Our family is made up of every race.
We are young and old,
Rich and poor, men and women, sinners and saints.
Our family has spanned the centuries…and the globe.
With God’s grace, we started hospitals to care for the sick.
We establish orphanages, and help the poor.
We are the largest charitable organization on the planet, bringing relief and comfort to those in need.
We educate more children than any other scholarly or religious institution.
We developed the scientific method and laws of evidence.
We founded the college system.
We defend the dignity of all human life and uphold marriage and family.
Cities were named after our revered saints, who navigated a sacred path before us.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we compiled the Bible
We are transformed by sacred scripture and sacred Tradition, which have consistently guided us for 2,000 years.
We are…… the Catholic Church…
with over one billion in our family
sharing in the sacraments and fullness of Christian faith.
For centuries, we have prayed for you and our world,
every hour of every day, whenever we celebrate the mass.
Jesus, Himself, laid the foundation for our faith
when He said to Peter, the first pope, “You are rock and upon this rock I will build My Church.”
For over 2,000 years, we have had an unbroken line of shepherds
guiding the Catholic Church with love and truth, in a confused and hurting world.
And in this world filled with chaos,
hardship and pain,
it’s comforting to know that some things remain
consistent, true, and strong,
our Catholic faith,
and the eternal love that God has for all creation.
If you’ve been away from the Catholic Church,
we invite you to take another look.
Visit CatholicsComeHome.org today.
Ours is one family united in Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior.
We are Catholic. Welcome home.
I think that I would like to be involved in 'marketing' the Church