An iron homily
- Joined
- Nov 28, 2004
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- 4,264
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EDIT: None of the member links work, because when the server was being migrated- all of them were changed.
Welcome one and all to the UTS forum and to the University of Technology, Sydney in 2008!!
Please state what degree you'll be doing and what year you'll be in. I'll update the list here as we go along.
To all the new 08ers we hope you'll be comfortable and feel welcome here and at uni and to all those continuing, welcome back.
Faculty of Business:
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building:
Faculty of Education:
Faculty of Engineering:
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Faculty of Information Technology:
Faculty of Law:
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health:
Faculty of Science:
Institute of International Studies:
*Coded by Huratio
If anyone would like to be added to the list, just post below with your degree, major and year.
Most Recent Member added: bigboyjames
Date Updated: 18 August 2008
Welcome one and all to the UTS forum and to the University of Technology, Sydney in 2008!!
Please state what degree you'll be doing and what year you'll be in. I'll update the list here as we go along.
To all the new 08ers we hope you'll be comfortable and feel welcome here and at uni and to all those continuing, welcome back.
Bored of Studies UTSers in 2008
Faculty of Business:
- jase_ BBus (Accounting)/BComp (Internet Business Technology) graduand
- Beaky B Bus/B Comp, graduand
- makaB Bus (HRM)/B Laws, fourth year
- ragnarok BBus (Accounting)/BComp (Internet Business Technology), fourth year
- steph@nie BBus/BA in International Studies, fourth year
- Dingo2004 BBus (Accounting & Marketing), part time
- Azzie BBus/BA in International Studies, third year
- DigitalFortress BBus (Finance)/BComp (Application Development), third year
- freakstar87 BBus/BComp, third year
- goan crazy BBus (Marketing)/LLB, third year
- Huratio BBus (Accounting)/BComp (Mobile Computing), third year
- ishq BAcct, third year
- kd14B Eng (Software) / B Bus / DipEngPrac, third year
- kenjieh BEng (Software)/BBus/DipEngPrac, third year
- Matty Coss BBus, third year, City/Kuringai
- nick1048 BBus/LLB, third year
- sighm0an B Acct, third year
- ZeGoat BAcct, third year
- roadcone BBus, part time, third year
- Beetle BBus, second year
- blOwfish BBus (Marketing/Advertising Promotions), second year
- crazy_viet BMedSci/BBus, second year
- denise_ BBus, second year
- krayzie_ BMedSci/BBus, second year
- liz100 BBus, Kuringai, second year
- matty_fwd BBus (part time), second year
- parts BBus, second year
- rormonor BBus/BSc IT, second year
- snowbunny BBus (full time), second year, city
- eee BBus/BScIT, first year
- efhat BBus, first year
- Fizz86 BMgmt (Tourism), first year
- fOR3V3RPINKKKK BBus, first year
- johnnypaul B Eng/B Bus, first year
- Malfoy BBus/LLB, first year
- mR.aCAdEMiK BBus, first year
- sergeoz BBus/LLB, first year
- truper BBus, first year
- xxJTxx BBus/LLB, first year
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building:
- Purple BA in Architecture, third year (fourth year @ UTS)
- danni a BA in Architecture, second year
- Jezzi B Design in Visual Communication, second year
- juni B Design - Visual Communication/BA International Studies, second year
- Superstar44 B Design - Fashion & Textiles, second year
- williamycai BA Architecture, second year
- Fruitsalad B Design - Interior Design, first year
- poppop B Design - Interior Design/BA (International Studies), first year
- Qualona BA Architecture, first year
Faculty of Education:
- crazy_blonde BA in Organisational Learning/BA in International Studies, third year
Faculty of Engineering:
- Logistics BEng (Software)/DipEngPrac, fourth year
- kd14B Eng (Software) / B Bus / DipEngPrac, third year
- kenjieh BEng (Software)/BBus/DipEngPrac, third year
- Miles Edgeworth BEng (Software), third year
- Musk B Eng (Civil), third year
- A2RAYA B Eng/DipEngPrac (Civil - Construction)
- Benmc B Eng (Civil - Structural)/DipEngPrac, second year
- bigboyjames B Eng (Civil), second year
- Nullz B Eng (Civil Engineering)/ DipEngPrac, second year
- korrupt_samurai B Eng (ICT), second year
- nick351 B Eng(Mechanical)/DipEngPrac, second year
- sinist4 B Eng(Civil - Structural)/DipEngPrac, second year
- crazysambo B Eng (Mechanical and Mechatronic), first year
- darkwaters B Eng (Civil)/DipEngPrac, first year
- johnnypaul B Eng/B Bus, first year
- Unwant3d B Eng(Civil - Structural)/DipEngPrac, first year
- watiwat BEng/DipEngPrac/BA (International Studies), first year
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
- braindrainedAsh BA in Communications (Journalism), graduand
- my sharona BA in Communications (Public Communications - Public Relations), graduand
- Clutch BA in Communications (Public Communications), third year
- kami BA Communications (Writing & Cultural Studies), third year
- snickerdoodle BA in Communications (Journalism), third year
- Sweets BA in Commmunications (Journalism)/LLB, third year
- Trippedicular BA in Commmunications (Journalism)/LLB, third year
- bluephish BA Communication (Media Arts & Production), second year
