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Cronulla Beach Incident (1 Viewer)



years ago.. in punchbowl. some 16yr old korean kid is chased down the street in punchbowl.. after going to a bday party.. and bashed by a leb gang.. The kid died on the way to hospital from his injuries. A 16yr old kid DIED. Was there ever this much coverage.. and more importantly did the asian community do anything whatsoever in revenge for the attacks. From what i remember, no revenge attacks happened, the victims we're just that, they accepted that they were the victims of gang warfare, and moved on with life... rather than insighting the hundreds of asian gangs to take revenge.

yet. 2 lifegaurds get beaten up and hell breaks loose.... god knows how many fights occur in sydney each night that we dont know about... . everyone should just get over it. esp. the media, making this out to be bigger than it should be.


Dec 6, 2003
0o0 said:
your a fucken idiot, asians have been known to use samurai swords in gang fights, fuck you.
yah like that khoa nguyen guy (brother of the executed one) who slashed some kid with his samurai in a gang fight.

but really this riot is utter bullshit. what the fuck are they really rioting over?

this needs to stop soon or else things will really start to get out of control.


Feb 19, 2004
timbk2 said:
everyone should just get over it. esp. the media, making this out to be bigger than it should be.
Yeah the media isn't being massively helpful in their coverage, they're just making the situation worse.
Nov 1, 2005
the sad fact is, there would have been worse incidents by lebs last sunday

i disagree with reducing ourselves to their level by attacking women, ambulances etc.

The good thing, however, is that this will help us actual realise that there is a problem in our society.

P.S: Alan Jones, a faggot, shouldn't be picking on other minorities.


Now You've done it.......
Sep 26, 2003
timbk2 said:
years ago.. in punchbowl. some 16yr old korean kid is chased down the street in punchbowl.. after going to a bday party.. and bashed by a leb gang.. The kid died on the way to hospital from his injuries. A 16yr old kid DIED. Was there ever this much coverage.. and more importantly did the asian community do anything whatsoever in revenge for the attacks. From what i remember, no revenge attacks happened, the victims we're just that, they accepted that they were the victims of gang warfare, and moved on with life... rather than insighting the hundreds of asian gangs to take revenge.
What bout the gang of koreans that chased a caucasian(white) male in chatswood and no media coverage whatsoever
Nov 1, 2005
look, let's kill everyone

and if you are going to start listing crimes, whites will lose

our hefty percentage of the population means we commit the most crimes


Jun 5, 2005
timbk2 said:
years ago.. in punchbowl. some 16yr old korean kid is chased down the street in punchbowl.. after going to a bday party.. and bashed by a leb gang.. The kid died on the way to hospital from his injuries. A 16yr old kid DIED. Was there ever this much coverage.. and more importantly did the asian community do anything whatsoever in revenge for the attacks. From what i remember, no revenge attacks happened, the victims we're just that, they accepted that they were the victims of gang warfare, and moved on with life... rather than insighting the hundreds of asian gangs to take revenge.

yet. 2 lifegaurds get beaten up and hell breaks loose.... god knows how many fights occur in sydney each night that we dont know about... . everyone should just get over it. esp. the media, making this out to be bigger than it should be.
Look at the demographics of the shire and the coincidental nationalities of these so called rivals……if u want to talk race and insist on referring to these idiots as “lebs”—the inequality is clear…racism. Some will say they don’t care if theyre being racist…even that they ARE NOT being racist *cough* lil Johnny* but- isn’t that beside the point? It seems ‘the shire’ is tackling crime with crime- otherwise this ‘underlying tension’ ppl speak of that was bound to erupt would have been solved by the law alone.

I don’t think anyone can say terrorism/controversy of Islam has not influenced this craziness.

Lmao- … as for the shire, I am reminded of the movie Lord of the rings- surrounded by water from east etc etc…haha, yes indeed – we hobbits need to get out more.



New Member
Oct 26, 2004
1. I don't condole what they do at nulla. Indiscriminately (and the irony of this word) attacking people of Middle-Eastern appearance brings Australians as low as the thugs that attacked those lifeguards.

2. I have absolutely no sympathy for those bastards, lebs or otherwise, and I don't blame fthe shire "aussies" for their reaction. I mean, how many years have we been putting up with the leb teenagers in other suburbs, be it be Hurstville, or Lakemba?

3. How dare those lebs that burned the Aussie flag from the Brighton-le-Sands RSL call Australians "racists"? If they are so fucking caught up with their "cultural differences" they should all be fucking deported. I thought since most of them were born in Australia they were Australians. Obviously I thought wrong.

