Originally posted by Grey Council
now that I've looked at the solution again, i'm not sure. I think I made up a rule. ^__^
Arg BD = Arg (1+1) = Arg 2 = 0
Arg CB = Arg (-1 - 1/z)
= arg((-z-1)/z)
= arg (-(z+1)/z)
so I thought maybe because its negative, you can flip the whole thing (ie take the reciprocal)
lol, never make up stuff in maths.
I made a mistake though, I thought this:
arg(z^-1) = -arg(z), right?
wtf, i think I know what to do
arg2 - arg(-1-1/z), right?
so thats:
-arg (-(z+1)/z)
= arg( z/z+1) ______ ( as in, kinda like logs, ya know, to the power of negative one thingo)
which is the required angle.
LOL, am i king or what? my subconscious mind works in wierd ways, i reckon. lol
As I said above, to find angle CBD you need the vectors CB and DB. Let's start with my solution, and then look at your comments ...
Recall that the vector LM, from L to M, is m - l, where the points L and M represent the complex numbers l and m, respecitvely.
So, DB (from D to B) is -1 - 1 = -2.
Thus arg DB = arg -2 = pi
Similarly, CB is -1 - 1 / z = -(z + 1) / z
Thus arg CB = arg [-(z+1) / z] = pi + arg[(z + 1) / z], using the result that arg (-u) = pi + arg u
Now, angle CBD = arg DB - arg CB = pi - (pi + arg[(z + 1) / z])
= pi - pi - arg[(z + 1) / z]
= -[arg(z + 1) - arg z], using arg(u / v) = arg u - arg v
= arg z - arg(z + 1), as required.
Comments ...
1. You have the wrong vector for DB, but the correct one for CB - this has led you to try to fudge the answer. You should have instead taken the fact that you couldn't get the answer as a warning to go back and look for an error - don't try to fudge in 4u, you markers will see through it.
2. You asked whether "-arg (-(z+1)/z) = arg( z/z+1) ______ ( as in, kinda like logs, ya know, to the power of negative one thingo) The result you were actually looking for was arg(-u) = pi + arg u. This is easily proven, as arg(-u) = arg(-1 * u) = arg(-1) + arg u = pi + arg u.
Note, however, that your observation of a connection between arg and log is an inciteful one. Several arg rules are similar to log rules, such as arg(u * v) = arg u + arg v and arg(u / v) = arg u - arg v, and arg(u<sup>-1</sup>) = -arg u. This is not a coincidence - the two
are related, but you'll have to do Uni maths to find out why.
Originally posted by Grey Council
as for C, part i:
CD subtends equal angles at B and A (just proven, right?)
therefore ABCD is a cyclic quad.
and thats your two lines for you. 
and for part ii), i seriously don't know where to begin. I can look at Spice Girl's solution, but I'd rather not. I think, if you don't really mind, I want to be led through the solution.
lol, there are no vector questions in the coroneos book, so thats prolly why i'm so damn weak at this type of thing. plus this isn't all that easy a question, I s'pose. hehe
On the first part of (c), you are correct, but you could have written it in one line.
ie. CD subtends equal angles at B and A (proven in (b)), and so ABCD is a cyclic quad.
As for the second bit, forget complex numbers and think circles. Can you suggest any ways to find the centre of a circle which encloses a cyclic quad ABCD?