Anyone here doing Biomedical Engineering/Science (any majors)? Give me some advise plz?..............
COme on. please dont leave me alonepsych_girl said:Anyone here doing Biomedical Engineering/Science (any majors)? Give me some advise plz?..............
And end up like the tools I had supervising me when I was on Ag Camp 2002 (whose jumper I'm wearing now for some reason)? I think not.1Time4thePpl said:you guys all suck. do bachelor of agriculture instead.
Hahaha well given we were in year 10 and it was heavily supervised, there was no alcohol, and the barn dance was shit.1Time4thePpl said:hhahahhahaha you went to agriculture camp. how was the drunken barn dance? Did you make out with any cows. or sheep for that matter. My personal preference lies in the latter.