Sick of boring deskjobs with shitty pay?
Wanna have some fire in ur life???
But didnt wanna join Australia's pathetic excuse of a "army of the free world that can take out Saddam" or sick of attacking little Pacific Islands and sayying "this has been our toughest war yet.... those spears really did some damage" or just sick of being America's bitch?
THEN JOIN THE Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic Armed Forces AND BE RUSSIAS BITCH INSTEAD!!!!!!!
THis deal involves
1) 24 hours of boot camp and into the meat grinder ..... ahem I mean into the sophisticated and fully integrated Soviet armed forces.....
2) Be armed with AK-47's and go and kill innocent Afghans... instead of ganging up on some crappily trained PNG "security Forces" or East Timorese "militia" who wield spears and axes
3) Drive versatile T 80s and other mechanichized infantry viechles which usually carry enugh rounds to kill 1 person due to a shitty planned economy and budget cuts in the Soviet Millitary
4) Be sent into Afghanistan in overwhelming numbers and overun that shitty little country! Not doing it the pussy American way.... if u survived Afghanistan, u would be the envy of all Russian and Slavic women (as the survival rate was like 1 in 2)
5) Be sent into Chechyna even though u are no longer part of the CCCP but of the "Commenwealth of INDEPENDENT States" with 2 hours of millitary training and firing water (which has been reduced to 300 mls per soldier - budget cuts)
6) And finally become a patriot for the mother land by being executed by ur own government when u finally realise the truth of the so called "collapsed Soviet Union"
7) Fly the State of the Art MIG 15!!!!! The centre piece of the Kryzgy airforce, which served us back in the 50's definitely proves that it is still reliable as it has precedent- compare this with the F-22 which has seen no action whatsoever and u tell me what is better!
THATS right ladies and gentleman! All these benefits as well as a $US 200 compensation to families of the deceased ($US 500 if they died in Chechyna) and a annual pay of $US 8000 (which is well above the average wage in the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic).
Be quick to join...... as positions will never be filled if we keep loosing troops in Chechyna .... umm i mean the voluntary retirement of our troops.....
CONTACT Comrade p00_p00 for more details in joining the "deceased" Soviet armed forces.....
All foreign mercanaries particulary from Australia and the USA will be subjected to wage levies of $US 4000 per annum as well as front line positions in the outskirts of Groznya, as well as no compensation to families of deceased. US citizens must also spend at least 3 weeks in Siberia b4 they are accepted (with no clothes or food of course)
Wanna have some fire in ur life???
But didnt wanna join Australia's pathetic excuse of a "army of the free world that can take out Saddam" or sick of attacking little Pacific Islands and sayying "this has been our toughest war yet.... those spears really did some damage" or just sick of being America's bitch?
THEN JOIN THE Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic Armed Forces AND BE RUSSIAS BITCH INSTEAD!!!!!!!
THis deal involves
1) 24 hours of boot camp and into the meat grinder ..... ahem I mean into the sophisticated and fully integrated Soviet armed forces.....
2) Be armed with AK-47's and go and kill innocent Afghans... instead of ganging up on some crappily trained PNG "security Forces" or East Timorese "militia" who wield spears and axes
3) Drive versatile T 80s and other mechanichized infantry viechles which usually carry enugh rounds to kill 1 person due to a shitty planned economy and budget cuts in the Soviet Millitary
4) Be sent into Afghanistan in overwhelming numbers and overun that shitty little country! Not doing it the pussy American way.... if u survived Afghanistan, u would be the envy of all Russian and Slavic women (as the survival rate was like 1 in 2)
5) Be sent into Chechyna even though u are no longer part of the CCCP but of the "Commenwealth of INDEPENDENT States" with 2 hours of millitary training and firing water (which has been reduced to 300 mls per soldier - budget cuts)
6) And finally become a patriot for the mother land by being executed by ur own government when u finally realise the truth of the so called "collapsed Soviet Union"
7) Fly the State of the Art MIG 15!!!!! The centre piece of the Kryzgy airforce, which served us back in the 50's definitely proves that it is still reliable as it has precedent- compare this with the F-22 which has seen no action whatsoever and u tell me what is better!
THATS right ladies and gentleman! All these benefits as well as a $US 200 compensation to families of the deceased ($US 500 if they died in Chechyna) and a annual pay of $US 8000 (which is well above the average wage in the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic).
Be quick to join...... as positions will never be filled if we keep loosing troops in Chechyna .... umm i mean the voluntary retirement of our troops.....
CONTACT Comrade p00_p00 for more details in joining the "deceased" Soviet armed forces.....
All foreign mercanaries particulary from Australia and the USA will be subjected to wage levies of $US 4000 per annum as well as front line positions in the outskirts of Groznya, as well as no compensation to families of deceased. US citizens must also spend at least 3 weeks in Siberia b4 they are accepted (with no clothes or food of course)