all my friends exams finished last week. I still got eco and legal to go. What makes it worse it that they are both about writing long essays. Sometimes i just feel like...quiting i still might. who else feels this way
eco is my last exam, so close and yet so far! and while everybody else (at least it feels like everybody else) is off celebrating their freedom, i am left staring at all these *wonderful* economics facts and figures!
luckily its lousey weather outside... makes me feel only slightly better!
Here's another way of looking at it... they're chumps, they don't have you around to celebrate. You've had more time to study and you're doing a course that I reckon aligns pretty well. That, and the test is tomorrow, smile... you're almost there.
tommorrow im screwed u no...ill have to write the same thing in every question. Im just gonna keep referring to eco growth,unemployment,inflation etc. they best rename economics to GAYONOMICS
im with steviedwonda, i friggen hate this subject. everything about this subject is so boring and i don't understand a thing, im jst not an eco type of person. its so yuck - -'' so i am ALWAYS feelimg de-motivated for this subject man :mad1: