Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07 (1 Viewer)

Mr Gumby

Jul 24, 2007
Sydney Grammar
anthropoestin said:
Sitting still. Women are useless at sitting. Let's put them in a room and see who can sit the longest.....

Gumby, you're TV choices have hit rock bottom. Antiques Roadshow?? That's a last resort when you return home half pissed on saturday night and need to be comforted by someone...BARGAIN HUNT though, now there's a good show!
hahaha im so hypocritical...bargain hunt...

what does anyone think of English comedies? I love them; Allo Allo, Fawlty Towers, Dad's Army, and my favourite new one is Yes, Minister. Which is why i love the HISTORY BOYS.

we should do it when you guys finish your HSC exams...ah sad classicists we are...mmmm classics..

btw guys, what are you thinking of doing after school? Uni?

English comedies, along with Vergil and Lucretius and Mozart, are one of the few reasons I have for living, although I have to say, your choices err on the side of gay. I'm sorry, I didn't really mean that, but Allo Allo? Dad's Army? You need to watch League of Gentlemen, Ab Fab, Black Books, Monty Python, The Office, Extras...the list goes on. I prefer the black or absurdist types personally.
Antiques Roadshow is nobody's last resort. It is a magnificent show. I like Bargain Hunt too, by the way, but David Dickson really is a wanker.
Julia, I feel so betrayed. How can you not like Monty Python!? I admit, the Holy Grail isn't the best of them. And Now For Something Completely Different and The Meaning of Life are my favourites. Actually, I prefer the Flying Circus stuff. Look up 'Gumby Brain Specialist' on YouTube and see where I got my namesake from.
I've never seen History Boys, but I have a friend who played Hector in a school production of it.
By the way, you have scared Ross off.
Aug 2, 2006
I still can't believe that Virgil and Lucretius are among your few reasons for living. XD

They painted that David Dickinson guy on that portrait show with Rolf Harris once...that's when I first saw him. They also painted Ade Edmondson from the Young Ones *woodgy Vyv* *pukes*
Anytime I watch Bargain Hunt the people always lose money...

Tomorrow's a good night for tv. New Chaser and that new Chris Lilley show is starting, I can't wait!

Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life all the way...

A school production of History Boys? No way! When did that happen?

And, alas? (more should we be surprised?)

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Nov 18, 2006
My only reaction to that was cringing, I'm sorry.

Perhaps you won't like History Boys if your taste does not "err on the side of gay".

I might, but your collective likes are beginning to scare me.
Naw, you didn't get it from the kids show? Green-plastic-alien Gumby is utterly awesome.

I don't quite understand you lot.
You complain of being scared of us, but continue to talk to us. Ross is scared off, but he willingly came up and talked to us of his own accord.
I see no logic.

Edit: Hey look, Steph you beat me! : o


Mar 3, 2007
Nicholas, you are even weirder and even more sad than i thought if you live for virgil and lucretius...sad indeed...i like them but living for them....

btw ki you are soo right, you should just stop talking to us if we scare you...possible you should read fan fiction then we would seem normal or at least ki and i would, steph on the other hand.....if we scared everyone away, why does our thread have soo many more posts than any others..granted most our own posts but still...

plus we apparently haven't scared Alex II away yet...have we????
Aug 2, 2006
Boys have no logic. >> << >>

And oi Nicholas and the rest of you, stop bitching about us in Greek or whatever. (we know we're just so wonderful!) Geeze! XD

And Zara, stop blaming me. Your ability of not being able to keep your ramblings in is way worse than my previous bout of fanfiction reading, which I have stopped doing on the account of its boringness and my exasperation at bloody JK Rowling. I don't inflict my scaryness publically that much. XD

Basileus Alex II doesn't appear to be scared off, yet! XD


Jul 3, 2007
no no, the reign continues for dear Basileus Alex much as he resents being told that his comedie choices "err on the side of gay". i might shout off with your head, gumby, but i need it to raise the iq of our you live to see another day haha

question is, who is firing up for american tea!? speak of the devil, george bush just landed...i wonder if those protestors could actually scare him out of the country...but then again he'd need to be able to read the signs, and i don't trust his abc's...

did you guys at SGS ever have the tea party??
greek is killing me atm..i don't think i can bring myself to talk about thucydides ever again..i tried to do an essay today, but got sidetracked by stick cricket...


Mr Gumby

Jul 24, 2007
Sydney Grammar
You should actually be Basileus Alex V. Alexander the Great was III, and he had a son, Alexander IV. Not that that's going to change anything, I suppose. And please don't talk about protestors. If they're all going to be going through Hyde Park and around Town Hall, it's not going to be pleasant for us at SGS. And what is this tea party?
[Sigh]. I should have learnt from my experience with netball that sarcasm on the internet just doesn't work. Still, I thought it was fairly obvious that I didn't mean they were literally the only reasons for living. I'm not sure whether you were cringing at the post or the Mr Gumby sketch, Julia. If you were cringing at the post, I guess that's fair enough, although I don't see what's wrong with Vergil, Lucretius or Mozart. Or my English comedies for that matter. League of Gentlemen is better than Allo Allo any day. If you were cringing at the Monty Python sketch, I still feel betrayed.
I'm sorry. We don't bitch about you all that much, and I don't really have any right to call you strange. Julia said I should consider all the wierdness you displayed at the open day as a sign of your acceptance of me. Well, most of my friends pay eachother out like this, so I'd like you to consider it as a sign of acceptance by me. But I'll stop now.
And hey, if you get to be scared by my collective likes, I should have the same opportunity to be scared by yours.
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Nov 18, 2006
Basileus Alex II of Australia, then.
See Alex, this is our problem -- Nicholas is at the top of our hit list for being scary at Greek, but he'll get us scaled better. Oh the Internal Conflict.

I've basically been banned from the city on Friday. Which is fine, since I wasn't intending to go there (my brother's not happy.)

Let's not talk of Bush. I get urges to punch things.

Apparently there are quite a few scarily buff federal police patrolling The Wall (baha), quite unlike the types we get around here.

Nicholas, aren't you getting the public holiday then?

Stick cricket?

Tea party = Garden Party = excuse for school to sell things and raise money and money and more money. Because our schools really need it that much. Yep. They so do.

The cringe was at the post. Most specifically, at English comedies, Virgil, Lucretius and Mozart being reasons for living.
I've been trying very hard to take everything you say at face value, but I almost completely lost my ability to suspend disbelief at that post.
Nothing is necessarily wrong with English comedies (at all), Virgil, Lucretius or Mozart. It's just that they came combined. One little neat package of scary.

'All that much'? XDDD.

Opportunity to be scared by our collective likes? Hmm. (Bahahaha.)
-We must force you to watch Shrek. You're deprived.
-Kinky Boots, The History Boys, Little Miss Sunshine, The Breakfast Club...
-Pan's Labyrinth. This probably isn't so scary. Zaz, you need to watch this too.
-Sugar + Queen :D
-Graveyard ice-cream outings (okay, outings probably isn't the best word for this...)
-The waterguns.
-More of our references...? o:


Mar 3, 2007
well...i guess you can be sacred off by me..i am very scary when i want to be...but so, might i add, is Ross...

and Nicholas you can bitch about us if you long as you tell us you are doing so..the we don't mind..we most likely will laugh at it...yeah really happy that you have admited you are weird...finally took you long enough..sorry to say anyone who does greekandlatin or just greek has to be weird.....

anyway.....k, we can just a call alex...alex II...cut out the basileus...

well...i am going to try and go protest at some point on the weekend..just cause i have never been to a rally and cause basically like everyone else i have the same opinion of i might i live soo close..and my sis really wants to why not...although i will have to walk to 'the great wall of sydney'...but meh...possible to combat bush's inability to read, i will draw some pretty pictures... why is your brother angry????
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Mar 3, 2007
clearly nicholas...if you want to be sarcastic then you either tell us it is such...or from now on we will just take more we will be aware and not take everything you say at face value...we probably do take everything at face value cause we have never experinced you sarcastic in person yet...
Nov 18, 2006
I am procrastinating constructively, and have this to quote:

"Oh Homer! How could you!"

Apparently this is how scholars talked in the 30s :p
(Shush. I thought it was funny.)

