Accidentally, I found this handout from American University about curve sketching. It contains full detail information about curve sketching which is gonna be in Half Yearly Exam.
Erm, no, I meant that the tests are already done, but it looks like I'm gonna get both of them back next term Everyone's getting them back this term, all the other classes got at least their 2u test back but our teacher's away and won't be back till next week, which is when I'm not gonna be at school. So. Yes. Still a good thing? Eek. Don't ask me. x.x
I prefer not to know my results too early, I know other people though that want to know what they got right and wrong when they walk out the door of the classroom just after they finish the exam. That's just annoying.
Ahaha, I'm one of those people! :wave: It's pretty good for a laugh (or a kick) when you realise you've put something really silly down, it sure beats dreading about it.
People who have like fifty sheets of formulas, shuffle through them furiously and ask questions about stuff right before an exam annoy me :mad1:
I know a guy that does both, and that just annoys the hell out of me. One exercise book, all examples and formulas, all written by myself works just fine for me.