Oh you are an 06er, sorry I thought you were a law student. Let me explain properly then
PLT is Practical legal training, after you complete a B Laws you must undertake this training at the school of law before you can be admitted as a solicitor, this training involves work experience and study at either the college of law or as part of your degree.
The DPP is currently offering paid positions for those people undertaking the PLT which means they are pretty much working there straight away, you wouldnt exactly be prosecuting but you would be working there. You can also do some work experience (either paid or voluntary) while at uni to get a feel for things and this is encouraged.
If you wanted to Prosecute as a Barrister you would have to take the bar exams and do the bar practice course at some time, but i think you could do soliticor work for the DPP while/before you are doing that but I am not entirely sure. Taking the bar also means you would work with a barrister for a year I think it is you are sort of like their aprentice.
I hope I made sense and all the info made sense but I'll give you some links
DPP NSW site
Info about requirements for becomming a solicitor and PLT
Infor abt the Bar -
Good Luck
EDIT: I just noticed your last post. I'm not entirely sure how much it will help me, Criminology is similar to law and differnt at the same time (I dont know much though I've only been at uni for two weeks) although I have been told it will be somewhat beneficial, however I mainly chose it because I wasn't interested in anything else and it sounded interesting and the kind of think that I'd like to study

However I strongly urge you to study what you are interested in and not what MIGHT help your career prospects, if you hate it you wont do well and it wont be any help :uhhuh:
However if you are considering Criminology in a combined law program it is only avaliable at UWS , you can do the degree at UNSW but not combined with law. No other uni's have the Criminology major in their soc sci degree that is combined with law.