am i doing enough for Yr 11?.. (1 Viewer)


Dec 18, 2019
Sydney, NSW
i need some advice for organisation because as term 2 is starting i realised how behind and lacking i am in my studies. like for biology i literally did no "complete" notes and all the ones i have are just randomly scattered around. and now i realised that i basically forgot everything...everyone else is progressing quite well and writing tons of notes while i did hardly anything adequate i guess so im stressing out. how should i organise for each subject and study for them?

i currently am only doing notes for chem and bio because things like maths and english just flows as it goes along, and for business studies i did some notes at the start of the term but most of the info is common knowledge and i figured i wont do any more notes for it unless i have exams. but is this even a good idea...should i still write notes for it?

i probably sound so indecisive because i AM and i genuinely am struggling to fit into the year 11 study cycle. i did not have really good study patterns in younger years neither as i just wrote notes following the textbook whenever there was an exam. send help please :hammer:


Active Member
May 11, 2019
it all depends on ur learning style- do u find notes helpful in studying? If so, making them is a good idea to help ur study.
I made essentially no notes for bio or chem in yr11 and still did well, but thats because im not rlly a study notes kinda guy. I learn better by doing qs and understanding concepts.

However, it is a good idea to start doing things now to avoid that cramming before exams next term.
Also ye 14 units is alotttt.


Dec 18, 2019
Sydney, NSW
Hi again I just realised you're doing 3u maths, 3u english and 14 units! That's a ton of work! I would definitely consider dropping something if I was in your situation, feeling completely overwhelmed.
Just because people are writing lots of notes, it doesn't necessarily mean that will work for every subject, or every person. If you know that so many people are writing so many notes, they're probably showing it off on social media - which is just that. All on the surface. Find what works for you. For me, it was exam-style questions from past papers (which I should have done more for 4u maths lol)
As for maths, I did lots of practice questions taken from past papers (eg thsconline is a very good site), and didn't make much notes (at least for 3u maths - I made notes for 4u maths, and all that hard 4u maths led to 3u maths comparatively being a breeze).
I hated english lol in the end, I got a private tutor for english, memorised essays and repeatedly practiced adapting to exam questions.
ohh you are quite different from me, i write the least notes for maths and yea english, because it is all logic and just goes to your brain,..but for sciences like chem, bio or business studies and japanese it is essential to write notes. it just takes me so much time..

i would drop a subject but honestly, 14 units is not a big of a deal especially in my school (i go to a top ranking one) because literally most people do the same subjects i do or if not harder ones (like physics or economics) with double 3u. i will probably drop to 12 or 10 in year 12.

im not sure how to manage my time effectively and study. i am already so behind on notes that if i catch up now it'll take so long.


Dec 18, 2019
Sydney, NSW
it all depends on ur learning style- do u find notes helpful in studying? If so, making them is a good idea to help ur study.
I made essentially no notes for bio or chem in yr11 and still did well, but thats because im not rlly a study notes kinda guy. I learn better by doing qs and understanding concepts.

However, it is a good idea to start doing things now to avoid that cramming before exams next term.
Also ye 14 units is alotttt.
wow how did you manage not making notes for chem and bio given there is so much information.. you must be really good at sciences then. it's really bad to say this but honestly i haven't really had the chance to find my particular study style. i usually just write a bunch of notes two nights before an exam and cram in all the information. but that method isn't good for remembering everything for hsc...


Sep 1, 2019
i need some advice for organisation because as term 2 is starting i realised how behind and lacking i am in my studies. like for biology i literally did no "complete" notes and all the ones i have are just randomly scattered around. and now i realised that i basically forgot everything...everyone else is progressing quite well and writing tons of notes while i did hardly anything adequate i guess so im stressing out. how should i organise for each subject and study for them?

i currently am only doing notes for chem and bio because things like maths and english just flows as it goes along, and for business studies i did some notes at the start of the term but most of the info is common knowledge and i figured i wont do any more notes for it unless i have exams. but is this even a good idea...should i still write notes for it?

i probably sound so indecisive because i AM and i genuinely am struggling to fit into the year 11 study cycle. i did not have really good study patterns in younger years neither as i just wrote notes following the textbook whenever there was an exam. send help please :hammer:
Same i don't have good study patterns, i need advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
wow how did you manage not making notes for chem and bio given there is so much information.. you must be really good at sciences then. it's really bad to say this but honestly i haven't really had the chance to find my particular study style. i usually just write a bunch of notes two nights before an exam and cram in all the information. but that method isn't good for remembering everything for hsc...
Same i don't have good study patterns, i need advice
Listen up boys and girls, I will tell you the secret to studying. JUST DO IT. You don't have the right to complain, because you can do it. Study habits this that. Reminisce on that when you're homeless. You don't have time for that. If you're memory's crap, spend more time memorising. If you can't solve problems, solve more problems. No study patterns? No problem, fail a few tests and cry yourself to sleep. Hopefully your school also ranks you, and you're friends start calling you a dumbass. Oooo, you're thick-skinned and don't care about failing tests? Tell your mother to spank the shit out of you if you don't study properly, like what Asian mothers do when they're kids don't study. Yeah, how did you think those Chinese kids in primary school in China study more than you?

