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Does God exist? (2 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
F.R.O.G. said:
I have another question for you... Do you believe in the wind? You can't see it, but you can certainly feel it! If you can believe in the wind, why can't you believe in God? You CAN feel him when you're alone at night and really upset because of something that happened that day he gives you a hug and lets you know that he's there even if none else is!
as for the first part, i can build something such that i can measure wind. we call those anemometers. we don't have a similar thing for measuring god.
as for the second part.....read back a couple pages, i've hit times where the whole 'god comforting me' thing would've been nice and where the heck was he? he didn't come and help me or anything like that. he had his chance

F.R.O.G. said:
God is real... People/ Man does not have the creative capacity to imagine or feel things that aren't real! We could not create such perfection...
meet Plato:
"Plato's metaphysics divides the world into two distinct aspects: the intelligible world of "forms", and the perceptual world we see around us. The perceptual world consists of imperfect copies of the intelligible forms or ideas. These forms are unchangeable and perfect, and are only comprehensible by the use of the intellect or understanding — i.e., a capacity of the mind that does not include sense-perception or imagination."
its not the concept of god, but still the concept of perfection

or i could point out that in math and some applications of physics, we deal with 'perfect' situations... infinitly thin sheets to form planes, infinitly long lines, perfect insulators, frictionless apparatus.... all things that are 'perfect' that we imagine we're working with to simply problems with rough approximations.

sam04u said:
Eg; Is it not beneficial to dress conservatively? As is asked in the Qur'an?
It is! As your partner will not be interested in you just because of your physical appearance!
Is it not beneficial to be fidel with your partner?
It is! you and your partner will form trust and loyalty; cheating could lead to a break-up and an unsuccesful life as a result of this.
Is it not beneficial to refrain from things whcih harm your body? eg; drugs & alcohol
It is! (common sense)
Is it not beneficial to not steal/rape/attack/murder??
the first one can only go so far for a guy, i think..... but i don't decieve, lie to, or cheat on those i've been in relationships with, i have never drank alcohol, smoked, or used any recreational drug, i've never stolen, and i'd never rape, attack, or kill someone. i don't need some thousand or two thousand year old book to tell me that, and i don't need some unseen force to tell me that. its my own view of what is moral or right.


Mar 9, 2004
FuckLiberals said:
And I'll leave you with this quote:

"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
...Stephen F Roberts
that's an excellent quote...

Oddy Nocki

Mar 3, 2006
F.R.O.G said:
Also what someone said before most christians today were complete ATHIEST before they found God. They are right! He changes your life in such a dramatic way, its unbelievable (Like me) Many well known Rock stars who lived for drugs and alcohol have become christian.
(Alice Cooper is one n here's proof....FROM ENOUGH ROPE WITH ANDREW DENTON
"...and I'm Christian now. It was a... people say, "There are no miracles," and I go, "Oh, yes there are." I'm a walking miracle because I was the worst alcoholic you could imagine, and 24 years I haven't had, not a drop." If you don't believe
I don't care what Alice does. His has just exchanged one drug for another. Drugs for God. It's the same thing, a crutch. It makes him feel better, good for him. But this doesn't prove anything... At all.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Well, it's subjective... can morals truely be outdated?

I believe in the moral beliefs associated with the Qur'an.
A perfectly moral society would be utopian... people would be so civilised.... (the thoughts alone are tantalising....)

However the moral beliefs of a religion are not all that constitutes it.
And I challenge the claims that morals existed pre-religion.

Just read up on "human psychological behaviour"; morals could not be made by man... i just don't see why you cant accept that... because of our nature... it would be impossible to do so...

I'm not saying "pre-christianity"; because religion existed thousands of years before that....
I know you all argue "well if I abandon religion, Its not like im going to become destructive and have no moral beliefs"

I know that you idiots... and If you bothered to read I said "future generations";
Pre-religion humans would have been quite like animals... (A bit more organised though).

I'm just following trends.. but by 2015' 29% of all people will be atheist... (which is exceedingly high)....