- Hermzie BA Communication (Journalism)/ BA International Studies, second year
- hotChoklat BA Communication (Social Inquiry)/ LLB, second year
- sarah89 BA Communications (Journalism), second year
- scram_toots BA Communications (Writing & Cultural Studies), second year
- shimmy&shine BA Communications (Journalism), second year
- ahen BA Communications (Writing and Cultural Studies), first year
- bigkevatoz BA Communications (Journalism), first year
- BlytheChloe BA Communications (Journalism), first year
- Cythen BA Communications (Media Arts and Production), first year
- eyetalian BA Communications (Journalism)/LLB, first year
- Melethiel BA Communications (Writing and Cultural Studies)/LLB, first year
- noir. BA Communications (Social Enquiry), first year
- skynet89 BA Communications (Journalism)/LLB, first year
Faculty of Information Technology:
- copious BSci in IT/DipITPP graduand
- fatmuscle BSci in IT/DipITPP graduand
- jase_ BBus (Accounting)/BComp (Internet Business Technology) graduand
- tactic BSci in IT/DipITPP graduand
- Timbk2 BSci in IT/DipITPP graduand
- Beaky B Bus/B Comp, graduand
- DJGerber BIT, graduand
- ragnarok BBus (Accounting)/BComp (Internet Business Technology), fourth year
- DigitalFortress BBus (Finance)/BComp (Application Development), third year
- freakstar87 BBus/BComp, third year
- Huratio BBus (Accounting)/BComp (Mobile Computing), third year
- golden86 BSci IT, second year
- help_me_please BIT, second year
- Hiluke BIT, second year
- rormonor BBus/BSc IT, second year
- Spider786 BSci IT/DipIT Professional Practice, second year
- Veronica.L BIT, second year
- eee BBus/BScIT, first year
Faculty of Law:
- makaB Bus (HRM)/B Laws, fourth year
- agentprovocaterLLB/BA International Studies(Italy), third year
- glycerineLLB, third year
- goan crazy BBus (Marketing)/LLB, third year
- nick1048 BBus/LLB, third year
- Sweets BA in Commmunications (Journalism)/LLB, third year
- Trippedicular BA in Commmunications (Journalism)/LLB, third year
- hotChoklat BA Communication (Social Inquiry)/ LLB, second year
- jaisy88 LLB, second year
- eyetalian BA Communications (Journalism)/LLB, first year
- lachlan.1989 B LLB/BA International Studies, first year
- Malfoy BBus/LLB, first year
- Melethiel BA Communications (Writing and Cultural Studies)/LLB, first year
- sergeoz BBus/LLB, first year
- skynet89 BA Communications (Journalism)/LLB, first year
- snowflakelatte B LLB/BA International Studies, first year
- xxJTxx BBus/LLB, first year
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health:
- vodkacrumble BNursing, graduand
- dark secrets BNursing, graduand
- shortie_689 BNursing, third year
- absolutepureobl BNursing/BA International Studies, second year - Ku-Ring-Gai campus
- jooobl BNursing, second year
- lil_georgie_gal BNursing, second year
- Riona B Nursing, second year, Ku-Ring-Gai campus
- samantha_s BNursing, second year
- gracie007 BNursing, first year, Ku-Ring-Gai campus
- shanti96 BNursing, first year, City campus
Faculty of Science:
- thejosiekiller BSci, graduand
- bernz B Biotech/BA International Studies (Canada), third year
- Silver and Cold BMedSci/BA International Studies(Switzerland), third year
- azn_gangsta81 BSci (Hons) Applied Chemistry in Forensic Science, second year
- crazy_viet BMedSci/BBus. second year
- earthnfire BSci Biomedical Science, second year
- krayzie_ BMedSci/BBus, second year
- LostAussie BSci (Hons) Applied Chemistry in Forensic Science, second year
- mariyamo BSci - Biomedical Science, second year
- nice BSci, second year
- Phyuk_Yiu BSci, second year
- sandz_2 BSci, second year
- *yooneek* B Applied Chemistry in Forensic Science, second year
- dr.denk BSci - Applied Physics, first year
- duckofdoom BSci - Biomedical Science, first year
- euro-dragon BSci - Biomedical Science (Forensic Biology), first year
- FairyFloss BMedSci, first year
- maxpowerallstar BMedSci, first year
- MortImmortelle BMedSci/BA International Studies, first year
- vorahk BSci (Biotechnology/Med/Biomed), first year
Institute of International Studies:
- steph@nie BBus/BA in International Studies, fourth year
- agentprovocaterLLB/BA International Studies(Italy), third year
- Azzie BBus/BA in International Studies, third year
- bernz B Biotech/BA International Studies (Canada), third year
- crazy_blondeBA in Organisational Learning/BA in International Studies, third year
- Silver and Cold BMedSci/BA International Studies(Switzerland), third year
- absolutepureobl BNursing/BA International Studies, second year - Kuringai campus
- Hermzie BA Communication (Journalism)/ BA International Studies, second year
- juni B Design - Visual Communication/BA International Studies, second year
- lachlan.1989 B LLB/BA International Studies, first year
- MortImmortelle BMedSci/BA International Studies, first year
- poppop B Design - Interior Design/BA (International Studies), first year
- snowflakelatte B LLB/BA International Studies, first year
- watiwat BEng/DipEngPrac/BA (International Studies), first year
*Coded by Huratio
If anyone would like to be added to the list, just post below with your degree, major and year.
Most Recent Member added: bigboyjames
Date Updated: 18 August 2008
Last edited by a moderator: