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serge said:yes, BOS chem markers know
hahaha, i love you serge..
damn smart ass
thanks for your help, much appreciated
serge said:yes, BOS chem markers know
perfect~ ReNcH ~ said:The molar ratio was such that you had to halve the number of moles i.e. 0.5 x 0.0136 x 100.09 = 0.68g.
Isnt the equationtreelovinhippie said:oh truck!
CaCO3 + 2HCl -> H2O + CO2 + CaCl2
Damnit... I did that but couldn't balance it (I must've forgotten the Cl2 part)... so then I changed it to something else.
hmm, hoepfully, that's the second equation I put I thinkCaptain Karl said:Isnt the equation
CaCO3 + 2HCl -> CaCl2 + H2CO3?
It all came flooding back to me after I left the exam. At most it'll be 1 mark that gets taken away but.kouklitsa said:acid + carbonate ---> salt + water + carbon dioxide... year 8 chemistry
now that im thinking about it im trying to remember whether i put in the subscripts.. coz apparently they were gonna start taking marks off for that too!! im pretttty sure i put it but cant remember now! arghCaptain Karl said:It all came flooding back to me after I left the exam. At most it'll be 1 mark that gets taken away but.
Captain Karl said:By subscripts do you mean solid (s), gas (g) or aqueous (aq)? I think they do take marks off for that coz for the last two years my teacher would always tell people what state they're in. We used to get marks taken off for it in internal exams at least