Add another half generation to that... and we can closely assume that by 2025' 42% of all people will be atheist or agnostic....

People will question things like morals... and as the general opinion of society shift... so will laws... and when the laws shift... so will the actions of people....

People; will become more ruthless (because of the disbelief of religious morals which they will claim to be "out of date" or "stupid".)

People, will contend that "you only live once, so make the best of it!" which will lead to a surge of apathy... people will turn to virtual reality...
and even... genetic-cosmetic-surgery... like getting a tail.....

Eventually it will lead to a downward spiral... this is assuming (miraculously) that a nuclear war doesn't occur.... (which is highly inprobable);

We will be reduced to a people... of filth.... (recent surveys have shown a 220% increase in pornographic use in the last 10 years... in males alone... and 300% increase in pornographic use in females...[Which still only make 2/6 of all pornography watches]...)
And also statistics have shown that 40% of all "break-ups" are caused by affairs... it is estimated 1 in every 3 relationships end up in a complete "break-up"
Teenage pregnancy has risen dramatically...
Also children are becoming sexually active... at a younger age...(I've looked at the statistics... I'm not guessing)

Addicting MMOs' and music... have created a new self destructive society...

Hopefully there wll be enough good/moral people to deflect these effects....

To conlude :

*after religion is disregarded, man will revert back slowly.. to his immoral ways.
- this will lead to a "filthy" society...
- a society with 'less' sense of 'caring'
- an unmotivated society.. who believe 'you only live once' and therefore live with destructive attidudes...
- a society where the idea of a family with a father and mother living together married.. will be about half as common as it is now... (trends in nuclear and defacto-relationships/single parents & Divorce rates)

[I'm not saying this will destroy the universe... someone at that time will perceive it all as normal... I just want to prevent it from happening... as it will take away from the idealistic human... and 'God' will not accept us... or bless us with divine understanding....]

Im sure most of you agree to some extent of a celestial being who:
- Created the beginning of the universe
(Yes, this is what happened.)
- Brought the first parts of life to earth....
(Something "brang" life to earth... any other life form would have died in space without the proper "engineered" equipment... eg(spaceships); as nothing can survive the immense radiation in space... )

[Even though; I have theories of both which can occur without the celestial interference... I wont explain them at this moment in time... as religion is what I believe to be true.]

This post does not warrant countless flames from imbeciles who only "question"; I'll only answer to posts which are "structured" and attempt to properly challenge/disprove my statement... (this is usually done by davin & sometimes N.T.B)

Also; why should I consider your "idiotic" statements when you don't consider my intelligen statements?

If you can't even actually stop and consider what I am saying... then I perceive you as an imbecile.... in that case why are you even reading my response? you already have a formed opinion... you're not willing to change it?? so whats the point? are you trying to prove you're right?

Atleast Davin; has a reason for being agnostic.... It's logical too... He also has valid arguments... One day I could actually take on his ideas... because they seem to bare some truth... maybe it's just my stubborness... perhaps he feels the same way about mine?

The rest of you (excluding generator) have formed opinions... and aren't even willing to change... it seems as though arguing with you is pointless... (that's why I love children... they're willing to accept anything.. as long as it is logical...)


New Member
Mar 15, 2006
in tha bush mate!
i used to go to church and i hated it - passionatly
i have nothing against religion or religious people
it is their choice if they wish to worship 'someone'
i just dont think that it is right to judge people based on their religion or absense of it.

in my world - there is no god and never will be - i just don't get how anyone can worship a character in a book - sorry!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Lol, wow... that is my 400th contribution to this forum... i'm pleased...

Btw' to those interested in the "Human Pscyological Behaviour";
It is more commonly called sociobiology...(It explains that humans developping morals on their own... go and see how flawed it is... :rofl: )


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Sasha; leave this conversation to people with IQ's over 50... and go back to watching South Park and Drawing Anti-Islamic pictures... you imbecile....
Cuz if you watch South Park you're stupid?

