Does God exist? (7 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
N/A said:
Originally Posted by
belief, blind belief, whatever. If you believe, you believe. The 'belief' of all 'gods' of all religions is based on 'blind belief', by the very fact that most atheists seem to be able to counter any credible source of belief (e.g. bible, etc) so all religious belief ends up being blind. That's the point of faith.

Er, no. Belief that is not blind is belief with at least a hint of scepticism and an open mind. Anyone who believes totally, without even an iota of doubt, is, of course, a blind believer. Those who believe on what they deem a balance of probabilities are probably the most rational believers, and the least fundamentalist ones. Those 'believers' are essentially agnostics at heart, but too idealistic to admit as much. The vast majority of people, even if they're superficially religious, are probably agnostics.

Then believing in God, with skepticism, makes no sense. That’s not true religious belief. You either believe, or you don’t, because having part belief, and part skepticism is not true faith. A believer of religion of course has to be a blind believer, because most ‘proof’ of their belief can be countered by reason, scientific argument etc…except for whether God exists. That’s where the point of having true, pure faith lies.

‘Those 'believers' are essentially agnostics at heart, but too idealistic to admit as much. The vast majority of people, even if they're superficially religious, are probably agnostics.’

That’s what we call a generalization.

And with the Atheist's wager, does that mean an Atheist believes he will end up being rewarded whichever way? that it's an atheist that's got the win win situation? Because, if it was like that, then what's the point of believing in God? We could all have lived by our own principles of morality without Him having asked us to believe, and He could have just judged us based on our actions then, right? So then, it becomes illogical for a believer to believe.

Pretty much. Irrespective of whatever a supposed God thinks, the moral and just athiest is a better man than the corrupt and evil believer. The vast majority of believers are nothing more than god-fearers - "I'd better show up to Church on Sunday, otherwise I'll burn in hell. But I'll still make time for cheating on my wife and embezzling company funds". Hypocrisy much?

What I’m pointing out is that if the atheist and the believer were on par morally, etc, then what is going to separate the believer from the atheist in God’s eyes?
Maybe the fact that the atheist had the chance to believe, to continue to do good things, but in good faith too, and didn’t?

If the atheist and believer are equal in morality and action etc, then there is no point in believing, because the rewards would have been equal – then why believe?

Because that’s the point of separation – those who believe, from those who don’t – We wouldn’t have been asked to believe, if there was no point to it either way.

The vast majority of believers are nothing more than god-fearers

Another generalization

That whole thing is like saying, hey, i'll go to reconciliation at church every sunday, and so i'm allowed to sin every other time of the week, because my sin's go away every time i ask for forgiveness. -- in a case like that, the actions and processes etc are logical, so then what's wrong with it? The idea behind it is, the way the person's mind is working to think that that's okay. In that same way, an atheist won't be in a win-win situation, if only for the fact that he realized and knew he was taking advantage of such a 'win-win' situation. The same for those who 'believe' in God because it's a win-win situation. Unless such belief ends up becoming true belief, that's also futile too.

Um, actually, it's nothing like that. Try reading through my description of the Wager again.

I did. I was just trying to link it to that point of difference – between a believer and an atheist.

But keeping an open mind and reading everything

I agree, but I see alot of close-mindedness from theists and little from agnostics/atheists. I think it is important to reinterate that being open-minded means you're open to all sorts of differing points of view/possibilities - it does not mean you have to agree with them or even be civil in your disagreement.

close-mindedness from theists and little from agnostics/atheists


And the ‘close-mindedness’ that you see from theists, is called FAITH.

It is a doctrine of the Church that faith does not come to us through reason alone, but by the grace of God.

More than likely it actually comes from the beliefs your parents handed down to you, but eh whatever.

You parents believed in God. That doesn’t mean you have to. THAT’S always a choice.

If a person opposes even the possiblity of God's existence, then any arguments or evidence can be rationalized away.

No atheist I have ever met opposes the POSSIBILITY of God's existance. It is possible that god exists, but if he does he is currently outside of our current realm of knowledge and thus it makes no sense to imagine that he does.

I’m pretty sure the definition of an Atheist is someone who doesn’t believe God exists. Otherwise, he’d be a theist. If you don’t believe He exists, then how can you still believe there’s a possibility of He’s existence?

any amount of belief in God has to come from your own spirit, from within your own heart, because it is the spirit of God that we are trying to find.

There are only two ways to go about comming up with an answer to a question, either through reason... or through bad reasoning.

Or maybe faith?

But if you do not want to believe in God, you never will.

No atheist that I have ever met DOES NOT want to believe in the happy little god story that so many people accept. Alot may however not want to believe in say... the Old testament god.

I think you might be confused tho, you see... atheists don't not believe in God because they don't like the idea - it's because they can't because there's not enough proof for them.

It’s called faith…

There can be no scientific proof, simply because God is not physical or material, He is spiritual and infinite

If there can be no scientific proof than why do I need to even imagine that it exists? There are so many things that could possibly exist if we decide things exist outside of what science can prove, so which exist and which don't? You say 'look to your spirit/heart', I say that's just wishful thinking and it isn't rational.