4. Since when do you see Lebanese community leaders condemn their "minority groups" for all these crimes until now? We see Howard and Iemma condemning Anglos as "unaustralian" but if they even tried to identify the lebs as trouble makers they'll be labelled as racists. These community leaders are too busy blaming the rest of australia for isolating the Lebanese community but what about what THEY can do to reduce the crime coming from their community?


Jun 5, 2005
xiep said:
1. I don't condole what they do at nulla. Indiscriminately (and the irony of this word) attacking people of Middle-Eastern appearance brings Australians as low as the thugs that attacked those lifeguards.

2. I have absolutely no sympathy for those bastards, lebs or otherwise, and I don't blame fthe shire "aussies" for their reaction. I mean, how many years have we been putting up with the leb teenagers in other suburbs, be it be Hurstville, or Lakemba?

3. How dare those lebs that burned the Aussie flag from the Brighton-le-Sands RSL call Australians "racists"? If they are so fucking caught up with their "cultural differences" they should all be fucking deported. I thought since most of them were born in Australia they were Australians. Obviously I thought wrong.

4. Since when do you see Lebanese community leaders condemn their "minority groups" for all these crimes until now? We see Howard and Iemma condemning Anglos as "unaustralian" but if they even tried to identify the lebs as trouble makers they'll be labelled as racists. These community leaders are too busy blaming the rest of australia for isolating the Lebanese community but what about what THEY can do to reduce the crime coming from their community?
ummm...John Howard did address the term racism by saying this act was not racist- but a defensive act...


The Commonwealth
May 16, 2004
The issues surrounding this incident have been completely overrun..

It was not the media, shockjocks or any other party that instigated the sentiment that now exists. This situation was derived out of a long standing disregard for 'Australia' and 'Australians' by those who we term 'middle-eastern gangs'. The racism began with these groups labelling and identifying Australians as 'scum', 'dirty' etc, and racially targetting Australian people beacause of their appearance..

Now each time anything occurs with regards to this particular group, there is an outcry that these people are a 'minority' who in no way represent the interests of the wider Lebansese or Islamic community. A valid point. Yet how come when a group of highly strung, 'racist' anglo's conduct themselves in a negative manner, all Australians are labelled to be racist, and Australia as a racist country. These people, again, are part of a minority. All we have to do is look at the relief and support Australians consistently provide to other nations and 'races' when in need. The Tsunami of last year is the perfect example of this assistance and support shown by the vast majority of Australians. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if Australia was inherently 'racist' or similar, wouldn't it be highly contradictory to provide relief for these 'other' people? It really irritates me that this entire notion of political correctness is applicable to every faction of the community except the majority...

For too long, ethinc-police relations have gained an element of greater importance than has the notion of law enforcement..


Feb 6, 2005
Henry_Kissinger said:
look, let's kill everyone

and if you are going to start listing crimes, whites will lose

our hefty percentage of the population means we commit the most crimes
not % wise though


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
ok, so I don't get whats going on here (nor can I be bothered reading 69 pages of thread)...can someone explain it to me in a nutshell?
From what I can gather, some Lebanese people bashed a life saver, white people retaliated, and now Lebanese people are retaliating..? Is that pretty much it?
Attacking our life savers is lower than low...but really, do we need such drastic riots?


Retired. Gone fishing.
Sep 26, 2004
frog12986 said:
The issues surrounding this incident have been completely overrun..

It was not the media, shockjocks or any other party that instigated the sentiment that now exists. This situation was derived out of a long standing disregard for 'Australia' and 'Australians' by those who we term 'middle-eastern gangs'. The racism began with these groups labelling and identifying Australians as 'scum', 'dirty' etc, and racially targetting Australian people beacause of their appearance.
I hope you are not attempting to justify racially motivated mob voilence? No matter what, what happened on the beach a few days ago was nothing short of inexcusable and disgusting. Those who attempt to justify and make excuses for a mob voilence that was largely based on racial hatred is never right. Not to mention the invovlment of the neo nazi groups. I'm not sure anyone can attempt justify the actions of those invovle in the 'disturbance'.

A group of non white thugs and a group of leb thugs. What's the difference? Both groups are idiotic. I would hope that Australians would be able to deal with leb gang voilence without having to sink to the low levels which those leb gangs employed last week. Don't you agree frog?

frog said:
Yet how come when a group of highly strung, 'racist' anglo's conduct themselves in a negative manner, all Australians are labelled to be racist, and Australia as a racist country.
We are held responsible for the actions of the few and so are the lebanese community. These images are beamed overseas and only make us a greater target for terrorism as well as enforcing the perception that Australia constitutes alot of white trash.

