Your teacher should have given you this information at the beggining of the year...
- Drawing
- Painting
- Prinkmaking
- Photography
- Digital media
- Graphic Design
- Scultpture
- Ceramics
- Textiles and Fibre
- Designed Objects and Environments
- Filma nd Video
- Digital Animation
- Documented Forms
- Interactives
- Collection of Works
~Size, Volume and Time restrictions
- Individual works wihin a body of work must not exceed 2 square metres in area - applies to flat rigid works that may form part of a series
- A body of work may not exceed 6 square meters in area when displayed for marking
- Individual works within a body of work exceeding 2square metres and up to 6 square metres must be rolled
- A body of work in its entirety must not exceed 34.4kg in weight when packed for marking
- A body of work must not exceed 1cubic metre in volume
- A body of work must not exceed 6 minutes running time
~Other rules and resrictions
- Individual works must not be framed under glass or rigid plastic sheeting
- Dangerous materials must not be used
any works that use that may be considered to be dangerous may not be marked or opened for corporate marking
- Dangerous materials must not be used
- Your work may be considered dangerous if it includes:
- faulty electrical wiring
- cutting edges such as glass
- cutting edges such as mirror fragments
- barbed wire
- rusty corrugated iron
- broken machinery
- hypodermic syringes
- needles
- bodily secretions
- blood products