velox said:
Prestige, as in the marks required to gain entry into that course. More like academic prestige i guess.
for medicine ull realise soon enough the UAI/ENTER/TER is too broad to describe ppl with... ppl with 98 with drop out.. and ppl with 93 will stay in and graduate..
prestige wise... most ppl compare with the quality of graduates and their work.. not the entry.. cos it aint over till u graduate
this is flawed as undergraduates will realise.. v.good researchers (imagine Rainman) are shit teachers.. other ppl compare by the age of the institution, size or nobel laurates in faculty or are graduates (this is kinda linked to age.. so flawed again)
for those that do .. i say find a place tat suits ure goals.. or then just work for them if ure at another place..
i think prestiage is overkill when i was in yr 11 (2002), a usyd grad and registrar.. told me to aim for newcastle.. she was more impressed by tat intern than the UNSW or Usyd one at the time.
this was a USYD Clinical hospital :S