im studying the tempest and hag seed
Good thing, because I've done that as well. A major focus with Mod A is the context of each time period, so with the Tempest you're dealing with the Jacobean era and a time when the British Empire engaged in the colonisation of new territories. Likewise with Hagseed, you have the modern prison system. With both of these contexts, there are a great number of good concepts like imprisonment, power and control, art as catharsis (what are Prospero and Felix doing with magic and theatre to cope with), vengeance/forgiveness and transformation, which must link back to those contexts mentioned earlier. The module rubric's terminology is therefore a good tool to link your concepts to context and the words of your question. Ultimately, you need to know a basic technique analysis for your quotes, look at other essays for how they go in-depth with their analysis by incorporating concepts and know your key rubric terminology which may also feature in many of your questions. If you're content with an essay you have, you could try to memorise 2-3 essays that you have some basis for any question you face.