Does God exist? (5 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Sorry I prefer not to waste 30-60 mins of my time writing fucking books on a small community forum that only a minute number of people will read :spzz: LOL. Strong rebuttal
It doesn’t take faith to believe in a god; rather, it takes the suspension of cognitive faculties.
This community is pretty shit thanks to people like you, but my point stands.

It takes a retard to come up with a nonsensical point that's hardly responsive to anything, let alone valid in and of itself. Now that's the suspension of cognitive ability.

It took me about ten minutes to type the above 'book'. You're just slow and you need to try to disprove the affirmative. But you can't do that, so you choose to just come up with something nonresponsive, whilst lacking logic at the same time. To have the ability to do that (or arguably the disability) you should be commended and crowned as the new king of boredofstudies.


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
1. Yes but if you had shown an African tribesmen an iPhone and saw how it worked, he is not going to say that this was purely from nature.
When the black ships arrived in 1853, the Japanese perceived them as a supernatural force, demons. As they had not seen steel coal powered ships before.

Uncontacted tribes are likely to perceive sufficiently advanced technology as magic, or divine, for many cultures it would fit much more neatly within their established worldview.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2013
This community is pretty shit thanks to people like you, but my point stands.

It takes a retard to come up with a nonsensical point that's hardly responsive to anything, let alone valid in and of itself. Now that's the suspension of cognitive ability.

It took me about ten minutes to type the above 'book'. You're just slow and you need to try to disprove the affirmative. But you can't do that, so you choose to just come up with something nonresponsive, whilst lacking logic at the same time. To have the ability to do that (or arguably the disability) you should be commended and crowned as the new king of boredofstudies.
LOL, ten minutes. It'll take me <20 seconds to write up this reply which is about as useless as all of your aforementioned posts. Cheers m8. If you wrote like that in the HSC I can see why you would end up getting an ATAR that you're too embarrassed to post anonymously on a small student forum. :spzz:
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Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
When the black ships arrived in 1853, the Japanese perceived them as a supernatural force, demons. As they had not seen steel coal powered ships before.

Uncontacted tribes are likely to perceive sufficiently advanced technology as magic, or divine, for many cultures it would fit much more neatly within their established worldview.
Great point.


New Member
Jan 2, 2014
Let me be very clear on something. I'm not particularly impressed with the Christian church, whether it's Catholic or Orthodox. Thanks to free will and an imbalance of power due to church patriarchy, there's no doubt that shady things happen. This medium which was many years ago an unadulterated manifestation of Christianity has been turned into somewhat a medium for financial gain. It's still a place where one can manifest the bible and the existence of God as one understands it to be, but for many Christians (and atheists who ever think about the concept of church in Christianity), the framework of the church (some churches) being centred on financial gain and other worldly attainments is more of a deterrence from Christianity than anything else. I still go to church. I still like it. But I understand that it's far from perfect and far from what it used to be. And again, without delving into this for the fiftieth time, this goes back to the ongoing decay of Christianity.
And this is precisely one of the reasons why I am not religious — I am exposed to more individuals who account towards this "ongoing decay to Christianity" than those who do not. I used to attend church in my younger years, but realised I was surrounded by individuals who were degrading the very fabric of Christianity. For instance, one believed being religious would be a free ticket to Heaven, regardless of their misdeeds. Now years later, I also witness individuals in religious positions being accused of sexually abusing children.

Personally, trust is integral to maintaining belief and I have long been disillusioned when it comes to Christianity. This is not to say I automatically discount the existence of God or disrespect others who believe in Him, simply that I find it difficult to regain faith in such a concept. In fact, I cannot say I am aware of what is meant to be the essence of Christianity, so I would appreciate it if you were able to enlighten me on this. Perhaps if I could understand the essence of Christianity, I would be better able to have a foundation to build upon, so to say.

When there are so many individuals in the world who seem to misuse Christianity, for lack of a better word, what it is truly meant to encompass becomes easily distorted. I hope I do not make it sound like my belief is wholly dependent on others, but I believe in order for one to have a genuine and fulfilled belief in something, they do ultimately require others to inform them. Otherwise, negative experiences often breed negative perceptions.


