B Commerce (International) - UNSW
B Commerce (Liberal Studies) - UNSW
B Economics (Liberal Studies) - UNSW
B Arts/Commerce - UNSW
B Arts/Economics - UNSW
B Liberal Studies - UNSW
B Arts - UNSW
Well, those are in the order I'm looking at, but really, if I got into ANY of them, I'd be immensely happy either way!

Atm, I'd probably end up in Arts by the look of things... so, meh!
Might go put it in today or on Friday arvo when my trials finish.
luscious-llama said:
crap i'm the only one here going for design, arts or teaching... so far
i'll post, post-mws (couple of days) llama's choices
I wouldn't mind teaching! It's just that, well, I don't think I have much patience, and I really can't picture myself doing it. I'd be horrible at it. :S