leetom said:
Instead, the beginning of the 21st century is dogged by Christian fundamentalists who are in control of the most powerful nation in the world at the moment. When will Christians learn to stay the fuck out of politics?
I wouldnt say that bush's ideologies are christian based. If he claims he is, then i guess he is lying and is committing apostasy.
Bible: Love your enemies as you love yourself
Bush: Bomb your enemies as they do not conform to US ideologies
I'd be careful in your assumptions as they probably only refer to a small minority (e.g Bush, King Richard and the crusades). Its just the same with Muslims. Most people get the idea they are bad, killing people. In fact, they are generally not.
Agreed though, I think religion and politics should be
seperate. However it would be wise to have a law that is based on "moralistic" values in order to keep society from anarchy.