different unis (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2022
hi, i’m looking to go and study math at uni, and everyone seems to say that usyd and unsw are the best unis ofc. but personally i’m not a fan of the whole double major required at usyd for bachelor of science (can someone confirm if there’s a way to just to one) and i really don’t want to do trimesters at unsw coz they sound extra stressful.

so right now i’m looking at uts bachelor of mathematical science, and then when i go for masters and higher i’ll consider going to a different uni then, just because of the convinience and the fact that the courses are only math, no trimesters which i prefer over usyd and unsw.

if i go to uts, are employers really going to care in “mathematical” fields about which uni i go to? uts doesn’t have terrible rankings or anything it’s just obv usyd, unsw are better, so i’m wondering if there’s any “issues” with going to uts for math. i’m not sure what field i want to go into exactly but just in general, thanks


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
You do not necessarily need to take on two majors for USyd's Bachelor of Science, although you cannot choose only one major. However, you can choose a minor instead of a second major. A minor still involves studying another discipline, although not to the extent of a major, because a minor involves less units than a major. With that being said, if you are also not interested in this degree structure, you should perhaps explore other options. UNSW does not seem to be one of your preferences either, in which case you may wish to consider UTS.

To my knowledge, the specific university that you attend is not a primary consideration. Even if it were, UTS's Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences has an LSR requirement of 92.55, meaning that most students who will be studying this degree are likely to be academically capable. This in turn serves to present a rather positive image of UTS in terms of this particular field. Generally speaking, favourable academic performance, coupled with relevant work experience (which can be gained through internships and similar opportunities, depending on the field) increases your employability, as you would become a more attractive candidate when applying for jobs.

Beyond this point, postgraduate study will only further support your employability. When you reach such a stage in your education and career, the university that you attend will no longer be a relevant factor, as the emphasis will increasingly be placed on your knowledge and work experience.

I hope this helps! :D

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