I agree, that some of you have expressed some pretty straight forward comments but none of the questions have been effectively answered...
Hmm... if you go to http://community.boredofstudies.org/214/news-current-affairs-politics/106355/does-god-exist/99.html you will see this very long post that seemed to quote every single point you made and replied to them, with no counter-argument as yet... Hi?

I'm not forcing you to believe god... I'm not forcing you to become christian or muslim.

Or even to accept my god...
No one said you were, don't bother mentioning it.

I'm just showing you the ignorance which some of you are showing... and for no good reason... you can still believe god and research the meta-physical and astronomy.
What ignorance are you talking about? I mean, dude, this is so silly... you are one of the most ignorant people I have encountered on this forum, and here you are complaining about other people being ignorant? With no examples? Just some nonsense comment about how you can believe in 'the metaphysical and astronomy and god' - I mean... no one's even challenged that, I have no idea why you're bringing this up other than to say a bunch of fluffy rhetoric to make yourself feel like you've provided an effective retort.

But, by following religion you lose nothing...
You become more moral... more acceptable... more peaceful... and have ensured security....
No I do not agree, you are a perfect example. By being indoctrinated into your religion by your parents, you have turned into this robot that is only willing to challenge concepts within safe boundaries, a person so ignorant of the arguments of others that you just dismiss them as stupid or ignore them. I believe this is a product of religion, and just one of many problems I have with it.

And I have come into contact with some feasable explanations...
Which you don't remember, can't be bothered typing etc etc etc...

So, there is no reason to be anti-religion... because even most of you agree to the morals of religion... like anti-hate, anti-murder, anti-rape, anti-theft... etc etc...
I think you're reducing your religion of what it really is, it's like a strawman argument to prop up your own position. I mean, religions aren't just about... anti-hate, anti-murder, anti-rape etc... and also these questions are not ones which have simple answers. The koran tells you to cut the hands off burgulars, is that wrong? I contend it is, but you might say otherwise, we both have an 'anti-burgular' stance, but we disagree on punishments.

Believing god is a security things.... call it a security blanket... but there is more to gain then lose... unless ofcourse you absolutely can't believe...
Well it depends, personally to me it doesn't matter.. I can't lie to myself even if it would make me feel better, it's an impossible thing to do.

(Even still... according to Islam all good people will go to heaven... so as long as you're a good person... you will go to heaven....)
And what is a good person?
"Oh a good person is one who follows the koran"

So essentially, saying as long as you're a good person you will go to heaven, is the same statement as "as long as you're a good muslim you will go to heaven".

I'm not saying if you don't believe in "God", you'll be immoral or go to hell... but if you just follow some of the behaviours avidly.. you're just as well off!
Err what?
Firstly, you have said that without religion people will be 'immoral' etc.
Secondly, what do you mean by 'follow some of the behaviours', what behaviours?

Eg; Is it not beneficial to dress conservatively? As is asked in the Qur'an?

It is! As your partner will not be interested in you just because of your physical appearance!

Is it not beneficial to be fidel with your partner?

It is! you and your partner will form trust and loyalty; cheating could lead to a break-up and an unsuccesful life as a result of this.

Is it not beneficial to refrain from things whcih harm your body? eg; drugs & alcohol

It is! (common sense)

Is it not beneficial to not steal/rape/attack/murder??
There are positives and negatives to everything.

Be a good person; and I truly don't mind if you believe in god. Because according to islam' in the final hours of the final day. All those who are "pure of heart" will find islam and go to heaven!
Which essentially means... follow the koran, as I explained above. Furthermore, I contend that you do care that we don't believe in God because you are arguing against us, we do have a somewhat credible argument and that forces your defenses.

F.R.O.G. :wave:


Part 2 of the Epic Saga

Well, it's subjective... can morals truely be outdated?
I'm going to put forward the idea that morals only exist if there are people to follow them, so if no one is following a moral, it is outdated. What's your point tho? Are you saying that all morals are universily in vogue or something? I don't really get it.

