miss_gtr said:
even if she was really nice and all? you wouldnt go for her cuz she was fat?
ok. fair enough.
I wouldn't. I would have to get her 2 cinema seat tickets each time we went to the cinemas, I'd have to fork out $20 just for her MacDonald's lunch.
I'd have to pay 40% extra on clothes because I have to order them overseas because she's so fat they don't make her size anywhere in Australia, and pay huge overseas tax fees.
When I get older and own a car, I would have to heighten the suspension by about 2 meters whenever I planned to take her somewhere so that the car could move.
I wouldn't be able to take her for walks in the park because she'd suffocate if she had to walk 15 minutes in a park without food or soft drink.
I can't talk to her on MSN Messenger because she always gets the "Error; Your fingers are too fat for this conversation" message
I wouldn't be able to take her walking around the city and through centennial park for a picnic because she takes up a whole bench when she sits down.
My friends would think she has cancer because the flabs in her stomach makes it look like she has 27 tits
When people check out one of her assets, her ass, they don't say "wow what an ass!" they say "dear god.. it's alive"
Last but not least, god knows how much of my dick would be left if I let her mouth near it.