Please unite and discuss COMICS
+ The Dark Knight Returnssandman
y the last man
v for vendetta
y the last man
v for vendetta
It was pretty awesome, it's the DKR of Superman, imo.Oh, an All Star Superman fan! I picked up the two volumes. Awesome stuff =)
What is it about? I pretty much hate Superman with a passion so All Star was a kind of freak accident, haha, so it has to be pretty damn good.I'd say the same. Though if you haven't already, check out "Superman: Red Son". Was really impressed by it and is up there with All Star.
Superman as a communist dick. Hot. I'll download it and have a look, then.Elseworlds story, where Superman lands in Soviet Ukraine instead of the Midwest, as a child. Tbh i didn't really like Superman until i read this and All Star.
Well, Marvel is far better with their mainstream work (Morrison's New X-men, Brubaker's Captain America, Bendis' Alias, Bendis/Brubaker's Daredevil, Parker's Agents of Atlas, Vaughn's Runaways) but they just don't have anything like Vertigo and cancel books which don't turn an immediate and large profit, which really hurts their ability to garner critical acclaim and build up new properties.most of the trashy comics come from marvel do they not?
dc is where the good stuff is at
thanks for the list kami; gonna check them out
No. Just, no.DEADPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg love that guy, deadpool=awesomenessinacan
yeah, its also pretty good if youve never read comics before *points to self* ive read others, but this was just plain awesome
Yeah, Jeph Loeb is pretty good there. Stay away from some of his other stuff though, he can be a truly atrocious writer (Hulk, Ultimates 3).Another great team up is Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. Spider-man: Blue, Daredevil: Yellow, Batman: The Long Halloween are pretty damn good. Worth checking out.
The current series; it involves 'Rulk' and is bad to the point of hilarity. It's literally one of the worst pieces of fiction that Marvel has ever published.Hmm i've heard he can be pretty ordinary. Is there a specific Hulk series he made awful? Hulk: Gray or something else?