I believe in the moral beliefs associated with the Qur'an.
A perfectly moral society would be utopian... people would be so civilised.... (the thoughts alone are tantalising....)
In order for a state of morality to exist, you need immorality. I contend that without 'immoral' aspects of a society you can never have a 'moral' society.

And I challenge the claims that morals existed pre-religion.

Just read up on "human psychological behaviour"; morals could not be made by man... i just don't see why you cant accept that... because of our nature... it would be impossible to do so...
HOW are you challenging it? You're just saying essentially 'no' in a long sentence, and that it's 'against our nature'. I've provided a fossil example, analogies with other types of animals, and what is really a fairly logical argument as to how morals have come into existance - and THIS is your reply?

I know you all argue "well if I abandon religion, Its not like im going to become destructive and have no moral beliefs"
I know that you idiots... and If you bothered to read I said "future generations";
But these moral beliefs, are held by all (well most) people, not because of religion, but because of something else... It's like the desire to have sex or the need to eat - It's wired into our genes... Furthermore, what is 'moral' is decided by the generation at the time. If future generations are what we would consider 'immoral' does not matter, because we are not necessarily right or wrong on the issue, there is no absolutes just what is 'in vogue'. I do however believe there is a basic framework that people will never break away from, at least not in the near future, as it's hardwired into our very existance.

I'm just following trends.. but by 2015' 29% of all people will be atheist... (which is exceedingly high)....
Erm, well I don't know what growth rate you're going off... but I think it's quite unlikely that by 2015 29% of people will declare themselves atheist worldwide. Most surveys talk about 'non-religious', which can mean people that just don't care, and agnostics who are really not sure about their position and may eventually believe in God (as opposed to the agnostics on this forum that are fairly set) it's different to an atheist who rejects the idea of god, except for in the world of the fantastic.

People will question things like morals... and as the general opinion of society shift... so will laws... and when the laws shift... so will the actions of people....
What's wrong with questioning morals?

People; will become more ruthless (because of the disbelief of religious morals which they will claim to be "out of date" or "stupid".)
How does it follow that as you question morals, you become more ruthless? Non-sequitur.

People, will contend that "you only live once, so make the best of it!" which will lead to a surge of apathy... people will turn to virtual reality...
and even... genetic-cosmetic-surgery... like getting a tail.....
Erm... ok dude, alot of hippies, socialists etc are atheists. These people are against 'virtual realities' and 'cosmetic surgery' just as much, if not more than you. It also, again doesn't follow that just because you question morals you're going to decide to 'make the best of it' (however I think alot of people have done that already).... That doesn't really follow to lead to a surge of apathy....

Sam, you have so many Non-sequiturs in these paragraphs that I'm not going to continue - Fix them or they're just wrong.

*after religion is disregarded, man will revert back slowly.. to his immoral ways.
- this will lead to a "filthy" society...
- a society with 'less' sense of 'caring'
- an unmotivated society.. who believe 'you only live once' and therefore live with destructive attidudes...
- a society where the idea of a family with a father and mother living together married.. will be about half as common as it is now... (trends in nuclear and defacto-relationships/single parents & Divorce rates)
NON-SEQUITUR... You have to EXPLAIN how it is that these things follow from one another, otherwise it's just bullshit.

I'm not saying this will destroy the universe... someone at that time will perceive it all as normal... I just want to prevent it from happening... as it will take away from the idealistic human... and 'God' will not accept us... or bless us with divine understanding....
Yea but you really have no reason for believing that this will happen other than a hunch, it's like me saying 'I predict in 5 years time rape will be legal due to islams growing influence', it's a sort of statement that stings with blunt hatred and doesn't really explain anything. You might as well just say 'I hate you'.

Im sure most of you agree to some extent of a celestial being who:
- Created the beginning of the universe
(Yes, this is what happened.)
- Brought the first parts of life to earth....
(Something "brang" life to earth... any other life form would have died in space without the proper "engineered" equipment... eg(spaceships); as nothing can survive the immense radiation in space... )
Nope, no evidence of it.