(Refering to Homer using the stock phrase "fat hand" for Penelope.)

Edit: On second thoughts, it sounds a hell of a lot like Woodhouse is in awe/in love with/infatuated with Homer. O__o
"I have called the Odyssey one of themost wonderful and precious things in the world. And what of Homer, 'Maker' of the Odyssey? Well, to us the Odyssey is Homer. For the name of Homer must be to us very largely a symbol - a symbol for just what we find in his work...We barbarians of the West, for whom, as it has turned out after all, Pheidias wielded magician's chisel and Homer smote his immortal lyre, we who have been privileged to reap where we have not sown and to enter upon joint inheritance of their work, do not readily speak freely of what means very much to us, personally and individually...Across a gap of five and twenty centuries that word comes to us, strong and clear and sweet. Let us listen, and be content:
"Hail, ye Maidens all! And forget not me hereafter, whenever some toiling pilgrim of the earth's folk here comes, and asks: 'O Maidens, who for you is sweetest of minstrels that here roam, and in whom do you most delight?' Then do you fair answer make, with one voice, each and all: 'A blind man, in rocky Chios is his home; his songs are evermore supreme'"."

...Yay wall of text.
Very hyperbolic, that.


Oh, and by the way, Nicholas - I watched the Monty Python skit. I'm afraid you're going to have to go on feeling betrayed.
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Mr Gumby

Jul 24, 2007
Sydney Grammar
-We must force you to watch Shrek. You're deprived.
-Kinky Boots, The History Boys, Little Miss Sunshine, The Breakfast Club...
-Pan's Labyrinth. This probably isn't so scary. Zaz, you need to watch this too.
-Sugar + Queen :D
-Graveyard ice-cream outings (okay, outings probably isn't the best word for this...)
-The waterguns.
-More of our references...? o:"
Netball; okay. Shrek; now it's my turn to cringe. Kinky Boots; never heard of it. History Boys; I've heard that's very good, and I'd like to see it sometime. Little Miss Sunshine; saw that, wasn't that impressed, but it was okay. Breakfast Club; same as for Kinky Boots. Pan's Labyrinth; same as for History Boys. Sugar + Queen; I'm not sure what you mean by this - if you mean the band Queen, I am scared by that. Graveyard ice-cream outings; no, that doesn't scare me at all [sarcasm, just so you know]. The rest; okay. I've already spoken to you about Homer. And yes, I do feel betrayed. How can you not like Mr Gumby?
Yes, of course we get the public holiday, but there are going to be protests before Friday. I think there was one in Hyde Park yesterday.
And Zara, thankyou for letting Ross and I be sacred off by you. We already considered ourselves sacred, but now we have your permission to be so.
Oh yes, Ross is scary.
And stop changing the name of your Garden Party. Tea Party, Garden Party - it confuses me.
Oh, by the way, it is now two weeks until our Study Day. Which also means two weeks left of school. Looking forward to meeting you, Alexander V Basileus.
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Aug 2, 2006
How can you be scared by the band Queen!? I'm very unhappy with you! O:
You need to say something like you like the Rocky Horror Picture Show to redeem yourself...but you probably don't, do you? >>

Dude, Alexander V Basileus is just confusing...ALEX II all the way.

I have issues with protesters. Well mainly just the teenagers on the news "We're like here coz they're are like bad things that like go on which is like so like bad"... Stephania: "More like um like free like day like off like school like."
I mean geeze! Well despite the smart move of potentially getting international awareness for your cause, they all seem to just be protesting for the frikkin hell of protesting, plus I'm sure half of the protester's opinions are formed purely on those of the majority and or media. We all know the frikkin war in Iraq is bad, but do half these people actually realise why it's bad excluding the obvious fact that it's a war? No I don't believe half these people do know about the tribal structure of Iraq and what frikkin not. etc.

Plus if you ask me, the situation in Russia is just as, if not more fucked than Iraq. $50 you're not going to see a bunch of protesters saying "Putin go home and BLOODY FIX STUFF" or whatever.

Zara, you're allowed to go protest, if you first of all laugh at them, and hold up some sort of GO FIX RUSSIA sign.

