So the general consensus is that USyd and UNSW are the best law schools in Australia?
I dont know, I personally find U. Melb very good as well, and I've seen it ranked well worldwide and get good marks in the Good Universities Guide 2006.
Pretty much everyone on this site is from Sydney and I don't think any frequent posters in this particular forum go to Umelb, so you should expect a fairly Sydneycentric view.
Should I move interstate to go to ANU or should I stay for the 15 minute walk to Macquarie, despite its lower reputation if I don't make it to USyd or UNSW? Or should I just pay $20,000/year?
LottoX, if you're only concerned about reputation I don't see any reason why you should uproot and come to Canberra. If you want to move out of home though...
_dhj_ said:
ANU is the worst option as living far from home costs as much as the full fee itself.
That's untrue, have you moved out of home?
From memory full fee combined law costs around $20,000 a year.
A self catered college in Canberra costs $140 p/w (bills paid). Usually food costs around $50 p/w. In Canberra you won't be paying much for transport (since you'll either live on campus, you'll be in walking distance of campus or in the worst case have to pay $2.50 for a daytrip bus ticket).
Give or take that's around 200x40 = $8,000 for rent and food. Add in bond money, parking permits and other incidentals and you're looking at around $10,000 tops - which is covered completely by Youth Allowance.
So yeah, I live in expensive CATERED accomodation and I generally only have to make up a deficit of $40-$50 a week