Even though; I have theories of both which can occur without the celestial interference... I wont explain them at this moment in time... as religion is what I believe to be true.
Yea, you always have these awesome theories you never explain. If they're as good as your theory about how growing atheism will lead to the end of teh world then I can't wait.

This post does not warrant countless flames from imbeciles who only "question"
Yes! those imbeciles who dare to question the brilliant overlord S.A.M.

I'll only answer to posts which are "structured" and attempt to properly challenge/disprove my statement... (this is usually done by davin & sometimes N.T.B)
I know... Me and Davin do such a shit job at challenging your divine logic. One day maybe I will pwn newbz like you, but not today.

Also; why should I consider your "idiotic" statements when you don't consider my intelligen statements?
Err whatever... You should at least respond with intelligent criticisms to our statements, as we attempt to do for you, even if you ultimately think our statements are 'idiotic' you could at least pay us the same respect which we do you.

If you can't even actually stop and consider what I am saying... then I perceive you as an imbecile.... in that case why are you even reading my response? you already have a formed opinion... you're not willing to change it?? so whats the point? are you trying to prove you're right?
Yes, I am attempting to prove you are wrong, and show that I am right. It's a battle of wits, which really does help to develop a better argument style, at least for some people.

The rest of you (excluding generator) have formed opinions... and aren't even willing to change... it seems as though arguing with you is pointless... (that's why I love children... they're willing to accept anything.. as long as it is logical...)
Lol children have yet to even be able to consider things, it really worries me that you would fill them with such nonsense as what you tell us here... Personally, if I was around children often, or had my own kid, I would teach them to question the world around them and let them come to the conclusion of what they want to believe. Give them the tools to decide, not just tell them about my 'uber' logic ... lol
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Oddy Nocki

Mar 3, 2006
sam04u said:
Well, it's subjective... can morals truely be outdated?

I believe in the moral beliefs associated with the Qur'an.
A perfectly moral society would be utopian... people would be so civilised.... (the thoughts alone are tantalising....)

However the moral beliefs of a religion are not all that constitutes it.
And I challenge the claims that morals existed pre-religion.

Just read up on "human psychological behaviour"; morals could not be made by man... i just don't see why you cant accept that... because of our nature... it would be impossible to do so...

I'm not saying "pre-christianity"; because religion existed thousands of years before that....
I know you all argue "well if I abandon religion, Its not like im going to become destructive and have no moral beliefs"

I know that you idiots... and If you bothered to read I said "future generations";
Pre-religion humans would have been quite like animals... (A bit more organised though).

I'm just following trends.. but by 2015' 29% of all people will be atheist... (which is exceedingly high)....

Add another half generation to that... and we can closely assume that by 2025' 42% of all people will be atheist or agnostic....
This isn't bad. Then you pull this:

sam04u said:
People will question things like morals... and as the general opinion of society shift... so will laws... and when the laws shift... so will the actions of people....
This, this is just wrong. The laws won't shift. Murder, Robbery, Rape will always be unacceptable in people eyes.

sam04u said:
People; will become more ruthless (because of the disbelief of religious morals which they will claim to be "out of date" or "stupid".)

People, will contend that "you only live once, so make the best of it!" which will lead to a surge of apathy... people will turn to virtual reality...
and even... genetic-cosmetic-surgery... like getting a tail.....

Eventually it will lead to a downward spiral... this is assuming (miraculously) that a nuclear war doesn't occur.... (which is highly inprobable);
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that is the funniest thing I have ever read.

sam04u said:
We will be reduced to a people... of filth.... (recent surveys have shown a 220% increase in pornographic use in the last 10 years... in males alone... and 300% increase in pornographic use in females...[Which still only make 2/6 of all pornography watches]...)
And also statistics have shown that 40% of all "break-ups" are caused by affairs... it is estimated 1 in every 3 relationships end up in a complete "break-up"
Teenage pregnancy has risen dramatically...
Also children are becoming sexually active... at a younger age...(I've looked at the statistics... I'm not guessing)
Oh Noes...Nice try but again your wrong.