Oh shut up I know I'm rambling, but I'm in a crap mood.
1) I cannot find my frikkin watch anywhere and I have no idea where it's gone and what I've done with it. I'm very upset and getting impatient.
2) In my constructive unuseful procrastination I just read on the BBC News that Pavarotti died today. I'm not happy at all and very shocked. T_T

I'm going to STFU now, plus I ate my Maccas too fast and my body's wooping my arse for it. I need to puke.

Nov 18, 2006
The list:
Shrek - at least the first one. The other's weren't so good. Shrek is brilliant. As are quite a few kids movies recently -- Over the Hedge was awesome. And I want to see Ratatouille. I so did not spell that right.
Kinky Boots -- about a shoe-factory owner who, as a result of losing sales in typical men's shoes, designs transvestite boots. It's a lot of fun, and it actually has decent emotiony stuff as well.
History Boys and Pan's Labyrinth -- shall we organise a movie day/night/whatever some time then? Pan's Labyrinth jumped into my favourite all-time movie from the first screening, and I don't think I've cried so much in a movie ever o_O. It's beautiful and horrifying all at once. And History Boys is great fun.
Breakfast Club -- saw that the other night along with the Monty Python. Chuck five teenage stereotypes into detention together, add a great deal of delinquent behaviour, wonderful acting, and a good dose of realistic emotion, stir well, and you have the Breakfast Club.
Sugar + Queen - does indeed involve both sugar and Queen music. Also us going more insane than usual. Usually dancing and singing along. It's fun. It's very fun.
The graveyard at Newtown is beautiful, and we happened to get ice-cream just before going there last time. We didn't actually set out for the graveyard with the ice-cream, but I couldn't remember where the graveyard was and then realised it was next to the park we'd just gone into.

Mr Gumby was, sorry to say, stupid D:. Couple of funny moments (perhaps one - the putting on of the moustache). It relied too much on unexpected violence.
I have to say, for English comedy, I prefer Pratchett by far. Then again, I prefer Pratchett by far to almost everything. He's clever, you need a vague sort of intellectual understanding of the concepts to grasp the jokes, it's fantastically written and just plain awesome. Jasper Fforde is also very good.
(Maybe I just don't like TV?)

PLC = Garden Party.
Shore = Tea Party.
I think that's it. Just like, say, Knox and Barker = Gala Day.
Blame the schools, not us.

Hmm, sacred/scared. Baha.

You have two weeks left? We end on the Thursday after -- then again, that last week is mostly teacher's concerts, valedictory dinners, last chapel service, last assembly, countdown and the rest.

It should probably be Alexander VI Basileus if we're counting the other Alex as well...let's just stick with II, shall we?

I can see it now -- news cameras panning the protesting crowd, signs about Bush and Iraq and war. Then, suddenly - a lone figure in their midst. The camera zooms in - "GO FIX RUSSIA" - and the news-ahem-person looks very, very confused.

Steph, give up on Maccas already.
Aug 2, 2006
Nuu, you give up not watching tv already, so there! XD

Maccas is good, while our speedy metabolisms are still in full swing. Zara and I traded meals so to speak, we both got what the other normally got...ok that's sad but I found that funneh! XD

Over the Hedge= DUUUUUUUUUUDE! Awesome movie!!!

We like oldies music for dancing!!! It's the best kareoke and it's the best of fun to do at parties. Much better than half the people our age seem to do at parties.

Oh gawd. That means you'd kill me for laughing my arse off through most of "White Chicks" won't you, Ki? I actually looked at the ad and said "That looks so stupid.."...then I was laughing...T_T

Everyone seems to be ending earlier than us...well Grammar and Blondie at Loreto Norm. Oh well we'll have a good week!

I reckon we should compile a list of titles for everyone...most of us have Classicy names which is wonderful. We have our own monarchy or whatever! Just like Civ IV....hmmm good idea let's go blow up some dudes...

And Ki...I worked out I spelt you and Zara's names in Russian correctly. I'm so proud. Man I should go and study or something.

Oh mum found my watch so I ish happy!!

