I found quite alot of responsbilities of employees and employers in a workplace, but I can't seem to find many of their rights?
Are their rights, just the opposite of their responsibilities.
Employee Responsibilities
Do reasonable instructions asked by an employer
Adhere to proper safety procedures
Responsible care for the health and safety of themselves and other employees
Don't do any silly behaviour that would indanger the lives of yourself or other workmates.
Employer Responsbilities
Provide safe work for all employees
Provide adequate emergency services
Safe equipment and machinery
Safe enter and exit from the workplace.
I found quite alot of responsbilities of employees and employers in a workplace, but I can't seem to find many of their rights?
Are their rights, just the opposite of their responsibilities.
Employee Responsibilities
Do reasonable instructions asked by an employer
Adhere to proper safety procedures
Responsible care for the health and safety of themselves and other employees
Don't do any silly behaviour that would indanger the lives of yourself or other workmates.
Employer Responsbilities
Provide safe work for all employees
Provide adequate emergency services
Safe equipment and machinery
Safe enter and exit from the workplace.