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
And this is precisely one of the reasons why I am not religious — I am exposed to more individuals who account towards this "ongoing decay to Christianity" than those who do not. I used to attend church in my younger years, but realised I was surrounded by individuals who were degrading the very fabric of Christianity. For instance, one believed being religious would be a free ticket to Heaven, regardless of their misdeeds. Now years later, I also witness individuals in religious positions being accused of sexually abusing children.

Personally, trust is integral to maintaining belief and I have long been disillusioned when it comes to Christianity. This is not to say I automatically discount the existence of God or disrespect others who believe in Him, simply that I find it difficult to regain faith in such a concept. In fact, I cannot say I am aware of what is meant to be the essence of Christianity, so I would appreciate it if you were able to enlighten me on this. Perhaps if I could understand the essence of Christianity, I would be better able to have a foundation to build upon, so to say.

When there are so many individuals in the world who seem to misuse Christianity, for lack of a better word, what it is truly meant to encompass becomes easily distorted. I hope I do not make it sound like my belief is wholly dependent on others, but I believe in order for one to have a genuine and fulfilled belief in something, they do ultimately require others to inform them. Otherwise, negative experiences often breed negative perceptions.
Here's some enlightening information into Christianity.

Horus was an Ancient Egyptian god. Horus was the son of god, there is some conflict to the idea that he was born of a virgin. He was baptised in a river, he was tempted in the desert, he healed the sick, cured the blind, cast out demons, walked on water. He also raised someone called Lazarus from the dead. He also had 12 disciples and he was crucified and he rose from the dead after 3 days.

Krishna is a hindu god. Krishna was the son of god, he was sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man. He was also called the saviour, his adopted father was a human and a carpenter. At birth he was visited by wise men and shepards guided by a star. He was born without sin and he was regarded as human and divine. He performed many miracles including curing disease including curing a leper. He also cast out demons and raised the dead. He had disciples to spread his teachings. He was described as merciful and criticised for associating with sinners. He had a last supper and he also forgave his enemies. He descended into hell and was resurected. Many people also witnessed Krishna's ascension into heaven.

Mithra was a Roman god. Mithra was a saviour, he was sent to earth to live as a mortal. He also died for our sins so that sinners can have everlasting life. He was also resurrected from the dead. He was also born of a virgin on December 25. He was also born in a manger with lots of shepards and he was reffered to "as the light of the world". He also had 12 disciples and they had a last supper before he died. Romans used to have symbolic meals of his flesh and blood. Pictures of him depicted a halo on his head. The headquarters for his worship were at the Vatican hill in Rome.

All of these gods predate Jesus and Christianity.


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
Psalm 14:1


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
Psalm 14:1
oh, that's a very nice thing to say to me <3. It's nice to see you're following Jesus's universal commandment of "love thy neighbour"


May 1, 2011
When the black ships arrived in 1853, the Japanese perceived them as a supernatural force, demons. As they had not seen steel coal powered ships before.

Uncontacted tribes are likely to perceive sufficiently advanced technology as magic, or divine, for many cultures it would fit much more neatly within their established worldview.
Here's some enlightening information into Christianity.

Horus was an Ancient Egyptian god. Horus was the son of god, there is some conflict to the idea that he was born of a virgin. He was baptised in a river, he was tempted in the desert, he healed the sick, cured the blind, cast out demons, walked on water. He also raised someone called Lazarus from the dead. He also had 12 disciples and he was crucified and he rose from the dead after 3 days.

Krishna is a hindu god. Krishna was the son of god, he was sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man. He was also called the saviour, his adopted father was a human and a carpenter. At birth he was visited by wise men and shepards guided by a star. He was born without sin and he was regarded as human and divine. He performed many miracles including curing disease including curing a leper. He also cast out demons and raised the dead. He had disciples to spread his teachings. He was described as merciful and criticised for associating with sinners. He had a last supper and he also forgave his enemies. He descended into hell and was resurected. Many people also witnessed Krishna's ascension into heaven.

Mithra was a Roman god. Mithra was a saviour, he was sent to earth to live as a mortal. He also died for our sins so that sinners can have everlasting life. He was also resurrected from the dead. He was also born of a virgin on December 25. He was also born in a manger with lots of shepards and he was reffered to "as the light of the world". He also had 12 disciples and they had a last supper before he died. Romans used to have symbolic meals of his flesh and blood. Pictures of him depicted a halo on his head. The headquarters for his worship were at the Vatican hill in Rome.

