser and a racist. How dare u call him a wog.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
P.S. Timobr0 I hope u do well so u can prove him wrong


Sep 2, 2005
timobr0 said:
...ANY UAI (or at least a very very high one) is possible with ANY subjects at ANY school as long as you work hard and get good rankings/marks. So don't think you can't get a UAI you want just because you do some "lower" subjects or go to a school ranked 100-200 +..............
Theoretically yes but you would need to come first in the school and achieve state rankings in your subjects if those subjects are poor scaling and you go to a crap school.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
timobr0 said:
...ANY UAI (or at least a very very high one) is possible with ANY subjects at ANY school as long as you work hard and get good rankings/marks. So don't think you can't get a UAI you want just because you do some "lower" subjects or go to a school ranked 100-200 +..............
i hope you do well also, i dont wanna see any1 fail or commit suicide over something as stupid as the HSC

although you are right there,[partially] it only applies to certain situations

if you are ranked 1st in all of your subjects, what school you go to will not have an effect on your uai, your uai will be determines moreso by your HSC exam results

lol this convo is a riot, not to look down on you lot, but mostly its the 06ers who are saying "anything is possible, follow your dreams!" anf other suck inspirational crap where as my advice is more realistic

the reason why[ and it is a very fair reason] poorly ranked schools and their students get lowe UAI's is because generally these schools have easier internals

its nice enough to say the threadstarter can get any mark he wants, but going off the marks he is getting now, and the fact that he is ranked mid-range, his mark will be heavily effected by how his cohort performs, and its fairly so

so theoretically i should be able to go to a lower ranked school and get a proportionally higher internal result, because lower ranked schools are ranked lower because they do better in their internals than the HSC, but as my HSC result would be the same no matter what highschool iam enroled in[assuming they had the same teaching standard and marks were totally dependant on the student] then i should get a very similar UAI

now the thing about any subject... thats also theortically true, but the reason the scale lower is because they are easier to do, so that means mistakes are amplified, humans make mistakes which is why it is almost impossible to get 100%, even if you know your shit, where as if you knew your shit just as well and also got 99%, the higher scaling subject will make your uai higher

Trembla: yeah i think Sefton is a decent school, if i lived in the area i probably would have gone there

i know what you are saying about the marking thing, but the students also do better in selectives so yeah because we are smarter and so we do betetr in the external, which is what governs the law d scaling and all the reason why hard marking is a good thing is because little mistakes arent amplified as much e.g if alot are getting around 50%, when you forget a decimal place it isnt going to make you drop 10 rankings because every1 will be spread out, but if the test is rediculously easy and every gets 17,18,19-20, that one mark you lost will make you drop 10 rankings.

riot_girl: please grow up, one day you will learn screaming racist at people and telling them what they can and cannot say is bullshit, racist is today what communist was 40years ago, a buzzword used to scare and silence people, but luckily he can 'dare' to say whatever the fuck he wants, freedom of speech bitch


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
do you really get 5 extra uai points if someone commits suicide? lol

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