Do you love you parents? Do you have a partner you love? Well the idea of love is irrational – there’s no scientific proof that love, past being a notion, exists as it does – perhaps the idea of chemical brain processes is alluring to you, but love seems to be beyond the sum of its parts – beyond the physicalities like brain chemicals, love is an abstract notion for which there is no rationality to explain what it is physically, because it’s not physical – so if you’ve ever loved someone, well I guess that’s you believing in something you shouldn’t think exists.
So your counter-arguments for everything is generalisations and faith? Great work.


Oct 28, 2004
Wanna know what I find the funniest part of all?

"it is statistically overwhelming that it is the same faith as your parents and grandparents had. Moving stories and parables, along with stirring music and magnificent houses of worship have had some influence, but by and large, the most important variable in determining your religion is an accident of birth!" from

Would there be anywhere near as many Christians today if they were only people who had grown up non-religious and converted? I doubt it.

This isn't really a 'point', just an observation.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Hm... some interesting points you've made there... real interesting...

Either way, what does someones religion matter? It's like someones political party, you 'assimilate' to their ideals usually and it usually fits you. That's the same effect as religion, I like what my religion 'asserts' including morals and teachings. Some people may not believe In God, and some do. But answer this... WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE? Lol! (I love messing with peoples minds)


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
You aren't messing with anyone's mind with that question because in all likelihood they've already made up their minds about that questions or actively choose NOT to have an opnion about that question. Don't think you're in anyways good enough to rile people up deliberately. It's your unintentional beliefs that agitate others.

Feb 12, 2006
atheists = 'we don't believe coz derz not enuff proof'
believers = 'we believe, even tho derz not enuff proof'

at da end of da day, unless sum1 finds proof for God's existence or proof for He's non existence, i'm still gonna be a believer, n u wankas can still go on bein atheist


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
SashatheMan said:
i have a Question i wanted to ask.

Why Does God Want Us To Worship Him?

ok so you believe that he exists, and that he created us in someway or another. But why would he "test" our faith or make us go to church and prey.

you cant prove that he WANTS us to worship Him, we were created with choice, right. worship is an act of love. let me tell you a story. when a mother gives birth to her child, does she not love the child even though the child does not show love back? But when the child is old enough to give and show love back, the mother takes joy from this, as much as God would when we worship, worship isnt force you do it because you want to. And He tests our faith to change us.. he changes us and displines us because he loves us. sound strange? when a loved does something wrong do we not get angry, ingnore them ect. to teach them a leason? and you say he tests our FAITH, but GOd knows everything right even our faith? LIke stated before he does it out of love, to help us strengthen our faith. and he certainly dosnt MAKE us go to church its a decision for yourself, why wouldn't devout christians go to church. it defeats the pourpose of being one right? christian means= christ followers.. church is not a building its the poeple .. if a church got knocked down would church services end? the people are for fellowship and encouragement.. and PRAYER: what you ask for you will get, state the obvious wouldnt get powers to kill people or to take over the world.. if a child asked its father for food would the father not go and get some.
AND also a question i would like to ask you: have you ever experienced GOD?


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
N/A said:
atheists = 'we don't believe coz derz not enuff proof'
believers = 'we believe, even tho derz not enuff proof'

at da end of da day, unless sum1 finds proof for God's existence or proof for He's non existence, i'm still gonna be a believer, n u wankas can still go on bein atheist

we believe because we have experience HIm, you cant show experience, it can only happen for yourself right. you cant see out of someone elses eyes or feel they way they feel. proof? thats where faith comes in. faith thats when GOd shows up. also anyone heard of the gift of tounges?


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
webby234 said:
Yeah - from a christian website -

This is at a time when the number of people going to church is decreasing, which means that only about 5-10% of those who go to church are converts - the rest go because their parents did.

oh really, and how do you know this? because a peiece of paper told you,.. do you go to church, do you know the people, do you know their faith, do you know them? becuase australia's on fire, numbers are increasing! cough, cough, HILLSONG oh what did i say? thousands of people,. church now uses sydney stadium. but its just one church? do you go to a church and see whats happening, let me tell you, its deffinatley not just happening in australia.


Viva La Merchandise!
Mar 15, 2004
transcendent said:
So your counter-arguments for everything is generalisations and faith? Great work.
Quoted for truth.


Viva La Merchandise!
Mar 15, 2004
2005 said:
Then believing in God, with skepticism, makes no sense. That’s not true religious belief. You either believe, or you don’t, because having part belief, and part skepticism is not true faith. A believer of religion of course has to be a blind believer, because most ‘proof’ of their belief can be countered by reason, scientific argument etc…except for whether God exists. That’s where the point of having true, pure faith lies. said:
atheists = 'we don't believe coz derz not enuff proof'
believers = 'we believe, even tho derz not enuff proof'

at da end of da day, unless sum1 finds proof for God's existence or proof for He's non existence, i'm still gonna be a believer, n u wankas can still go on bein atheist
Do you need me to point out the contradiction here? I'll assume so, as your eloquent English in the second quote leads me to believe.

