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ALP Education Policy [regarding funding to independant and non-independant schools] (3 Viewers)


Apr 27, 2003
has anyone actually seen private / public segregation at uni? honestly, i don't know where half my friends come from. the other half are evenly split.

ur_inner_child said:
i Can i just say, waa waa. Two jobs. My parents run around with two jobs, blue collared jobs mind you, and i am under public education that asks for fees LOWER than $500. Even THAT is difficult for us. So what if YOU can afford 500? It doesn't mean that we can. It also doesn't mean that it's not a sarcrafice on our part. Sounds like I'm having a waa too, but stop running around thinking that "oh, we go to a private school and my parents have 2 jobs" as if its the hardest thing to do. Stop waa-ing about how parents make a "sacrafice" for a private education as if the education there is "better". I'm from a school that in previous years, did wonderfully: last year had 20% of their students scoring over 90 for the UAI. Not bad don't you think?
i don't think anyone has complained, i think they are trying to give an example to show that not all private school people come from rich backgrounds, and not all would be able to afford extra fees.


Sep 15, 2003
wow I can't believe you guys even think $500 a year is a small amount to pay.... at my school the non-compulsary fees were $80 a term, so thats like $320 a year, and probably 1/2 of the school didn't pay any fees because no one could afford it. I remeber seeing on a current affair or one of those kindof shows parents saying how hard they have had to sacrifice to get thier kids into a private school - some of the poor private school parents even sacrificed so much that they were driving around 15 year old cars. GOD FORBID !! My mum was (and still is) struggling to pay off her house (which by my guess is close to 100 years old and cost like $45 000). When I moved out of home and was on full YA I had more money than my mum did (I still couldn't afford the school fees lol). I used to miss out on alot of excursions ect. because we couldn't afford it. When I had to chance to go to the ABW at Usyd in year 12, I couldn't afford the $3-400 dollars it cost, nor transport down there. The only reason I got to go is because the school principle knew what my situation was like and arranged for the school to pay for it and one of my teachers gave me a lift there. Meanwhile our english classes used to be in a demountable set up with ovens for a cooking room. So was all the industrial arts, and some of the teachers staffrooms. I don't think any of the buildings had air conditioners. We had a big hall which doubled as inball basketball courts which we shared with the primary school next to us, and we had 1 smallish hockey oval and 2 football ovals, all shared with the primary school next to us, and community owned indoor sports centre, ovals and swimming pool which we used. Our maths textbooks were a few years old, and our legal studies ones were new, but we only had 5 or 6 of them, so you had to borrow them for one night at a time. I didn't do history, but the 6 or 7 people who did complained that they had no textbooks at all. The school didn't have the funds to buy even 7 history textbooks. 3 of our 50 or so year 12 leavers got over 90 UAI, and about 10 -15 of them went to uni.

Now I am at uni, and I am living with my boyfriend, with our combined total income probably somewhere around the 50 - 55k a year mark. Compared to what I am used to and by all our friends standards we are rolling in money. I currently have two jobs too, but it doesn't mean we are struggling for money (it just means I have no time for uni :p). We could easily surive on me only having one job, but I choose to have two cos, well, I like money :D I know people with 1 job who work more hours than I do, and I don't see having two jobs as nessarily meaning somebody is struggling. His car is 24 years old, and mine is 14 (we are lucky to have two cars!). Together we earn more money than any of our parents. Still, if we had kids we couldn't afford to send them to private school at 10k+ a pop. We also can't afford to buy a house here cos everything is so damn expensive.