People have been doing this shit for years. Juilet was around 15 or 16, Romeo...27.
Mr De Sade anyone? Fuck most patrons of the arts in 16th century Italy had ponographic paintings (some by our masters)
Blues artists in the 20's and 30's had children in three or more towns. Harems of women are cultural traditions in many cultures.
Most women were having children is their teens they lacked the life expectance to wait any longer.
Whistler and contempories all had drug addictions.
There has always been a drug culture through human history.

sam04u said:
Hopefully there wll be enough good/moral people to deflect these effects.
Well, there has always and always will be a group people ready to tell others what they do in their own house is right or wrong.

sam04u said:
To conlude :

* I love to tell people what to do.
*God is the voice that let's me.
*I am their guardian.
*Without religon life will fall apart...so believe
*I am enlightened therefore trust my judgement.
*I'm a twat.
Spare me, do a bit of reading. You'll discover that the underground has been and will always be there. People don't care what you say, they will do what they want, when they want. Deal.

sam04u said:
If you can't even actually stop and consider what I am saying... then I perceive you as an imbecile.... in that case why are you even reading my response? you already have a formed opinion... you're not willing to change it?? so whats the point? are you trying to prove you're right?
Yeah, that pretty much it.

Personally I like to be challanged it helps me explore my own ideas further. So I have actually considered what you said. Problem is...um...how to say this...Your wrong.

Your moral high point doesn't hold any ground with me. Your stats while correct, fail to take into account that this shit has been around forever and it's always the same percentage of people take take it up. I know plenty of people that would not even subject themselves to what I've seen countless times. They have limits and while they aren't religionous their morality system is. Why? Because morality is no longer a religous basis it is so ingrained into culture that most people (now remember that most people are stupid; I'm consider changing this to unaware of the self to clarify things. But I'm still not sure) will not even question their choices.

Now to me, if an element (morality) has been inducted into society (the laws that most societies hold now are primarily based on religious laws), the originater (organised religion) can claim a victory but in doing so it removes an element for which the entire ethos should adopted.(Basically, it's just one less thing that religon can offer people)

Now, without morality what else can they offer. Community, again people search out people who share the same beliefs as themselves that why we has organised religion. Everyone find something that suits them. Then they try to prove that their way is correct. (Personally I could care less what anyone believe as long as they don't push it on anyone. Just state what you got. People will either take it or leave it) But I (I'm still not clear on this, more research is needed, but this is what I've got so far) think that with the introduction of the internet people now can access anything they want. This means people can explore desire that they felt were odd or left them issolated. i.e. Fetish or whatever. So now everyone has the oppertunity to feel connected (everyone want to be apart of something, feel that what they think is correct) No longer does a person need to conform to a certain view or belief to gain acceptance. So the internet means that people don't need community because they have access at their finger tips.

Religion's trump card is redemption/an after life. Can't argue this one. Because I can't prove it. Frankly I don't care for it.(See my post four pages back for larger explaination.)

sam04u said:
The rest of you (excluding generator) have formed opinions... and aren't even willing to change... it seems as though arguing with you is pointless.
That what you have done the only difference is you're at least able to articlulate how negative-wise you are. I'm willing to be converted but I won't be bullied into it. So I'm walking with satan, at least he's here and willing to let me explore. If you're right you don't need force your views on anyone just present what you've got. If you're right what have got to fear. You're right aren't you?

sam04u said:
that's why I love children... they're willing to accept anything.
See I'm not judging you and you rape children.