All of these gods predate Jesus and Christianity.
I don't want to be a dick about peoples' religious beliefs (I'm a fence sitting agnostic since I just wasn't brought up in that environment but don't discount the existence of god) but it's exactly this kind of stuff that gives credence to ancient astronaut theory which I find fascinating and fucking moronic at the same time
Oct 29, 2011
1. Heterosexuals can spread diseases too. (Not only homosexuals). Disease is a irrelevant factor.
2. If Christianity is about understanding , why don't they understand the people who have a same sex marriage.
I can't stand people chucking the bible verse of loving one's neighbour when debating the issue of same-sex marriage. Christians do not hate ON gays, they hate the act of being Gay. To get this very simple concept in your mind, think of it as if your Mum was a smoker. Do you hate your mum because she is a smoker? No. Do you want your mum to have the same rights as others? Of course. Are you against smoking? Yes. Do you want rights in relation to smocking to be loosened? Hell no.


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
I can't stand people chucking the bible verse of loving one's neighbour when debating the issue of same-sex marriage. Christians do not hate ON gays, they hate the act of being Gay. To get this very simple concept in your mind, think of it as if your Mum was a smoker. Do you hate your mum because she is a smoker? No. Do you want your mum to have the same rights as others? Of course. Are you against smoking? Yes. Do you want rights in relation to smocking to be loosened? Hell no.
Smoking and homosexuality are not equal. Homosexuality has no effect at all on external parties unlike smoking. With homosexuality and Christianity my understanding is that Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in the gospels and most of the gay hate stems from Leviticus in the old testament and if you follow all the laws in leviticus you would probably end up in jail. The bible actually condems divorce more than homosexuality as it is mentioned more times but you never hear of christians campaigning against divorce. I believe it's just hating someone else because they are different.


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
I can't stand people chucking the bible verse of loving one's neighbour when debating the issue of same-sex marriage. Christians do not hate ON gays, they hate the act of being Gay. To get this very simple concept in your mind, think of it as if your Mum was a smoker. Do you hate your mum because she is a smoker? No. Do you want your mum to have the same rights as others? Of course. Are you against smoking? Yes. Do you want rights in relation to smocking to be loosened? Hell no.
Why do you hate the act of two adults having consensual sex in the privacy of their own home?


This too shall pass
Nov 6, 2011
When the black ships arrived in 1853, the Japanese perceived them as a supernatural force, demons. As they had not seen steel coal powered ships before.

Uncontacted tribes are likely to perceive sufficiently advanced technology as magic, or divine, for many cultures it would fit much more neatly within their established worldview.
Perhaps a bad example, but the point being that when you look at something as a person living in the western world, something that you haven't seen before, a 'new' technology, we assume it is designed, despite not having access to the design plans.

In any case the point still stands that a cell can be likened to an automated factory, indeed we know that factories nowadays are designed, so how would a cell which contains a sort of factory not be a pointer to design?


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
God of the gaps.

Many things that were thought to be designed in the past, now have clear explanation.

The earth itself is a complex physical system, but models of planetary accretion and geology are sound, it can all emerge without design.

There is never going to be a fossil record of the evolution of the earliest single cell organisms, so there is very little data to go on. Everything we do have fossil records on shows that increasing complexity and specialisation does emerge naturally, without a designer.

To follow your 'factory' metaphor, your dubious hypothesis is that only god could have built a sprocket factory, but this has turned into a bentley continental gt factory without any further intervention from a designer. Does that sound plausible?
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et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Everything here spiraled into being about gays.

Ray Comfort is an ass, one of his proofs that god exists is that a banana fits so well in the human hand like it was made for us. Wonder what he would say about a pineapple.


Active Member
May 4, 2012
Well obviously it was a satirical, replace Coco Pops with something more serious and you have basically every need in the world being compared to religion
Water, cars etc etc
Yes, I knew it was satire, it just didn't really work. But anyway, basic objects required for our survival and productive capabilities don't face the same type of resistance to being criticised that religion does. Therefore it stands to reason that you can't really equate them.

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