On the one hand you say belief with scepticism makes no sense. And then you define a believer as someone who believes even though 'derz not enuff proof'. You, sir, are an idiot.


Guest said:
Then believing in God, with skepticism, makes no sense. That’s not true religious belief. You either believe, or you don’t, because having part belief, and part skepticism is not true faith. A believer of religion of course has to be a blind believer, because most ‘proof’ of their belief can be countered by reason, scientific argument etc…except for whether God exists. That’s where the point of having true, pure faith lies.
There are many, many agnostic theists. I am one of them.

Do you love you parents? Do you have a partner you love? Well the idea of love is irrational – there’s no scientific proof that love, past being a notion, exists as it does.
Uhh..what? Love is an observable, almost universally reported phenomena.

Either way, what does someones religion matter? It's like someones political party, you 'assimilate' to their ideals usually and it usually fits you. That's the same effect as religion, I like what my religion 'asserts' including morals and teachings. Some people may not believe In God, and some do. But answer this... WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE? Lol! (I love messing with peoples minds)
ZOMG WHO CREATED GOD LOLZOR??? (I love messing with people's minds)*

Seriously, the prime mover argument is nowhere near conclusive.

* Let's not start that one again.
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Viva La Merchandise!
Mar 15, 2004
2005 said:
What I’m pointing out is that if the atheist and the believer were on par morally, etc, then what is going to separate the believer from the atheist in God’s eyes?
Maybe the fact that the atheist had the chance to believe, to continue to do good things, but in good faith too, and didn’t?

If the atheist and believer are equal in morality and action etc, then there is no point in believing, because the rewards would have been equal – then why believe?
Exactly. Any God that uses the criterion of 'belief' for entry into heaven or paradise or whatever is no God of mine.

Why would God have given us the mental capacity to question his existence if he wanted us all to believe? And don't give me some garbage like 'cuz it's a test to separate da worthy from da unworthy', because by not believing, all agnostics and athiests are doing is simply making use of their 'God-given' curiosity and capacity to question the world around them.


c_james said:
Exactly. Any God that uses the criterion of 'belief' for entry into heaven or paradise or whatever is no God of mine.

Why would God have given us the mental capacity to question his existence if he wanted us all to believe? And don't give me some garbage like 'cuz it's a test to separate da worthy from da unworthy', because by not believing, all agnostics and athiests are doing is simply making use of their 'God-given' curiosity and capacity to question the world around them.

If there is indeed an interventionist, all-powerful God, then he chooses not to reveal himself to us at this time, at least not all of us. Of course, the theist replies that God did reveal himself back in the day, and we have this recorded in theist's book of choice. Thomas Paine, though, rightly points out that as Bible-God chooses not to reveal himself to us in the present, he essentially demands that we believe in him based on hearsay.

I agree with you that no just God would ever have such an arbitrary system of reward, where one was expected to subdue one's God-given sense of reason in order to avoid punishment.


Viva La Merchandise!
Mar 15, 2004
littlewing69 said:
If there is indeed an interventionist, all-powerful God, then he chooses not to reveal himself to us at this time, at least not all of us. Of course, the theist replies that God did reveal himself back in the day, and we have this recorded in theist's book of choice. Thomas Paine, though, rightly points out that as Bible-God chooses not to reveal himself to us in the present, he essentially demands that we believe in him based on hearsay.

I agree with you that no just God would ever have such an arbitrary system of reward, where one was expected to subdue one's God-given sense of reason in order to avoid punishment.
This is a believer I can respect.


proverbs31girl said:
PRAYER: what you ask for you will get, state the obvious wouldnt get powers to kill people or to take over the world.. if a child asked its father for food would the father not go and get some.
How can you possibly believe in something like this that flies in the face of all evidence? God, if he exists, chooses not to answer the vast majority of prayers, even if they are well-meant. Do you honestly believe that any hungry individual who prays to God for food will be fed?


Viva La Merchandise!
Mar 15, 2004
proverbs31girl said:
christian means= christ followers..
Christ = Jew.

Don't be daft, you haven't experienced God either. What, you think because you prayed to pass an exam, and passed it, that God answered some last minute prayer of yours? Short of him possessing your hand and writing your exam response for you, such 'miracles' have nothing to do with God.


c_james said:
Christ = Jew.
Haven't you seen the drawings or the movies?? Jesus had blue eyes and light brown hair and a cool soul patch, and he spoke English with a Midwest American accent.


c_james said:
Don't be daft, you haven't experienced God either. What, you think because you prayed to pass an exam, and passed it, that God answered some last minute prayer of yours? Short of him possessing your hand and writing your exam response for you, such 'miracles' have nothing to do with God.

There is also a sort of placebo affect in prayer, as it calms the believer's nerves and enables them to focus on the task at hand.

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