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Essay Marking - 1ST ENG JAMES RUSE 99.95 ATAR (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
Hi everyone!

My name is Beryl I graduated this year (2012) First at James Ruse with an Eng Adv Mark of 97, and Eng Ext 1 Mark of 48. Altogether, (3 term assessments and trials) I dropped 3 marks.

English has always been my favourite and most challenging subject and I'd love to help any motivated students
  • Comprehensive, HSC rubric focused, realistic (can be harsh) , constructive advice and marking [thesis, sophistication, synthesis, lexical density, flair! see below)
  • Unique tips (eg. my predictions of what's likely to be the 2013 Belonging Q...there's not much left in the rubric to test! + techniques HSC markers dislike eg. obscure analysis "anaphora" in a long novel)
  • Lateral thinking to adapt essays to difficult Qs / text types (this was popular before 2005, may come back)
  • Advice from a student like yourself :)

Advice for you! (regardless of whether or not I mark your work)
English must count towards your atar, so dedicate yourself and seek improvement now - as 2013 begins, exams get closer together and it's easy to fall behind. These summer holidays are a great time to ...

1) Practise S1 Belonging unseen reading tasks <---- (This should be the easiest section, but it is a shame very capable students seem to score lowest here (eg in the ruse trials) as it needs practise, cannot be memorised and is often neglected)
2) Perfect your T4 Belonging Essay + learn how to adapt
3) Write/Refine Belonging creative(s) + learn how to adapt
4) Shorten & perfect T4 Eng Ext 1 essay (you will only use max 350 words from this in your final HSC essay which will include 4 txts)

How can I help?
Over my senior years, I have greatly benefited (and absorbed) the advice of many of my teachers, HSC markers, and ex-students, as well as helped with / marked essays written by my peers and I'd love to pass this on.

S1 Belonging Unseen reading tasks
- Provide reading tasks for you to do (range of HSC papers / school trials)
- Realistic feedback
- Exemplar answers (or reword your answers with greater sophistication, lexical density)
- Address your weaknesses with specific advice/resources - techniques + belonging notions + time strategy + structure responses + how much to write for number of marks

The KEY to this section is to make things up!! It's good practise to look at anything and draw a belonging notion out of it, For eg. Try look at the top of this page at the white cartoon person next to the boredofstudies logo, what does it say about belonging?-- "The silhouette strips man of personal features to symbolise the dehumanising effect of "studies" on one's personal identity and sense of self" OR "The anonymity of the blank white sillhouete allows the logo to represent the diverse student population as being "boredofstudies" to generate a collective sense of student identity due to high school experiences. <--- this may be a bit exaggerated, but honestly anything can have an effect/technique derived that suits belonging!

Belonging Essay
- Comprehensive essay marking according HSC Rubric
- Ensure thesis is complex + perceptive + adaptable (especially to questions that address parts of the rubric that have not yet been tested and are likely in 2013)
- Detailed textual reference
- Synthesis (very important) prescribed text and at least one other related text
- Sophistication, Lexical density
- Exemplar excerpts (e.g. for As you Like it students from my own essay)
- A little advice on adapting to different text types that was popular before 2005

Belonging Creative
THIS is actually the FUNNEST PART of english adv in my opinion - there's so much you can explore with "belonging"
Despite creatives being very subjective, there are many strategies you can employ to increase the quality of your work and appeal to bored HSC markers
- Comprehensive feedback according to syllabus
- Ensure it tackles belonging notions perceptively + adaptable (as well as areas of rubric that haven't been tested yet, like in 2013)

Eng Ext 1 (Navigating the Global only!) essay
It's hard to get your head around what the module is about - honestly, it comes down to recognising the paradigm shifts (especially economic & philosophical) in the late C20th and setting up the historical context --> exploring adv/disadv of local global --> thesis should ultimately be about balance and how individuals/communities "navigate" this postmodern globe.
- Loved this module! Will mark essays (see to belonging essay above)

Email beryl.smiles@gmail.com
- Please mention the mark you received (if you've already used the essay) / any teachers' feedback so I can address that specifically
- The mark range you are aiming for

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New Member
Dec 22, 2012
Beryl is a classmate of mine and I can honestly say SHE CAN HELP YOU!!
I was struggling with belonging unseen reading tasks right until the last week before our trials until she guided me to write PERFECT RESPONSES (both structure and content-wise). She also helped immensely in the modules by editing my essays TRUTHFULLY AND REALISTICALLY and teaching me the SIMPLEST AND BEST WAYS TO ADAPT TO QUESTIONS. I ended up coming 13th in our grade!

She also helped me greatly in English Extension - I was averaging 21/25 in my essays all year until the trials when she helped me COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THE MODULE and edit my essay, where I ended up getting 25/25 and coming 3rd in the grade!

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