I completely agree, and could probably gush about this forever, but for everyone's sake I'll attempt to be brief.
It's great how you spend loads of time with some people, and get bored or just feel like time alone, but how when you spend it with someone you love, it's the opposite. The time passes rapidly, it never seems like enough, and it's always too long until you see them again.
Another thing which I think is fantastic is how as time progresses you find more and more reasons to love your partner, and how as you become closer, little things like habits and mannerisms that you never really thought much of at the start of things become endearing, to the point where you can't imagine what life would be like without these.
And, to wrap things up, I love how over time you're able to look back at all you've accomplished and experienced together, knowing that there's nothing at all that you'd want to change, and knowing that it's been the happiest time of your life, and that you've been able to share that with someone else.
Yeah, that'll do for now, marginally awkward but hopefully some people will be able to relate