I don't begrudge people who go to private school, but please, don't try and tell me that your parents are struggling and making sacrifices when they can afford 10k+ a pop for each of thier kids and a house in sydney (which is a mimimum of 350k, which is like $500 a week in mortgage payments - thats more than most families I know take home after tax!). Its like saying your struggling because you choose to buy a big house in an expensive suburb and have less disposable income as a result. Until you have seen the state of some of our public schools in rural areas (selective publics in sydney, or in any other area where parents can afford $500 per child per year don't show just how bad some schools are) you don't know just how badly they need it. I hope that I will have enough $$ when I eventually have kids and they are old enough to send them to a private high school, and even though I am planning on sending my kids to private, I would much rather have public schools get more $$ at the expense of private schools than get no $$ at all, and the money has to come from somewhere....
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Oh so cool
Sep 28, 2004
Asquithian said:
when howard came in many said he wasnt ready...they say it for all PM's
no one disputes the need for public scool funding...
I'm not saying this about Latham because "many said he isn’t ready" I’m saying this because he has no idea what he is doing. What the labour government is proposing is a HUGE hypocrisy, those who are on a pension are going to be getting less money to encourage them to get jobs, if your a single mother with 3 children, this isn't an option. The idea of the "Labour Government" is to give the people of Australia a fair go... keeping a single mother with 3 children poor is not doing this. In reality, Mark Latham really needs to get his act together if he wishes to run a country
I realise this is a little off topic but it need saying.


Oh so cool
Sep 28, 2004
Asquithian said:
when howard came in many said he wasnt ready...they say it for all PM's
no one disputes the need for public scool funding...
I'm not saying this about Latham because "many said he isn’t ready" I’m saying this because he has no idea what he is doing. What the labour government is proposing is a HUGE hypocrisy, those who are on a pension are going to be getting less money to encourage them to get jobs, if your a single mother with 3 children, this isn't an option. The idea of the "Labour Government" is to give the people of Australia a fair go... keeping a single mother with 3 children poor is not doing this. In reality, Mark Latham really needs to get his act together if he wishes to run a country
I realise this is a little off topic but it need saying.


Mar 9, 2004
Ribbon said:
wow I can't believe you guys even think $500 a year is a small amount to pay.... at my school the non-compulsary fees were $80 a term, so thats like $320 a year, and probably 1/2 of the school didn't pay any fees because no one could afford it.... I don't begrudge people who go to private school, but please, don't try and tell me that your parents are struggling and making sacrifices when they can afford 10k+ a pop for each of thier kids and a house in sydney (which is a mimimum of 350k, which is like $500 a week in mortgage payments - thats more than most families I know take home after tax!). Its like saying your struggling because you choose to buy a big house in an expensive suburb and have less disposable income as a result. Until you have seen the state of some of our public schools in rural areas (selective publics in sydney, or in any other area where parents can afford $500 per child per year don't show just how bad some schools are) you don't know just how badly they need it. I hope that I will have enough $$ when I eventually have kids and they are old enough to send them to a private high school, and even though I am planning on sending my kids to private, I would much rather have public schools get more $$ at the expense of private schools than get no $$ at all, and the money has to come from somewhere....
I take my hat off to you.


Oh so cool
Sep 28, 2004
Ribbon said:
wow I can't believe you guys even think $500 a year is a small amount to pay.... at my school the non-compulsary fees were $80 a term, so thats like $320 a year, and probably 1/2 of the school didn't pay any fees because no one could afford it. I remeber seeing on a current affair or one of those kindof shows parents saying how hard they have had to sacrifice to get thier kids into a private school - some of the poor private school parents even sacrificed so much that they were driving around 15 year old cars. GOD FORBID !! My mum was (and still is) struggling to pay off her house (which by my guess is close to 100 years old and cost like $45 000). When I moved out of home and was on full YA I had more money than my mum did (I still couldn't afford the school fees lol). I used to miss out on alot of excursions ect. because we couldn't afford it. When I had to chance to go to the ABW at Usyd in year 12, I couldn't afford the $3-400 dollars it cost, nor transport down there. The only reason I got to go is because the school principle knew what my situation was like and arranged for the school to pay for it and one of my teachers gave me a lift there. Meanwhile our english classes used to be in a demountable set up with ovens for a cooking room. So was all the industrial arts, and some of the teachers staffrooms. I don't think any of the buildings had air conditioners. We had a big hall which doubled as inball basketball courts which we shared with the primary school next to us, and we had 1 smallish hockey oval and 2 football ovals, all shared with the primary school next to us, and community owned indoor sports centre, ovals and swimming pool which we used. Our maths textbooks were a few years old, and our legal studies ones were new, but we only had 5 or 6 of them, so you had to borrow them for one night at a time. I didn't do history, but the 6 or 7 people who did complained that they had no textbooks at all. The school didn't have the funds to buy even 7 history textbooks. 3 of our 50 or so year 12 leavers got over 90 UAI, and about 10 -15 of them went to uni.