EDIT: Look at that shit, I'm a genius.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
We will be reduced to a people... of filth.... (recent surveys have shown a 220% increase in pornographic use in the last 10 years... in males alone... and 300% increase in pornographic use in females...[Which still only make 2/6 of all pornography watches]...)
And also statistics have shown that 40% of all "break-ups" are caused by affairs... it is estimated 1 in every 3 relationships end up in a complete "break-up"
Teenage pregnancy has risen dramatically...
Also children are becoming sexually active... at a younger age...(I've looked at the statistics... I'm not guessing)
last time i saw statistics for teen pregnancy, they were going down a bit, i think..... but i'd have to dig them up. though the obvious point with your claim about children becoming sexually active earlier is that if you look in history, in many eras and cultures, girls were married by the mid-teens. compared to, say, a hundred years ago, i think the age people become sexually active has definitly moved later.
the other issue is... your arguements lose credibility because of the problems with other statements...for example, you claim the enlightened opinion on all this, yet you also use the fraction 2/6 in there.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Sam? How do you know the devil didn't write the koran? You believe in both supernatural entities, so i'd like to know why it is that the koran can't have been written by the devil.


Feb 2, 2005
Not-That-Bright said:
Sam? How do you know the devil didn't write the koran? You believe in both supernatural entities, so i'd like to know why it is that the koran can't have been written by the devil.
i dont think devil has fingers?...


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Not-That-Bright said:
Sam? How do you know the devil didn't write the koran? You believe in both supernatural entities, so i'd like to know why it is that the koran can't have been written by the devil.
because it says it was given to muhummad by an angel from god. duh.


have another question for you... Do you believe in the wind? You can't see it, but you can certainly feel it!
Would you like me to explain to you how the wind works? Because I would be more than happy to.

crazyem said:
like i said a church with a bit of life makes the difference. like any religion there are extremest that turn people away. But should the religion be judged by the fact that some people take it the wrong way. i just can't stand it when people can make comments on a religion that that they don't understand. Old enough to think for yourself does not mean you were old enough to think the truth.
This is the part I always find the funniest. Where you dispute ones disbelief in the church based on their supposed misunderstanding. I also like how you believe that there can be a ‘fun’ church and an ‘extremist’ church, when basically they are teaching the same thing. So dancing around at Hillsong pumped up on red cordial makes your belief in God more worthy than that of an extremist? Did you ever stop and think that the “extremists” in the Christian religion are those who live their lives according to the fundamentals in the Bible, and do not pick and choose which aspects of their religion they will follow.
I was, and am, old enough to think for myself. I am old enough to think the truth. The truth to me is that this is a load of shit, especially when there are alternatives in life which make a hell of a lot more sense.

ur_inner_child said:
that religious types talk to atheists or agnostics like they know jack all. As if they're totally ignorant - not in a spiritual sense, but in knowledge of the religion. They assume we haven't read the bible or have ever gone to church etc.
Ah yes, the token “holier than thou” attitude that sets Christians and everybody else apart. Though they deny it, I am yet to find a devout Christian that does not have a superiority complex.

sam04u said:
-People who believe in a GOD Usually are more humane.. more understanding (of other religions too) more aware... less "scared"... happier... & beneficial to the preservation of society and civilisation.
Yeah, I guess that’s why the Western Civilisation went through a period called the “Dark Ages”, wherein the Church disregarded the need for knowledge and scholars, and went for the totalitarian avenue of rule.

sam04u said:
Did you know that of the Billions of atoms which the body consists of... it would be logical to say that 100 of the atoms that are in the body at any time... could have in the past been in the body of Jesus (I'sa)...
Especially because of my middle eastern descent... I can fairly say... that at this time... 100 atoms in my body... could have been atoms in the body of Jesus... and 100 from the body of Muhammad (PBUH)...
100 atoms of what? Carbon? 100 oxygen atoms? Like seriously, how can you justify such illogical crap?

sam04u said:
Salem witch trials;
"Holy Wars";
It goes on and on....;

But it's better then a society with no morals... right?
Several of those events were perpetuated by religion, and yet you call those without religion “immoral”?. Lolerchortle.

Yeah; It's funny right? The religious people don't understand you because you're 5 centuries ahead of them... and you don't understand me because im 5 centuries ahead of you.....

Sam, the reason we, the western civilization came out of the dark ages was because we disposed of our oppressive Catholic reign some 5 centuries ago and began to think for ourselves. People stepped away from the notion of living through the fear of god, and began to embrace literature other than the bible, science and medicine. The reason why the Middle East is largely third world? Because you people are yet to take that giant leap. Nor has Islam been modernized like Christianity.