Or, you can just flop around with mediocrity? Not my problem. Yours.
Study style? Everyone does the same thing, read textbook, write notes/not, then do questions.
You want the best study style? Superglue your ass to a chair, and sit from 5pm to 12 am.
Apr 25, 2020
14 units is a lot so that might be part of why you're feeling overwhelmed, bio and chem are content heavy and languages in senior years are a lot harder (at least that's what I've found for french). feel better knowing that you'll be dropping at least 1 subject for the hsc so you don't need to focus on that subject as much, and focus more especially in year 11 to consolidate your base knowledge for the subjects that you definitely will be doing for the hsc. sorry that was kinda confusing but as an example, I'm doing maths&english, chem bio and french currently and i know for sure that I'm dropping french next year, so I'm basically using more time to study for bio and chem rather than french. year 11 won't matter that much in the grand scheme of things but it's very important to use this year to find your learning style and a good study pattern instead of fumbling around in year 12.

if you're behind on notes you can ask your friends for theirs, in senior years collaboration with your peers is really good for learning :) for me, my bio and chem teachers make notes for us and post them on our google classroom but they are very comprehensive so we just make a copy and cut down, keeping the key points and stuff. also whenever you're making notes, make sure that you're looking at the syllabus and ticking off the dot points. i did an accelerated ipt course in year 9 and 10 and the syllabus was SO important especially in year 10. print out the syllabus, tick off the dot points that you've made notes for, then after you've revised go back and try to remember the content for each dot point. past papers also worked wonders because it familiarises you with what is going to be asked in the tests.

for me, i just have to force myself to sit down and start studying but once you get on a roll it's easy from there. i do 1-2 hours of studying and then i take a 15-30 minute break to prevent burnout but that might not work for everyone :) i also think it helps if you put more effort into your notes (handwritten). going to libraries with friends will also help you study (not right now tho bc covid, but being on skype calls, zoom calls, discord calls etc) because you're in that sort of environment (provided your friends aren't distractions) and you'll feel more productive. don't study on your bed. apparently it's helpful if you have a specific spot in your room/house designated just for studying and every time you go there your brain will turn on "study mode"


Active Member
May 11, 2019
wow how did you manage not making notes for chem and bio given there is so much information.. you must be really good at sciences then. it's really bad to say this but honestly i haven't really had the chance to find my particular study style. i usually just write a bunch of notes two nights before an exam and cram in all the information. but that method isn't good for remembering everything for hsc...
lol thanks. i took notes in class and stuff but i didn't really make study notes or anything. Honestly i did alot of cramming before y11 exams too, but i just revised using the textbook and mostly did practice qs
As I said, its not rlly being good at sciences its just learning style


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
seems like you should glue yourself to a chair from 5pm to 12 am and study some basic english before BASHING someone about their post
Sorry for typing at 130 wpm and not looking back on a post, because this topic is so stupid. Everyone knows how to study. Everyone knows what they should do to achieve what they want.

I'm not the one struggling here. As such, I don't see the need to glue myself from 5 pm to 12 am. And don't complain about my grammar when you don't know what capital letters or a full stop is.


Dec 18, 2019
Sydney, NSW
Sorry for typing at 130 wpm and not looking back on a post, because this topic is so stupid. Everyone knows how to study. Everyone knows what they should do to achieve what they want.

I'm not the one struggling here. As such, I don't see the need to glue myself from 5 pm to 12 am. And don't complain about my grammar when you don't know what capital letters or a full stop is.
you are right this is stupid but i just had to ask because im so bad at managing my time and never been using any good study tips because in my previous years i didnt really take academics that seriously. i literally just come on here to seek advice i was genuinely struggling with it like what's the big deal with that?? there's no point in bashing someone for not knowing how to do something. if you think it is stupid or you don't like it then don't say anything and just go study bruh.


oui oui baguette
Nov 6, 2019
cuddles lane
Sorry for typing at 130 wpm and not looking back on a post, because this topic is so stupid. Everyone knows how to study. Everyone knows what they should do to achieve what they want.

I'm not the one struggling here. As such, I don't see the need to glue myself from 5 pm to 12 am. And don't complain about my grammar when you don't know what capital letters or a full stop is.
You claim this post to be stupid and yet you decided to give up your sleep time and write a whole chunk of trash at 1.30 am. Seems like you care enough. Capital and full stop is punctuation which i omit from chatting because it's... CHATTING?! Getting 'their', and 'they're' mixed up, however, is a big issue when you're so full of yourself. πŸ‘‹
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
you are right this is stupid but i just had to ask because im so bad at managing my time and never been using any good study tips because in my previous years i didnt really take academics that seriously. i literally just come on here to seek advice i was genuinely struggling with it like what's the big deal with that?? there's no point in bashing someone for not knowing how to do something. if you think it is stupid or you don't like it then don't say anything and just go study bruh.
And I gave advice.