Now I am at uni, and I am living with my boyfriend, with our combined total income probably somewhere around the 50 - 55k a year mark. Compared to what I am used to and by all our friends standards we are rolling in money. I currently have two jobs too, but it doesn't mean we are struggling for money (it just means I have no time for uni :p). We could easily surive on me only having one job, but I choose to have two cos, well, I like money :D I know people with 1 job who work more hours than I do, and I don't see having two jobs as nessarily meaning somebody is struggling. His car is 24 years old, and mine is 14 (we are lucky to have two cars!). Together we earn more money than any of our parents. Still, if we had kids we couldn't afford to send them to private school at 10k+ a pop. We also can't afford to buy a house here cos everything is so damn expensive.

I don't begrudge people who go to private school, but please, don't try and tell me that your parents are struggling and making sacrifices when they can afford 10k+ a pop for each of thier kids and a house in sydney (which is a mimimum of 350k, which is like $500 a week in mortgage payments - thats more than most families I know take home after tax!). Its like saying your struggling because you choose to buy a big house in an expensive suburb and have less disposable income as a result. Until you have seen the state of some of our public schools in rural areas (selective publics in sydney, or in any other area where parents can afford $500 per child per year don't show just how bad some schools are) you don't know just how badly they need it. I hope that I will have enough $$ when I eventually have kids and they are old enough to send them to a private high school, and even though I am planning on sending my kids to private, I would much rather have public schools get more $$ at the expense of private schools than get no $$ at all, and the money has to come from somewhere....
This thread isn't here for you to have a huge gripe...


Jun 29, 2004
Just so you know, i'm not having a 'waa waa' about my parents running around with 2 jobs to pay for my education, because they don't - i'm making reference to the thousands of parents who DO, so don't start on me having a cry about that. A sacrifice is a sacrifice no matter how much someone already has - just because someone lives in sydney and works 2 jobs to send their kids to a private school doesnt mean they arent doing it tough. Are you trying to say that everyone in sydney is well off??? Thats a pretty big generalisation to make.

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
lissa2085 said:
not true.
Many who go to a non selective government school attain UAIs in excess of 99.
Don't we deserve some funding as well?
Or should we have to balance precariously on our broken chairs and huddle around our torn, old school books so you can get a 4th swimming pool?

YOU DO HAVE FUNDING!!! you have exponentially more funding than private schools. And my god, what a bleeding heart - if this is what government schools are churning out nowadays no wonder parents are flocking to the private sector. I don't deny government schools need more funding, i never did - it just shouldnt be at the expense of the private sector.
heh, i see the tully influence. actually I find it alarming both of you support the same party considering the differences in your socio economic positions.
I'm not a bleeding heart I just happen to want textbooks published in the 90s for once. oh and chairs that don't threaten your health. is that so much to ask, marie antoinette?
oh really, why is it that we haven't seen any of this funding you claim we have. why exactly does abbotsleigh need all this funding? the school gets 14 000 per student.
when there's not enough to go around the rich have to do without - if you call doing without an aquatic centre and state of the art facilities.
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spell check

Sep 29, 2004
Asquithian said:
'what' and 'why' can be swaped...
why do they need all this funding

what do they need all this funding for

why do they need all this funding for
what do they need all this funding

spell check

Sep 29, 2004
Asquithian said:
Originally Posted by cherryblossom
why exactly does abbotsleigh need all this funding for?

