yup i am!
its an awesome campus!! not so great to look at but has generally everything you need! its pretty small and there arent many (like 3000 i think) internal students so its never overly crowded. People congregate outside the library on the lawn and it always has a really good vibe. Well in summer anyway! winter is bitterly cold, it doesnt snow but the winds are FREEZING. days get up to about 12 degrees max. but that doesnt stop us! living on campus is really good. i dont know if youre into the whole idea of dorm living but its a great way to make friends pretty much instantly! the catered residences are the most fun- we can get quite rowdy (especially on bar nights!) and everyone is usually up for a good time. I live in towers and it looks like a gaol but is soooooo much fun! theres always someone to talk to/ drink with etc In summer everyone gets together outside for ganmes of cricket between the towers and dorms hold bbqs together and stuff..
the best idea is probably to check the campus out for yourself.. there is an open day every day thing.. call up the uni and they will arrange a time (even in holidays) for you to take a campus tour. thats probably the best thing.. maybe you can get a few mates together and car pool or something.. but yeah, check it out for yourself.. you cant get a feel for the place propelly without being there!