"Listen up boys and girls, I will tell you the secret to studying. JUST DO IT. You don't have the right to complain, because you can do it. Study habits this that. Reminisce on that when you're homeless. You don't have time for that. If you're memory's crap, spend more time memorising. If you can't solve problems, solve more problems. No study patterns? No problem, fail a few tests and cry yourself to sleep. Hopefully your school also ranks you, and you're friends start calling you a dumbass. Oooo, you're thick-skinned and don't care about failing tests? Tell your mother to spank the shit out of you if you don't study properly, like what Asian mothers do when they're kids don't study. Yeah, how did you think those Chinese kids in primary school in China study more than you?

Or, you can just flop around with mediocrity? Not my problem. Yours.
Study style? Everyone does the same thing, read textbook, write notes/not, then do questions.
You want the best study style? Superglue your ass to a chair, and sit from 5pm to 12 am. "

And provided solutions, albeit in a satirical tone. lmao.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
You claim this post to be stupid and yet you decided to give up your sleep time and write a whole chunk of trash at 1.30 am. Seems like you care enough. Capital and full stop is punctuation which i omit from chatting because it's... CHATTING?! Getting 'their', and 'they're' mixed up, however, is a big issue when you're so full of yourself. πŸ‘‹
130 wpm, as in like typeracer. lol. Why are you so mad? I don't think you realise that there are plenty of people who superglue themselves from 5-12. You seem to ridicule that idea.


Dec 18, 2019
Sydney, NSW
because this topic is so stupid. Everyone knows how to study.
bruh. you probably won't know but lots of people other than myself are struggling to study. and even if it is so logical and is it hurting you that i ask?


Dec 18, 2019
Sydney, NSW
Well if you don't start now, it can only get worse. Sorry that it sounds kinda cliche, but that's the cold hard truth.

I'm getting the impression that peer pressure and herd mentality are stopping you from dropping a subject. If you're getting constantly annoyed with a subject, then drop it. It's your life and your hsc. (Different to finding it difficult - I stick it out for a few weeks and see if I really hated the concepts, or just wasn't trying)

If you're that short on time, type your notes up. Although some people like me remember their notes better if they write them down on paper as opposed to typing them up, I think that gap can be fixed by past papers where you practice all kinds of questions. But I wouldn't type maths notes. I can touch type, but I found it quite awkward to switch between keyboard and mouse to insert maths symbols everywhere on a word document (for example). Or you can leave gaps to handwrite things that you can't type in.

Maybe try doing practice questions and look at the things you got wrong, then make notes on these? I think that's what people may mean when they say to make the notes 'your own' - to target them towards your own weaknesses so they will eventually disappear. If you know something really well and don't make mistakes on it, no point including those. Because in your final revision and past papers, you'll encounter those questions anyway so it will refresh your memory.

Some people find it easier to make schedules and stick to them, but for some really weird reason that never works for me until this day lol. What does work for me, is if I start on something and try to get it done even if it takes a few hours. If I hit a point where I'm totally stuck, I start on the next thing. And so on. I retry the things I was stuck on, maybe 15 minutes later, or a few hours, or the next day. It depends. I guess it would only work if you can self study well, and have everything you need (worked solutions if you need them, etc).
I don't actually have much problems with my subjects right now. I don't really want to drop a subject because I think they are all important and i wanna give them a try. Thanks for all your advice!


Feb 8, 2018
I don't really waste time writing/typing on notes, rather it's better if you put full focus on a concept for a sufficient amount of time then revise it constantly throughout the term. Then I use the notes of others to make sure I'm not having gaps in my knowledge, if i make 'notes' it's usually brief and 1 page; it's more like a summary than notes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Well, wouldn't you say that you're just stuck on, or superglued to, that idea?! γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹
Because it works lmfao. Not necessarily superglued, but you get what I mean; hopefully.

I don't really waste time writing/typing on notes, rather it's better if you put full focus on a concept for a sufficient amount of time then revise it constantly throughout the term. Then I use the notes of others to make sure I'm not having gaps in my knowledge, if i make 'notes' it's usually brief and 1 page; it's more like a summary than notes.
And I manage to copy half the textbook, in which case, I figure notes are pointless for me. lmfao.


Critical Hit
Sep 7, 2019
I don't really waste time writing/typing on notes, rather it's better if you put full focus on a concept for a sufficient amount of time then revise it constantly throughout the term. Then I use the notes of others to make sure I'm not having gaps in my knowledge, if I make 'notes' it's usually brief and 1 page; it's more like a summary than notes.
Same here, or I just download some notes from this site. Better than sitting there and spending a chunk of time writing stuff down. Also, I think that when it is less convoluted, I check it more often meaning that I retain it. I go parasite and just leech notes of others.

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