You think that 'what' should replace 'why' in the above?
did you mean "to question me"?


May 14, 2004
Asquithian said:


How about you try reading some of your posts aloud. Let's see just how much sense they make...

btw. Spell Check is right.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
Asquithian said:
im sorry...due to your superior intellect you have deemed my posts to hard to understand...:rolleyes:
ellymelly doesn't know the difference between arguing about politics and issues compared to talking normally with people or just being an arse. Then again, her arguing "style" is nothing but abuse and personal attack anyway ;)


May 14, 2004
lissa2085 said:
Just so you know, i'm not having a 'waa waa' about my parents running around with 2 jobs to pay for my education, because they don't - i'm making reference to the thousands of parents who DO, so don't start on me having a cry about that. A sacrifice is a sacrifice no matter how much someone already has - just because someone lives in sydney and works 2 jobs to send their kids to a private school doesnt mean they arent doing it tough. Are you trying to say that everyone in sydney is well off??? Thats a pretty big generalisation to make.

I would first like to agree with you 100%

o.k. now I would like to have a little 'waa waa' myself because i think it is about time.

As you are all FULLY aware, I go to Abbotsleigh which is a PRIVATE school. (shock horror). To set the record straight:

My family is paying off a mortgage left over from when we lost our house during the last Labor government due to their huge interest rates and company tax as well as two cars from that same period. ( all three of which we no longer own but are still paying for.)
We are also paying off and running a farm, any of you who live on a farm know just how much this costs.
We are paying off three rents and two cars.
All the while running a small family business.
Through all of this, my parents have struggled to spend almost all of their remaining money on my education. So far it's a miracle we have survived at all considering the damage done to us during the last Labor government. there would have been a good 12 years when we would have had considerably less money then most people who go to public schools yet still my parents persevered in the name of my education. ( All objections to it that you may have aside - they and i believe it is worth it.)

now before you say i'm a rich snob with too much money, we don't actually have much at all. don't forget most of the things listed above we don't own anymore and the list of three rental houses is such because one: is a house for my dad who has to live and work in Melbourne in order to make a living.
the second is the office rental
and the third is a small appartment for me down in Sydney so that i can attend the private school without boarding, (which is more expensive) _Remembering that i live on a farm.

so please, have a little consideration and respect for parents like mine who slog it out for their children.

~ and as a side not, when my brother was born, (ages before me) my mum was a single parent with no support from the father working two shifts in order to send him to a private school. in no way can you say that she was wealthy or had money to burn. she worked damn hard and had nothing of her own to show for it, just the best chance in life for her son.


May 14, 2004
Ziff said:
ellymelly doesn't know the difference between arguing about politics and issues compared to talking normally with people or just being an arse. Then again, her arguing "style" is nothing but abuse and personal attack anyway ;)

and this differs from you HOW?


May 14, 2004
Asquithian said:
im sorry...due to your superior intellect you have deemed my posts to hard to understand...:rolleyes:
...I rest my case.

~ Oh for the voice of the Public Education.


May 14, 2004
I've been meaning to ask since first coming to Boredofstudies...



May 14, 2004
Asquithian said:
must have been a big loan for you to be still paying it off

My parents bought in hornsby and borrowed the lot in 1988...they paid it off in 1994

Alot of people who invested in terms deposits quite liked the idea of higher interest rates :)

Maybe you should have gone to a public school...alot less $$$ :) Probably same outcome and you may have seen a side of life that you will not get to see at Abbotsleigh

I SAID personal opinon aside but now you raise it...

a lot is two words, a private school education would have taught you this.

Kwayera told me to say it, so it's from the both of us.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2003
ellymelly said:
I've been meaning to ask since first coming to Boredofstudies...

It's only half an arse...

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