Woah, I can't believe people are studying for this thing, let alone more than 2 days before it!
I'm actually looking forward to it - I'm looking forward to putting the Geography answer space to good use and writing a half-decent rant about why the subject is pointless, and why all geography teachers are fascists.
The people that are going to leave school are the ones that'll do crap in the SC anyway, why are they taking away 2 whole days of my life for something that will have no bearing on what I do in the future?
I learnt all the life skills I'll ever need by year 6, and year 12 is the only year of my schooling life that will matter (i.e. getting into uni, which isn't even entirely true because I can always take a year or 5 off and come back to uni at a later date. Even then I won't be doing a communications degree because I want to be a journalist, but because it interests me. I'll finish the degree and then go to TAFE and become an apprentice chef and then work my way up and open a fully sick restaurant.).
13 years of schooling for nothing. Why does it matter so much?
Why do so many people give a damn about the SC?