First Crash (1 Viewer)


imrad. yourerad. letshug.
Mar 31, 2005
um i have had two minor crashes :eek::eek: i am the baddd driver

firstly was just the teeeeeeeniest scratch EVER. it was in maccas car park :eek: and i was parking :/ and i cant park lol and i fully went into the other car. the other car ahd like no marks on it but i had a scratch on mine. but i took it to the washing cleaner guys and dad told them to buff it and it disappeared!! so awesome

second one was when i was driving and i was looking out the back of my car cos it was raining and i couldnt get the backscreen wipers to work and it was like local shops so i was like sif it will be different then all the billion times i go through here, but then they stopped suddenly and i turned around and saw and when 'oh noes!' and slammed on the brakes but like i still hit them. and then we pulled over and neither of us had scratches but i was like omgz im so sorry. so i jumped out of the car cos the driver of the other car (green p's) did as well. and he looked all pissed off but then he saw there was no damage and ehs like its cool. but i was frekaing out and going OMG IM SOOOO SORRY and then his mate in the passenger seat got out and im still standing there going OMG IM SOOOO SORRY over and over. and theyre both like its cool. and then i was like. oh ok. and then theyre like. well cya. and im like :/ and got in the car and drove off lol.


Oct 12, 2004
bizadfar said:
Funny guys i went on the M2 today blacktown to Chatswood. This was my first time, and i was stupidly heading into the "E toll only" lane. At 100km/h braked hard into the striped white area. Could feel massive vibrations as if i'm about to lock a wheel or something. Almost slid into the centre divider, released the brake a bit, and snapped around it. THen i get told, they will just send me the bill if i went through!!!!!!
LOL I did the e-toll thing once too... I was driving around the city and getting directions from a drunk, and I ended up at the Harbour Bridge... Luckily I was driving heaps slow and it was 1am in the morning, so when I finally saw the "E-TOLL" sign, I just braked, waited till it was appropriate and reversed into a cash lane.... lol scary but there was like, two cars there only anyway

And the vibrations is just your ABS kicking in so you dont lock a wheel...

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