While the leb gangs are racist themselves I hardly think sinking to the level of racism employed by the angry mob (that seemd ready to lynch) is a good way to respond. In really just shows that the people in the mob were no better than the leb gangs they hate. Both thugs, just of different colour.

frog said:
All we have to do is look at the relief and support Australians consistently provide to other nations and 'races' when in need. The Tsunami of last year is the perfect example of this assistance and support shown by the vast majority of Australians. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if Australia was inherently 'racist' or similar, wouldn't it be highly contradictory to provide relief for these 'other' people? It really irritates me that this entire notion of political correctness is applicable to every faction of the community except the majority...
No. Just because you donate money to something doesn't mean you don't think the donees of your money are racially inferior.

Australians donated out of pity to the tsunami victims and because the media told them to do so. This doesn't mean consciously or subconsciously many Australian's didn't think the donees were racially inferior. Certainly this was shown up with thew Corby thing was the popular talk back radio cry being to take back the donations on the basis that the judges of the court in Bali looked like they had just walked out of the rainforest as monkies.

frog said:
For too long, ethinc-police relations have gained an element of greater importance than has the notion of law enforcement..
I do agree that perhaps the police have been too weak on these gangs. Hopefully these riots do something for police power to crack down ON ALL THUGS REGARDLESS OF COLOUR.
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2005
sarevok said:
One-way radio plays by its own rules

BY THURSDAY Alan Jones was screaming like a race caller whose horse was coming home. "I'm the person that's led this charge here. Nobody wanted to know about North Cronulla, now it's gathered to this."

The riot was three days away and Sydney's top-rating breakfast host had heaps of anonymous emails to whip his 2GB listeners on. "Alan, it's not just a few Middle Eastern bastards at the weekend, it's thousands. Cronulla is a very long beach and it's been taken over by this scum. It's not a few causing trouble, it's all of them."

Sunday's trouble was brewing all week on talkback, - especially 2GB. Radio doesn't get much grimmer than Jones's efforts.

He was dead keen for a demo at the beach: "A rally, a street march, call it what you will. A community show of force."

He assured his audience he "understood" why that famous text message went out and he read it right through again on air: "Come to Cronulla this weekend to take revenge. This Sunday every Aussie in the shire get down to North Cronulla to support the leb and wog bashing day …"

Daily he cautioned his listeners not to take the law into their own hands, but he warmed to those who had exactly that on their minds. On Thursday Charlie rang to suggest all junior footballers in the shire gather on the beach to support the lifesavers. "Good stuff, good stuff," said Jones.

"I tell you who we want to encourage, Charlie, all the Pacific Island people because, you want to know something, they don't take any nonsense. They are proud to be here - all those Samoans and Fijians. They love being here. And they say 'Uh huh, uh huh. You step out of line, look out.' And of course, cowards always run, don't they."

When John called on Tuesday to recommend vigilante action - "If the police can't do the job, the next tier is us" - Jones did not dissent. "Yeah. Good on you John." And when he offered a maxim his father had picked up in the war - "Shoot one, the rest will run" - Jones roared with laughter. "No, you don't play Queensberry's rules. Good on you, John."

Pity poor Berta - "not of a Middle Eastern family" - who reported hearing "really derogatory remarks" aimed at Middle Eastern people on Cronulla beach. Jones cut her off: "Let's not get too carried away, Berta. We don't have Anglo-Saxon kids out there raping women in western Sydney."

Yesterday 2GB broadcasters claimed two thirds of calls to the station supported "what happened" on Sunday. But Alan Jones is not around to deal with the aftermath. He's having a well-earned holiday.


fuck he shits me to tears
hey i know what we should do for alan jones. i know where he lives!!!!!

if anyone didn't know this, he lives in JAMBEROO believe it or not. we should fire bomb the dumb cunt's house


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
MuffinMan said:
so which side is the bra boys on?
I think originally the bra boys wanted nothing to do with it but now the lebs have gone to maroubra and smashed stuff the last 2 nights they are a bit pissed off.


Juno 15/4/08 :)
Nov 6, 2004
Liverpool, NSW
haha no
but they aint doing shit either
cause like, if they were, why would 100 windscreens be smashed?
noone is doing enough to stop the violence

lets say we call the army in to fix this problem
theres a military barracks nearby - holsworthy, for the convience lol

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