Yeah, it's hard though... some of these people are so adamant on their ideas... that they think they can't be wrong.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

sam04u said:
We have no control over the way our brain functions...
The only difference is decisions...
Dear lord, you are such a confused boy. A decision is a brain function.

F.R.O.G said:
It wasn't untill like ancient Roman/Greek times that "Time" (hours of the day) was "invented".
Our dear Roman/Greek friends did not invent the axial tilt and rotation of the Earth, sweet cheeks.

F.R.O.G said:
Because archaeologists have proved its truth and accuracy
Archaeologists have never substantiated the claim that the Bible is accurate. They merely implied that the Bible is an accurate recollection of the ways of thinking during the Biblical era.

F.R.O.G said:
Honestly, the devil is the master deciever, he seeks out to steal, kill and destroy every living creature god created.
So did Christopher Skase. 

F.R.O.G said:
You live a respectable life, honouring those around you and being happy with you life, believing in a God that you won't even know doesn't exist. Once you die THAT'S IT!!! you don't get a second chance... Why not believe and follow Christ, after all he is the ONLY person to have Conquered death and the Devil!
Why, prey tell, is it unbelievable for somebody to have Christian “virtues”, such as loving thy neighbour, etcetera, such and such, and NOT be a practicing Christian?

sam04u said:
Its logical to believe that god/celestial force does..
It is logical to believe in a celestial force, yet it is illogical to believe in Science as a means of determining the origin of life?

Sorry. What?

Once people disregard "God", then law is forced to change; therefore there would be no reason preventing alot of "pre-existing" morals to be "forgotten".

An example of this;
The Family Law Act 1975 = 300% Increase in divorces.
Thats just one example...

Alot of our beliefs are based on morals which wouldn't exist without religion.. and would cease to exist a few generations after religion is disregarded.

Think of how illogical the statement that; "The universe came into existance without the aid of a celestial force is;"
If you can prove that; then you can fairly be an atheist... otherwise you're an "imbecile"; Because you use that as an argument but can't fully explain it?

Atleast, I can explain phenomena with my "theory"/Religion of the creation of the universe... Can you?
Correct me if I am wrong, but the idea of marriage during the predominantly Christian eras had nothing to do with love, but was based on money and improving family stature? And you’re telling me that these are moral values?
Pre 1975, women relied on their husbands for nearly everything. Employment and education opportunities weren’t as prevalent, and if you were in an abusive marriage there was often no support. Thus, the divorce rate was low. AND there was a stigma attached to the divorced woman. Divorcing to improve quality of life is a step away from God? Excuse me, what?

Think how illogical the statement “The universe came into existence with the aid of a celestial force” is.
If you can prove that, then you can prove God exists. Otherwise you’re an imbecile.
Because you use that as an argument, but can’t fully explain it.

Atleast I can explain the phenomenon with the Big Bang theory, and proven scientific laws.
Can you?

You are adamant on your beliefs....
You claim that there is no evidence of a creator? then how do you explain the universe?
Contradiction. You are adamant in your beliefs, yet you claim there is no evidence of the big bang or any other scientifically based idea on the creation of the universe. Then how do you explain the universe? With a celestial being? And where is your proof of this celestial being? .. Oh that’s right, I forgot. “YOU JUST KNOW IT EXISTS”.

(Except Davin, he's smarter then UIC and Generator and Katie put together...)
Oh noes. I told you dribbling your dinner down your front makes you loooook stooped, Generator.

I honestly have to stop for a moment. Take my dogs for a walk, and kick something. Sam, your blatant disregard for anybody elses POV, and the idea that those who disagree with you are “imbeciles” is quite infuriating.
I am not totally sure where you get off thinking that you are holier than thou because of your misguided belief in GOD and yourself, but it really needs to stop.

I don’t see the atheists calling you an imbecile for believing in a celestial being. Maybe that’s because their arguments aren’t “illogical”?

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