First thing you need is trends!! (Economic growth)
China's reforms which boosted economic growth!!!
Decollectivisation 1978, reignited entrepreneurial spirit of China as Households make their own production decisions, any surplus of goods that over fulfil government quota can be sold for profit. Leading to increased private savings and investment, leading to increased eco growth.
One Child Policy 1979, used to contain population growth, reduce stress placed on infrastructure to redirect government spending
Open Door Policy 1980, establishment of SEZ’s to attract foreign investment due to low tax rates, no import duties, cheap power and labour and less stringent regulations. Trade grew 10% 1978 to 36% 1996 GDP, followed an export led growth program whilst allowing for technology and management skills transfer
Taxation Reforms 1994, taxes
collected by government, increased efficiency by reducing evasion, enabling greater fiscal spending on infrastructure
Banking Laws Reforms 1995, stock exchange and efficient banking sector established, increasing savings and overseas confidence encouraging more FDI
Protection 1996, average tariffs cut from 32%-19%, reduced to 15% 2005, joined the WTO in 2001, attracted more FDI
China has utilised a process of economic liberalisation to enable it to embrace globalisation and maximise the benefits of economic integration and rapid growth.
TNC'S entering china's in the 1990's bringing technology, capital and investment which boosted China's economy.
Economic growth trends, Economic development of china (HDI and others), distribution of income (gini coefficient) i think china's inequalit is pretty high, envrionmental impact of china's growth (China is one of the most polluted nations in the world due to the cost of excessive economic growth) . China's future as intro> I'd say something like China's going to be the world's largest economy by 2030 or something and the costs/problems of its future.