demotivated (3 Viewers)


Active Member
Apr 19, 2024
Hi guys, how do you stay motivated in the school holidays? I was so motivated to do good in year 11 for early entry but I have already stuffed up and thought my comeback would be during prelims. I've been overseas since mid-June and just returned and haven't even picked up a pen or paper. I also literally dunno half the content since I missed out on so much. I'm so scared since I was averaging high B's and like 2 high C's I was aiming to get A's and B's in all my prelims so I stood a chance at law early entry at Macquarie but now I feel like as if it's too late and I have no chance at passing prelims either because they're literally in wk 2 I think and I have 4 exams in the span of 2 days and English on the Monday. I know early entries not the end since I wanted to do commerce at UNSW but I really have a low chance at getting the 93 atar when I'm struggling to get B's in year 11.

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