moll. said:
Well weening them off their reliance upon charity would require large amounts of capital and labour investment. I'm talking primarily here about education, both primary, secondary and tertiary. If you have well-trained teachers, doctors, engineers, and even knowledgeable farmers then your country can become self-sufficient. Also of importance is medical care, construction and the establishment of manufacturing, rather than the economy relying on just agricultrue. But all of these would come with better education and training.
Unfortunately though, you can't have any of these things without a stable society and political atmosphere, which necessitates the creation of a uncorrupt, accountable and democratic gov't, and an objective and fair judiaciary system. Without these, it's not worth investing, because the investments will just be stolen by the gov't or other people.
Of course, this couldn't happen overnight and without large increases in the amount of foreign aid being given at the moment. But it'd be worth it, because in a matter of years those economies would be fully functioning consumers of goods and services from the West, as well as providing them with low-cost labour, reducing inflation and increasing wealth and standards of living across the globe.