hey ahmi and Gummy bear,
my BOW is textiles and fibre based well thats the catagory i put it inot for marking, i did 18 abstract pieces in total. nearly all were done on canvas and i either painted them, dyed them or left them, then i sewed on the sewing machine, hand sewed glued u name it i did it , it really hard to explain but they are all totally different to each other. but if this help this is my artist's statement:
Delicately Raw
Intricate details and delicate works interested me whilst i was creating "delicately raw". As i expplored the way textiles and fibres could be manipulated to create an array of artworks, i found myself lookign for artists works and art periods such as art Noveau and art Deco, which involved intricate and delicate details. Artists such as Vivienne Mountfort, Marilyn Druin, Michael Johnson, Wassily Kandinsky, Jan Van Eyck, David Robinson and Kate Briscoe to mention a few were some of the artists whose works interested me. their works included relflections through mirrors, gold detailing, spirals of thread, movement of linear elements and brush strokes. i wanted to create works with a lot of detail and using textile materials, which when looked at from a distance were intriguing but when looked at even closer were even more interesting and detailed. Some of the materilas i used were; embroidery threads, colourful dyes, papers, lino prints, handmade buttons, chicken wire and ribbon.
ps i havent put photos on here didnt know u could, the photo of them all does really show the detail in them so yeh
thanks ('',)