English *Adv or Genral (1 Viewer)


May 10, 2004
Originally posted by JamiL
i am not the best english student... english isnt my 1st language (arabic is). i try in english now but as a child i never did because i started late so it was difficult 4 me...
i am tryn 2 do advanced but im not sure... would i do better in genral or advanced...
i am a public speeker and debater so i can wite speachs no worries... but when righting essays i can get confused and nervous and i forget things...
is it worth doin advanced and the changing if i dont do well in yr 11 and how would genral english effect my UAI
suggestion - do standard.

1. debating is not a big part of the syllabus.. im not even sure if its part of it at all... its more of an extra-curricular activity.

2. speeches are part of the syllabus but their contribution is not that great.

3. adv. english relies strongly on not only your english skills as in speaking and writing but in your analysis of a wide range of texts.

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