Damn right!!! Zara loves me so she better do it! XD

Man I'm too tired to say anything us useful or with substance. Yep you'll just have to accept everything I say without my justification...

Right off to sleep on the floor...


Mar 3, 2007

if i do go protest i will create a sign to send the russian party back home..k...yes steph only because i love you..sorry ki apparently i dont love you as i do don't worry..

went to see the 'great wall' did see some helicopters, but that was not new..ram and i passed the sheriton on the way down elizabeth st and there were loads of police, have no idea what they were doing...but i saw a purple police was really cool...i love the police..anyone in uniform just send my heart roaring...yeah love uniform...but not into the ideals behind military..but that made no sense...

btw am gald nicholas you have accepted that we are all weird...glad to be accepted...
BUT how can you not love Queen..who doesn't, they are just brilliant...better than almost all the stuff on today..and the best kareoke music grease musical and poss. stuff from the sound of music (until, the school put on a production now..sound of mucus)..oh well....

absolutley love history boys...weird never seemed like my kind of movie..considering my favourite movie was the mummy (i know, no substance...but the coupleing is just sooo cute..i am a sucker for any cute in love actual) i must go see pan's labyrinth...must..k we have to have a movie night..sometime.....sooon...really sooon....

AND ki, i/steph will eat all the junk food we can until my metabolism slows down and i get fat...more fat than i am now...and then i will eat more healthily...i say abuse what you have now and think about consequences we said today we will have to stop being supeficial when we are 30, cause we will all be ugly hence we should abuse the hottness we have teenages..never going to look as good again...every...


Mar 3, 2007
Steph we are not scary...everyone else is just not when have i ever shut up?? Even if i wanted to, i don't think i could..oh well...

And yes i vote hairspray..please looks soooo good..i really want to see it too!!!!!!!!!

BTW...i know i read way too much into movies..but i love coupleing...yes dakin/irwin do make such a good couple..sad they never go togther.....i don't even now why now i like the mummy..i used to like jurassic park..but that ended.and terminator..that ended quickly too..i also love star wars...(that has really bad coupeling...well the newer ones do..the best and older ones have great coupleing..harrison ford...deffinetly good)

I am going to see pan's labyrinth, i really am...maybe this weekend..if i find any of the video stores open that is!!!

Hey...don't ruin my image of the purple car..not that kinky..although..mmm maybe just a little..
i just have a thing about people in uniform..but you know that..remember i told you we went to a military college in paris.....
don't know why..but i do...or men in those 50's suits...the really long jackets...they look soo cool
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Aug 2, 2006
That's right Zara, we've got to love each other because we're such loners remember!? Oh yesh, we're so BYRONIC! *hotness pose*

A purple police car!?! Dude that's so cool!!!
Well thinking, well, um, kinky kind of overrides the whole ideals thing, I think? But more importantly, YOU LOVE THE POLICE!? Well you can love The Police BAND. XD

Only good thing about the Sound of music was that Emmy, Jenny and I made the HOTTEST nuns and GOD THE SCANDALS! (I'll end there...)
Plus getting my hair done all hot by Cam was SOH COOL!! (plus learnt how to waltz)...but I never want to hear half the songs EVER AGAIN.

But yeah, on GOLDEN RULE for you!

Eww. Zara. Your comment about The puke dearest! Ok some movie couples have shockingly good chemistry, but yeah I reckon you observe the couples way more then what's normal for our stomach's stability! :p :p :p
But yeah Daikin/Irwin are a good movie couple! *halo*

I really really liked Pan's Labyrinth, only problem was I was in tears for half of it...don't know if I was just in an odd mood, but it was really sad so I was just, you know.

Speaking of movies...I VOTE HAIRSPRAY...I REALLY really WANNA SEE IT!!! :O XD

Dude Zara you're not fat at all!!!! (stop talking SHIT)
Anyway, good theory I say. Oh well as long as I'm still light enough to be carried around eventually I'm cool! XD

Zara, between the two of us, we're the scariest people on here...alas!? We should learn to shut up...NAH! XD


Mar 3, 2007
k..wanted to know the weirdest thing...i posted after steph and now its before steph..and makes no sense...its really really weird..k..well don't know how to fix it but oh well..
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