hey there
i dunno
i also read that its good to write your notes in relation to key features and issues...
but then you also have to have a solid grasp of EVERYTHING in the 'students learn to' parts... the teacher also agreed when i brought it up but hadn't really told us to do it that way while we were learning the material...
what i reckon is most effective is whatever works...
i don't really do notes to key features but instead to the students learn to part... although a few months ago when i was in uber study mode (its kinda bad that ive stopped studying now...
) i typed up what i could remember for each of the dot points before arranging them in relation to the key features and issues stuff (this was for my national study- germany)...
you definitely need to be aware of the key features and issues and how everything else you learn works into them...
but whats effective is what helps you remmeber all those dates and historians and people and events...
how are you going about it?
man what a block of text