I agree, recent stuff was hard to find for China:
For growth, something interesting to talk about is the rise in domestic consumption (grew 11% in 2014). Also, microeconomic reform such as the recent elimination of a lifetime employment guarantee for state sector workers has helped and the government has used fiscal stimulus to foster service sector development.
For development, you can sya that anything that impacts growth has an impact on development as well. Otherwise, China's most recent 5 year plan (2011-15) marks a turning point from a growth focus to longer term prosperity. Other things include a 2013 reform to reduce the importance of test scores for tertiary education, making it more accessible and fostering a reduction in equality, ultimately promoting economic development most notably in rural areas. Also, there was increased fiscal spending on healthcare in 2012 to improve access and lower corruption.
For environmental stuff, the two recent ones I used were that fiscal policy on environmental protection as a % of GDP has recently increased from 0.8% to 1.6% and before that, in 2008 there was the Three Gorge's Dam Project which now generates renewable energy.
This took some time to collate for you so I hope it helps